The Dragon King’s Harem System

Chapter 164. Full Moon Consummate IV

Chapter 164. Full Moon Consummate IV

Dragon King's Harem Chapter 164. Full Moon Consummate IV

Elsewhere, Marissa walked down the corridor. One by one, the guards turned to her upon her presence. A night robe covering her body showed her intent to rest. But where her feet moved showed her real intent and purpose.

The sound of her footsteps mixed with the dragon king's roar echoed throughout the palace. His roar was so scary yet majestic. It was like a call for all the women to join him. The roar made her heart tremble.

Even with that call, her worry was clear on Marissa's face. Yet she had made up her mind.

A lot of thoughts had crossed her head, as well as considerations. From the war, what she had to do, her relationship with Argod, the queen, and her father's request. She had thought of a lot of things. The pros and cons to advantages and disadvantages. And the result was still the same. Like it or not being his wife was the best way out.

By becoming his wife, she was no longer under the Nymph Tribe but the Dragon Tribe. With his status, he could give her protection and the queen wouldn't be able to catch or take her by force. That was the best solution since although her case sounded similar to Almeric and Sela's, hers was worse. Argod had asked Almeric and Sela from their kings directly when she was a fugitive. The queen wanted her alive or dead.

Without anyone, running away was definitely not a good choice and hiding would bring about the same fate as what she had been through in the past few years.

She could have married another tribe, the man she loved, but if his status wasn't high enough, she would only bring misfortune to her beloved one. So what she could do was seek protection from a king and Argod was the best of all.

She also couldn't stay there without a status, like Sela before, or become a servant like Almeric. Since her status was not strong enough to make her stay. So... She could have had no other choice but to surrender herself to the king. But her heart kept wondering, could she love him?

*Ba- thump*

Her heart pounded wildly as soon as she heard another Argod's roar. It made her shudder in excitement. There was something strange about that roar. It sounded like an invitation, especially since she had made up her mind to join his harem.

Once she arrived in front of his chamber, two guards blocked her.
"Halt! My apologies My Lady, His Majesty is busy. Please come back tomorrow," said one of them.

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"I want to join His Majesty. Didn't he tell you before?" she answered. She knew Argod would be leaving for war tomorrow. If they found her whereabouts, the queen would take advantage of his absence to pick her up. So tonight or not at all.

"We understand," he said. They immediately gave way to her.

Once Marissa opened the door, the sound of roars and moans greeted her ears. A lewd scene entered her view. It left her stunned in shock. She couldn't even move from her position.

Her eyes fell on Argod who was fucking Sela on the bed. Their bodies shook violently. Sela looked like prey in a beast's grip. Only from the movement, she realized how rough Argod was, yet Sela's loud moans showed that she liked it.

"Don't you want to come in, My Lady?" asked one of the guards. That dispersed Marissa's thoughts. They didn't dare lift their heads or look into the room.

"Ah, yes," said Marissa. She stepped into the chamber hesitantly.

The door closed. But she couldn't take her eyes off the lewd scene in front of her. By Argod and Sela's side, Jyne lay limply. Despite a satisfied smile on her face, the red marks on her body showed what he had just done to her. Not far from them, Evelina stood, staring at them. She bit her lower lip with her eyes fixed on them. Marissa was even sure that Evelina was not aware of her presence.

Marissa knew she should have walked over to Argod, or maybe stood by Evelina's side to say her intentions, but her legs refused to move.

Sela was calling out Argod's name. While Argod's body movements quickened. Sweat covered his well built body like a thin oil that coated his skin. Simultaneously, the sound of his roar rang out loudly. Even though he was in his humanoid form, what Marissa saw was a real dragon. It was a real dragon who was having sex with his wife.

There wasn't any gentleness in his movements. His cold image was replaced with the hot one. And his cool smirk was replaced by the devilish one.

Sela's loud moan and Argod's grunt signify that they have reached their climax. Marissa thought Argod would be calmer. But she was wrong. Once he pulled his cock, she could see his erection was still standing tall like a strong pillar. And his gaze... His sharp and wild gaze overwhelmed everyone there.

He shifted his eyes at Marissa who was standing near the door. She could see his blue dragon eyes glinted in thirst. His devilish smirk adorned his lips.
"So... you've made your decision..." he whispered.

"Y-Yes, Your Majesty," Marissa answered in a stammering voice.

"Good." He moved away from Sela's frail body, sat on the side of the bed, and held out his hand to her.
"Then what are you waiting for? Come to me... Marissa," he demanded. It was a command but he said it in a sweet voice. It sounded like a seduction.

Marissa gulped hard in nervousness.
"Y-Yes," she answered. Then she approached him. Despite her nervousness and her beating heart, she had made up her mind. So whatever happened she would do it. After all, she was sure, under these circumstances, Argod would not let her go.

She took his hand once she was near him. As their palms met, he pulled her into his arms. It shocked her, but somehow she could hold back her scream.

His face stopped five centimeters in front of her. His evil smirk appeared on his face.
"Now it's your turn, Marissa. Satisfy me..." he demanded.

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