The Dragon King’s Harem System

Chapter 233. The Dragon’s Celebration III

Chapter 233. The Dragon’s Celebration III

Dragon King's Harem Chapter 233. The Dragon's Celebration III

As I gazed upon her expression, I felt a sense of deep contemplation wash over me. I inhaled a slow, steady breath, gathering my thoughts before speaking. "Evelina, allow me to remind you once again of my true nature. I am a dragon, and a dragon is a proud, cruel and fierce, unyielding creature. This is simply how we settle things. Our hearts have never played a role in the wars we have fought."

I could see the shock in her eyes, her disbelief. She had lived within the Draconis Empire for many years, but this was the first time she had participated in a war. I understood her surprise.

"Then, what is your personal reason?" she inquired. Her voice was a deep rumble. Her gaze fixed upon me, unwavering.

"You," I answered, my voice filled with bold conviction. There was no hint of hesitation in my tone, no indication that I was speaking anything but the absolute truth.

Again, I could see the shock in her eyes, the question written plainly upon her face, although she remained silent.

"I allowed it…" I continued, my voice clear and unyielding, "Because you came to me and asked for it. “There was no doubt there nor tenderness that showed that she had control over me.

Evelina's gaze was intense, her eyes filled with an array of emotions as if she were completely oblivious to the celebratory noise that surrounded us. It was as though she was lost in thought, trying to reconcile the person she thought she knew with the one standing before her.

I could see the disbelief etched upon her face, the confusion, and uncertainty that had taken hold. She was having trouble accepting that the person who had agreed to her request was the same one who now had cunning plans for the orcs.

At last, she found her voice, and with a simple, yet powerful word, she asked, "Why?" Her eyes locked onto mine, piercing and unyielding.

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I tilted my head, a hint of curiosity etched upon my features. "You don't believe my personal reason? Or do you think that is too good to be true?”  I asked, my voice low and contemplative.

She didn't shy away from my inquiry, instead, she looked at me with bold determination. "I trust you," she said with conviction. "But does that mean I have your soft spot?"

A smirk appeared on my lips as I heard her words. "Maybe," I answered with a hint of uncertainty. "But let me remind you, I can only grant your request to a certain extent. Don't push me, and don't test my patience," I warned her, my voice filled with a hint of steel.

This was a war, and in war, cruel acts were sometimes necessary to bring it to a swift conclusion. The cost of a long-lasting conflict was simply too high, both in terms of lives and resources. A short, brutal war, with a devastating impact on the enemy, would serve to intimidate them, forcing them to surrender or paving the way for negotiations. This way, neither side would have to endure the horrors of a long, drawn-out battle.

Evelina listened intently; her eyes downcast as she stared at the mug in her hand. "I understand," she said softly.

I took another gulp of my drink and turned my gaze toward Evelina. "Are you disappointed with my answer?" I asked my voice carrying a hint of concern.

She let out a sharp exhale, her expression betraying her inner turmoil. "A bit," she admitted, her voice low and honest. She raised her head and glanced around the crowded hall, the sounds of celebration filling the air. "But I understand, as a king, it was the best decision you could make. I can't complain," she added, a wry smile touching her lips. "You're doing what's best for your tribe."

"I'm glad you understand," I said, my tone filled with respect.

She nodded, her smile growing a little bit more genuine.

But despite the smile on her face, I could tell that she was still feeling a bit downcast. So, to lift her mood, I put down my drink and extended my hand toward her. "Since this is my first victory after my hibernation, would you join me for a dance?" I offered, my voice warm and inviting. This would be her first dance with the Dragon King.

As she gazed down at my outstretched hand, she tilted her head slightly, a look of confusion playing across her features. Her almond-shaped eyes met mine, and she spoke in a soft and melodic tone, "I thought you didn't like dancing?"

I let out a gentle chuckle. "I just didn't have the time or the mood to do it before," I explained, trying to sound as rational as possible. But the truth was, it was because of the curse.

"It's the king's request," she said, her voice filled with a hint of excitement. "I can't say no."

With that, she took my hand, her fingers interlocking with mine in a warm and comforting embrace. I could feel the softness of her skin, so smooth and delicate against my own rough and calloused palm.

We made our way to the center of the hall, surrounded by the others who had gathered for the dance. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter and the shuffling of feet, a symphony of joy that echoed through the hall.

Evelina twirled in place, her laughter ringing out like music as she beckoned me to join her. I stepped forward, caught up in her infectious energy, and together we moved to the rhythm of the music.

The sounds of the dragon tribe's instruments filled the air, a mesmerizing harmony of lutes, flutes, and drums. The beat was fast and lively, urging us to move our feet in time with the music. I could feel the energy of the crowd pulsing around me, a tidal wave of excitement that carried us along with it.

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