The Dragon's Kiss

Chapter 105 - ONE HUNDRED FIVE: Wait For Orders

The fact that Thane said there were pairs of them apparently stationed around Subterra.. was that supposed to be a secret? Is that why Lucy elbowed him?

Something about the way he'd referred to the guards gave Kel an uneasy feeling, however. He didn't just say 'pairs of shadow guards,' he specifically said, 'other pairs of shadow guards.'

Then did that mean..

"You.. and Lucy.." Kel hesitated, "you're also.."

"Shadow guards," the emperor finished for her, rolling his eyes at Thane. "Yes. They both are."

"How could you even doubt us?" Thane ginned, oblivious to the irritation of both his comrades at his announcement. "I'm the leader! And Lucy here, well, she's legendary!"

Lucy snorted and looked away, the tiniest pink tint once again kissing the tops of her cheeks. Thane's gaze followed her, and he immediately began questioning why she was giving him the cold shoulder when he was only trying to compliment her.

"So that's it.." Kel breathed.

Honestly, she wasn't too shocked at the revelation that Lucy was such a dangerous person. Especially not after the way she'd easily fought off those soldiers earlier. Looking back, she should have begun suspecting the maid long before now.

Lucy always seemed to know too much and move more freely than a mere servant. Kel had been so busy hiding her own identity, she never stopped to think that her good-natured maid may be doing the same.

The more surprising fact was that Thane, goofy and childlike, was the leader of such a solemn organization. Was he too wearing a mask?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Kel glanced up to see the knight in question grinning stupidly as he poked Lucy's cheek.

No. Out of the four people here, she could confidently say that he was the most genuine.

"Anway," Lucy huffed, shoving Thane's hand away, "let's keep going."

"We can't," the emperor sighed, placing a hand on his forehead. "It's too late now."

No sooner had he spoken than Kel suddenly sensed a presence in the tunnel coming toward them. Lucy and Thane felt it as well and instantly assumed a defensive stance in front of Kel and the emperor.

It didn't seem like another group of soldiers was coming. Rather, Kel gauged two, at most three, people approaching. Despite the small number, however, the aura surrounding the intruders was deadlier than that of the many armed guards from before.

Kel could only think of one person aside from the Dragon Emperor capable of commanding such an imposing air.

"Well, well. What a mess you've made," Soren's resentful voice echoed through the passageway.

His silhouette, followed by another, came into view accompanied by the loud thudding of his footsteps. As he came closer, Kel could see his jaw tensed and eyes flaring while just behind him, plodded a poised-looking Lila.

"I should have known better than to take my eyes off you, snake," Soren hissed at the emperor, coming to a halt just out of Thane and Lucy's striking range.

"Lila," Kel murmured, watching as the woman stood quietly with her head bowed behind her enraged leader.

The tension between the two groups became suffocating as a couple heartbeats passed in complete silence.

"Look at this," Soren suddenly grumbled, whirling around to face Lila. "Your uncle placed such great trust in this crook, and look what it's brought us now?"

"How brazen to refer to your emperor that way!" Thane spat, brandishing his sword.

"My emperor?" Soren scoffed, eyes narrowing as he turned his gaze back toward the knight. "I would never bow to such a swindler."

"Then I'll make you bow! You thug!" Thane shouted, taking a step forward with his sword aimed at Soren's throat.

"Stop," Lucy growled, holding out an arm to bar her comrade's way.

When Thane glanced irritatedly in her direction, she simply nodded toward the emperor. Even without a word, her message was clear.

Wait for orders.

Thane let out a slow breath of frustration before reluctantly lowering his blade.

"You should train your dogs better," Soren sneered. "I'll let it go, however, since it's about time for you all to leave anyway."

"No," the emperor finally spoke up.

"Ha?" Soren gritted his teeth. "I won't ask twice. Leave."

Kel glanced nervously between the two men. Soren's entire body was trembling ever so slightly, and the muscles in his neck were tensed to the point of bulging.

The emperor, on the other hand, seemed perfectly calm with his typical unreadable expression.

She didn't know much about this supposed promise the emperor had made to leave Subterra in peace or the weight it held, but she had to admit that Soren's demands seemed the tiniest bit sensible.

From her limited knowledge, she had already surmised that the emperor wasn't supposed to be here. And he definitely wasn't supposed to be fighting these people.

However, considering he was a man who had already declared war on the otherwise peaceful continent, was an oath nothing more than trivial words to him? Something that could be tossed away at his whims?

If he had stood by his vow this long, then that promise had to have carried some meaning. So why was the emperor fine with breaking his oath now, of all times?

As Kel studied each man in turn, trying to glean what little information she could from their expressions alone, Soren's eyes suddenly fell upon hers.

"Do you see now, Princess?" he asked, a sore grin tugging at his lips. "You've sided with a man who will throw you away when he's done with you. No matter what he's promised, he may just turn around and kill you."

"N-no," Kel stammered at the unexpected jeer. "That's not right."

A sudden warmth encircled her clenched fist as the emperor's fingers curled around hers.

Soren chuckled as he watched the friendly gesture before aiming his attention back at Kel.

"Didn't he tell you that his soldiers are rounding up all my people right now?" the man taunted. "What did you think? That he wanted to invite them to a ball?"

"No, stop!" Kel shouted.

She knew his soldiers were here. She was well aware that there was only one reason for them to be here.

But still, she refused to believe that the emperor had any malicious intent. He always had a reason for his actions. Always.

Looking for reassurance, she glanced wildly at Thane, Lucy and the emperor, who all seemed to be looking anywhere but at her. Why were none of them saying that it wasn't true?

Why weren't they saying anything at all??

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