The Dragon's Kiss

Chapter 116 - ONE HUNDRED SIXTEEN: Her Choice Pt 1

The final gray light of the sun had faded without Kel noticing, and suddenly she found herself surrounded by flickering candlelight as she sat frozen in front of the emperor.

The orange glow danced across the emperor's lips as they slowly moved toward hers.

A kiss.

It wasn't like the others she'd experienced from this man before. There was no wild passion or gentle sweetness in the movement of their mouths. Instead, it seemed as if a tiny thread was pulled taut between them, likely to snap at any moment.

Giving herself to the pressure of the emperor's body against hers, Kel gradually sank down until her back sank into the mattress.

With one hand, the emperor guided her head softly onto her pillow, his thumb brushing against her ear while his fingers tangled themselves in her hair.

He used his other hand to explore the curves of her body, gingerly stroking from her waist to her hips.

A gasp escaped Kel's lips and she shivered as the emperor moved his attention to her neck.

"W-wai.." she panted, pressing feebly against the man's chest as he sucked her collarbone.

The mood had abruptly changed before she had a chance to tell him the truth about herself. To accept his innocent affection now felt immoral--almost like she was cheating him.

"Mmn." A tiny grunt came from the emperor's mouth as he moved farther down her skin. The feverish trail left by his lips stretched from Kel's jaw to just above her chest.

Knowing the truth, that she wasn't a princess but some orphan from the street, wouldn't change his behavior now, would it?

Kel scrunched her eyes shut, shuddering as his hand climbed back up her waist toward her ribs.

One more night wouldn't hurt, right?

Please Adriell, she pleaded silently, let me borrow your place just for a day longer. Tomorrow I'll tell him everything, so please, just for tonight!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The emperor's hot breath paused over her chest.

"What are you thinking about?"

"A-about you, Your Majesty," Kel replied immediately, nearly choking on another gasp.


".. What?"

"Call my name."

"I couldn't possibly-Eek!"

Kel yelped as the emperor playfully bit the collarbone he'd just finished caressing.

"I'll punish you if you don't," he smirked.

"... C-Calix."


The emperor ducked his head down again to continue his previous activity, but paused before his lips reached Kel's skin. Instead, he moved back toward her face.

"Can you show it to me?" he said in a low, breathy voice right next to Kel's ear.

Kel gulped, feeling her cheeks ignite. What else could he possibly be asking to see, except...

"In this situation.. Isn't asking a little.." Kel trailed off nervously.

The emperor smiled softly. "I want you to come to me of your own free will."

Glancing over their entangled bodies and somewhat disheveled clothes, Kel thought it was a little late to be saying that only now. Did he just barely think of getting her permission?

Well, either way, she knew what her answer was.

With unsteady breaths, she reached up and grasped the top of her sleeve. Slowly, she began tugging it away from her body, exposing the skin underneath.

Before half of her shoulder was revealed, she felt the emperor's hand on top of her own, preventing her from moving her sleeve any farther.

Anxiously, Kel glanced at the man to see his eyebrows knitted together as if he found something unpleasant.

"Uh.. Your Maj-I mean, Calix?" Kel questioned timidly.

Had she done something wrong?

The emperor hesitated before responding. "I di-"


Both Kel and the emperor flinched as the bedroom door flew open.

"Your Majesty, you just turned the city on its head," snapped a clearly unembarrassed Ira. "Surely, this can wait until you at least finish the paperwork."

The emperor's jaw tensed and the hand on Kel's waist turned into a fist.

"You're fired. Leave us."

"Haaaa. Very well," Ira scoffed. "Since I'm fired, it looks like you'll have to do all my paperwork as well."

Kel heard the shuffle of footsteps and creak of the door.

"Ah, there's also a line of council members waiting outside the audience room," Ira added, over his shoulder. "You'll have no trouble taking care of them yourself, right?"

"Fine. I get it," the emperor huffed. "I'll be out in a minute."

After the door slammed again, signaling Ira's departure, the emperor begrudgingly rose to his knees.

"I have to go for a moment," he muttered, running his hand through his hair.

Kel blinked a few times before letting out a shriek and throwing both hands over her face. Of all people, it had to be the grumpy secretary who witnessed her and the emperor in such a compromising state.

Thankfully, Ira didn't seem like the type to gossip, but still! How would she ever live this down!

"Are you embarrassed?"

There was a smirk in the emperor's voice as he placed a soft kiss on Kel's fingertips that were busy covering her blushing face.

"How could I not be embarrassed?" Kel groaned, refusing to lift her hands.

"We'll finish this when I return," the emperor chuckled, sliding off the bed. "There's also something I want to discuss with you later."

"W-what is it?" Kel mumbled, parting her fingers to catch a glimpse of the emperor as he smoothed his wrinkled shirt.

"I have to leave soon," the man replied, "to go inspect the strongholds and major municipalities before I go back to lead my men."

An uneasiness settled over Kel.

"You mean to go back to war?" she asked, bolting up.

The emperor nodded. "After I finish the inspections, yes."

Right. In all her time here, she had nearly forgotten that this man was the Dragon Emperor--the great war leader of the continent. It should be more strange that he was away from the battlefield for this long.

"The thing is.." the emperor continued, leaning over Kel, "I want you to come with me."

"Eh? To war?" Kel started.

"No, just for the inspections," the emperor clarified. "I want you to see my empire."

"And I want my empire to see you with me."

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