The Dragon's Kiss

Chapter 133 - FOURTEEN: Which Woman?


The messenger from Mevani flinched at the emperor's words. He quickly regained his composure, however, and continued rattling off about a personal guarantee that the princess was the only woman with golden hair on the entire continent.

"Fine. That's enough," Calix silenced Dashien. "There's still the most important aspect of this  so-called deal that we've yet to discuss."

"I think we've already covered what's in this for you," Dashien responded bluntly.

"Yes, yes. A bargaining chip as you say," the emperor smirked. "But the most important aspect of this all is not what's in it for me, but what's in it for you?"

Rising from his seat, Calix stepped closer to the Mevanian man until they were within arm's reach of one another.

"In other words, Dashien," he hissed, "who sent you, and what do they hope to gain from this?"

"I've come of my own accord," Dashien replied in a remarkably calm tone considering the threatening man in front of him. "I'm hoping my deal proves extremely valuable to you."

"Ha. Valuable?" Calix snorted. "How valuable are you talking?"

"Well, it's difficult to put a number on the means to take over an entire country, but if I had to…" The man trailed off as he reached into his pocket, producing a small piece of parchment with a number scrawled on it. "I'd say something close to this."

Without a word, the emperor snatched the paper and returned to his seat. The hum of murmuring among the council members filled the room as Calix contemplated the proposal.

Just how stupid did the king of Mevani think he was? That old man really sent a kid with horrible acting skills and a clear ulterior motive to offer him something like the sole royal heir of an entire country. In the first place, was he supposed to believe this guy was capable of bringing the princess to him without a single person in Mevani noticing?

What a joke.

Was it money they were after? Then why not ask for a much greater sum?

It was almost as if the king, or whoever had sent the young Sir Dashien, was trying to place a spy in Serin's palace. Royalty is the only rank high enough to be held hostage in the palace instead of a dungeon, so is that why they wanted to send the princess?

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Or.. perhaps.. her body double?

Calix didn't dare hope.

Could it possibly be that easy?

"Alright, I'll agree to your deal," he grinned. "This should be fun."

Motioning the courier from earlier over, Calix handed him the paper.

"Give this man double the amount written here," he ordered.

"E-excuse me, Sire," Dashien stuttered. "Double?"

"It's like you said. Such a modest amount is hardly worth an entire country," the emperor replied. "That is.. if what you say is true."

"I can assure you it is true, Sire," the man immediately bowed his head.

"It better be," Calix scoffed. "Or I will kill every single person involved with this trick."

His mood significantly improved by the unexpectedly entertaining exchange, he continued smiling as Ira handed him the meeting itinerary once again and ordered someone to take care of Dashien.

"Oh, wait, Your Majesty?" Dashien suddenly turned back toward the emperor, causing his escort to gasp with worry. "There's one more thing I wanted to ask of you."

"Sir, you can't do this," the escort pleaded, tugging on the man's sleeves.

How interesting, Calix thought to himself.

For the first time since entering the hall, the man from Mevani was breaking character.

"Let him speak," Calix commanded.

Now, he could finally get a glimpse of the man's true intentions.

"I'd like to request a place to live here in the capital as well," Dashien bravely suggested. "Since I will become a wanted traitor in my own country after the deal is complete."

Ignoring the protests coming from Ira and several council members, the Dragon Emperor nodded.

"I suppose it only makes sense," he agreed. "I happen to possess a spare lodging in the quiet part of the city that you can use."

"Your personal lodging, Sire?!" Ira seethed quietly behind him. "Why would-"

"I look forward to working with you, Dashien," the emperor continued. "Let us meet later to discuss the details."

With a barely perceptible look of relief, Dashien bowed graciously and exited the hall.

Amidst the uproar that erupted as soon as the doors closed, Calix grinned devilishly in his seat.

That boy, contrary to the design of whoever sent him, couldn't bear to take his eyes off the hostage he was bringing. To go so far as asking the Dragon Emperor for sanctuary in his city, there had to be something between the two of them.

Something he could exploit if he needed to.

The rest of negotiations went smoothly, Dashien never again deviating from his carefully rehearsed script, and the date was decided. Since the emperor would soon be taking some of his men to go meet an army faction that was due to return from the southwestern borders, they agreed on Dashien bringing the princess at that time.

"I still don't understand why you're going so far for one princess," Ira groaned as he brought his horse to a trot alongside Calix's. "Even if, by some miracle, that kid is telling the truth, you could easily take Mevani without a bargaining hostage."

"His Majesty is probably lonely, Ira," Thane argued, pulling up on the other side of Calix. "I wouldn't mind a golden-haired beauty in my life, eith-Ow!"

The knight turned to the emperor with teary eyes as he rubbed the spot near his rump that had just been struck with the emperor's riding crop.

"I thought for sure I was striking a noisy horse," Calix shrugged, spurring his steed into a gallop.

The plan was for his troop to meet at the camp of the soldiers currently carrying his prize and all return to the capital together. He didn't realize how much of a challenge it would be to keep his dignity when boyish excitement coursed through his veins at the thought of meeting his new hostage.

Which woman would he find under the golden hair? The princess, as Dashien had so resolutely promised to him?

Or Keliyah?

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