The Dragon's Kiss

Chapter 89 - EIGHTY NINE: A Little Mixed Up

It made sense, but it couldn't be right.

How could Kel's Uncle Itzae, the old man whose voice still annoyingly guided her inner thoughts, be the same person who created the Dragon Emperor?

"He still has ties to The Yellow Marguerite, however," Lila continued her explanation. "Which must be why Soren got confused."

"Oh, that's right," Kel replied quietly. "He told me the Dragon Emperor is more or less one of these people."

"No," Lila responded firmly. "His parents were both born here, but he is not one of us. A person's belonging isn't just about their genetic lineage."

"Ah, ok."

Kel was getting even more confused. Soren had mentioned that the Dragon Emperor was seen as an outcast among the people of Subterra, but did they go so far as to deny his Subterran blood?

Lila's words about belonging being more than just lineage weren't necessarily wrong, but surely one's heritage can't be cast aside just because of their mindset. Even if the emperor had disagreed with the people here, as any sane person would, how could they refuse to even claim him as one of their own?

"It's Uncle that still ties him here," Lila went on. "He forced Calix to make a pact that he would never reveal what he knew or actively seek to harm these people."

"So the emperor can't bring down The Yellow Marguerite not because he's incapable, but because he promised not to?" Kel questioned.

"Mmm. That's right," Lila nodded.

She paused for a second before insisting again, "but that doesn't mean we aided him in his rebellion, and it doesn't mean we'd aid anyone else with ambitions for the throne."

Someone else with ambitions for the throne like Soren? Kel wondered.

The motives behind man's desperation for her to help him take over the empire were becoming more and more clear.

He couldn't do it without her.

Though he had this entire underground world in the palm of his hand, coupled with political amnesty pledged by the emperor, he was powerless in achieving his goals.

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"Can you tell me more about Soren?" Kel asked hesitantly.

The librarian was reluctant to speak on the matter, and only revealed a small amount of information to Kel. Apparently, though Lila claimed otherwise, political games and the fear of a tyrant had just as much hold in Subterra as they did in Serin.

From what Kel gathered from the woman's short and vague explanation, a revolution had taken place under the surface at the same time the emperor began his revolution. When the dust settled, Calix wasn't the only new ruler being crowned. His half brother, Soren, was receiving the same honor down in Subterra.

They each asserted themselves in different places, but each brother had the same goal in mind: uniting the continent once again. Soren wasn't powerful enough to disrupt Calix's doings on the surface, and Calix was already bound under oath not to interfere with Soren's doings.

Their only hope of beating the other to their goal was finding the person they'd learned about from the time they were young.

Halrad's heir.

"So the emperor.. He didn't believe in the legends either?" Kel questioned as Lila finished speaking.

"From what I know of my Uncle, there's no way Calix doesn't believe in the true heir," the librarian murmured. "He just doesn't believe in us."

"But Soren.. He believes in The Yellow Marguerite," Kel mused. "He believes they're capable of taking over the continent."

"Yes," Lila concurred, "but he doesn't believe in the true heir."

"Doesn't that seem a little mixed up?" Kel shook her head.

It was as if each brother was carefully guarding half of the same token. They both had a piece, but neither had the entire relic.

"But Lila!" Kel stopped the librarian who had stood to gather the tray full of empty dishes. "Why does it seem that you don't really support Soren? Isn't he your leader?"

The woman smiled, picking up the tray. It was the same calculating smile Kel had seen her make once before back in the palace.

"I think we should stop here for the day," she declared.

Despite Kel's protests, Lila briskly gave her a bow and made her way out of the room.

"Ha," Kel sighed, retracting the arm extended futilely after the librarian's disappearing figure.

Over the past couple days, she'd received more information that her brain could hold, from a myriad of perspectives.

Every person she talked to, it seemed, had an entirely different viewpoint about similar issues.

Was the emperor right? The man who refused to accuse Lila of betraying him even when it was clear, by any standards, she had? He who worked in secrecy, never letting Kel in on anything?

If Uncle Itzae truly had been the emperor's mentor, surely he was the most trustworthy of everyone.

But the thought of it brought up an entirely different issue.

Could she even trust the uncle from her memories? Especially now that she knew that she had never really known him at all?

If it wasn't Itzae and the emperor who were on the correct side, was it Soren? Until just now, Kel was convinced his head wasn't screwed on quite right, but with every new tidbit she learned, his actions became more logical.

He wasn't swept up in the beliefs of these bizarre dirt-dwelling people, but he had a very clear idea of what he wanted and how to get it. Unlike the emperor, whose own flesh and blood rejected him, Soren has gained the trust and loyalty of Subterra.

But had he truly gained their trust and loyalty? Lila may be an exception, but she seemed unconvinced in Soren's leadership.

'It doesn't mean we'd aid anyone else with ambitions for the throne.'

Weren't those words directed right at Soren? Or could they have been some kind of warning for Kel not to become involved in the brothers' power struggle.

"The things I thought I knew," Kel whispered, rubbing her forehead, "I guess I didn't know at all."

For a while, she stared at the candlelight dancing off the bland walls surrounding her while the blue birds' chirping filled the humid air. She didn't think she could ever get used to such a life away from the sun.

Before today, she'd wanted so badly to escape Subterra. She wanted to run back to the Dragon Emperor and spend her days listening to Lucy complain about the griminess of the emperor's favored wing of the palace.

But now, she had no idea what she wanted.

Even if she could escape, did she want to go back to the emperor? Thanks to Soren, she now understood his intentions behind keeping her close.

If not the emperor, though, where else could she go? She didn't have a home in Mevani anymore and couldn't exactly blend in anywhere else easily.

During her time in the empire, she'd been focused on not dying, occasionally distracted from her goal by various stints with the emperor, but never forgetting her bleak future.

If she was meant to be used for an entirely different purpose, though, should she stick around and let herself be used?


Whether it be Soren, the emperor or even Lila, she didn't want a part in this political mess. Legends of dragons and blonde-haired heroes of old meant almost nothing to her now, except a tiny clue as to what her own origins might be.

Unlike the two brothers, she had no interest in taking over the continent. As long as she, and the people she cared about, were happy and well-fed, she had nothing else to worry about. The life of a royal didn't suit her. It was too similar to the life of the beautiful caged birds singing sweetly next to her bed.

"Alright then!" she resolved, stretching a fist above her head, "I won't allow anyone to use me! I will live for myself!"

Now that she had all the information and could see the big picture, she'd have an easier time starting a new life for herself. First, she'd have to get out of Subterra and then she'd have to find somewhere, preferably in Pandreia, to settle down.

If things came down to it, perhaps she could sic the emperor and his crazy brother on the real Adriell instead.

"It's only fair," Kel whispered to an imaginary Adriell. "You threw me away first, didn't you?"

And Dash? Well, telling him of his uncle's dual identity would certainly be enough. After all, Dash was painfully loyal to the Mevani crown. Knowing the man who raised him was basically a traitor would definitely ruin him.

"Ah, but you ruined me first, right?" Kel clicked her tongue. "It's only fair that I share this precious secret with you then."

Perfect. It was perfect.

Even the idea of saying those words one day to both Adriell and Dash had already lifted her spirits.

This time, he wouldn't bother with useless intricate plans. She would find the first possible opening and get away from all this craziness. Even if she saw the Dragon Emperor's face now, she wouldn't change her min-


The bedroom door opened and shut itself in the blink of an eye, startling Kel from her thoughts.

The face that had just slipped inside, bent over and panting with a hand on his chest as if he'd just been running for his life, made Kel glad she hadn't finished that thought.

It seemed she was mistaken, after all.

Seeing the Dragon Emperor's face would have a much bigger impact on her mind than she imagined.

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