The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 384: The Origins Of Transcendents

Chapter 384: The Origins Of Transcendents

Many stood transfixed, their expressions a mix of anguish and regret. Not only were elven beauties with shimmering silver locks shedding tears, but even rugged figures like a diamond-white ape seated on a flying sword were murmuring in sorrow.

"It's a pity we don't have enough time; otherwise, we could decipher it, possibly creating an endless mythology artificially," remarked a young man, his black hair and eyes contrasting sharply with the white lab coat he wore, signaling his role as a scientific researcher. His extraordinary strength was formidable, potentially rivaling half the might of Zheng Jueshi.

Beside him stood two lively metallic robots.

"It has arrived, can it take us home? Yet, lingering contact might lead us astray, assimilating us till death," whispered several beings in spacesuits, their ethereal forms indicating their status as hauntings, gazing forlornly into the cosmic expanse with a mix of excitement and fear.

They were staring at the essence of life, the foundation of the extraordinary, the genesis of mythology. It was a sight of boundless grandeur, heart-stoppingly vast, sweeping across the heavens.

All eyes were fixed on this spectacle, a breathtaking and terrifying sight, a trajectory marking the end of myths, the last glow of decay.

Even Fang Yuzhu, the formidable female sage, watched unblinkingly, entranced by the dazzling light. The strongest beings among them felt a surge of combativeness, their auras of supremacy no longer concealed.

Wang Xuan squinted, remaining silent amidst the turmoil within. He had seen this kind of life light before; this wasn't their first encounter.

"It's approaching, everyone. While acting rashly is a gamble, it could also reap boundless rewards," someone spoke, voice quivering with suppressed emotion, their spirit trembling.

Then came a thunderous noise, deafening as if heralding a mountain's collapse or a river bursting its banks, overwhelming and submerging the world beneath in its wake.

Everyone's spirits trembled, witnessing not just a deluge on a singular planet but a cosmic flood sweeping through the vast void of darkness. Among the turmoil, chunks of meteorites churned, mingling with liquid-like super substances, roaring and rushing past this location.

"Are those the meteorite fragments that slashed through the cosmos, fell on life-bearing planets, and spawned mythologies? To think that in this age of decline, there are still substantial, rare pieces left in the world, only to disappear soon," someone lamented, their mood deeply somber as they watched the grand river of light and shadow streak across the starry sky.

Certainly, not all were meteor fragments; most were mysterious factors mixed with various super substances, presenting a kaleidoscope of colors, belonging to different planes of extraordinary energy.

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Besides these super substances, there were also traces of deceased beings, one of which was cold and stiff as stone, seemingly very powerful in life, almost reaching the zenith of their existence, akin to a demon saint.

"Be cautious, everyone. This sea of extraordinary light continues to enact mythology, but it's also assimilating us, especially dangerous for beings who have mastered rules," warned the white ape, seated atop a vast crimson flying sword. The stronger the individual venturing into the light sea, the quicker they might perish, losing themselves.

"It's as if the great way has departed, vanished. We can't help but draw close, yet it assimilates us, drags us along, leading to our collective demise," spoke the man in golden armor, his golden locks shining like the sun.

The young man in a lab coat, resembling a scientific researcher, shook his head, saying, "What great way? Those lost in mythic delusion are merely self-hypnotizing. Everything can be explained scientifically."

He added, "This light sea is like a super magnet, attracting all super substances along its path. We, the strong, are like iron filings; if we throw ourselves into it, naturally, we can't escape and will be assimilated and carried away."

"Why deny others' systems when paths diverge?" interjected the silver-haired youth in a casual jacket, who had previously attempted to flirt with Fang Yuzhu.

"Fair point. If it's self-consistent and holds a complete theory, it can be understood in that way," nodded the young man in the lab coat.

They appeared young, but few here were genuinely youthful. Among them were demon saints and even more formidable beings, each with significant backgrounds.

"Did you see the evergreen tree in the sea, of the caliber of celestial medicine? It seems to be a remnant of a previous mythological civilization, now also being swept away by it!"

People were astonished; the sea of light harbored many treasures, including a semi-intact tree that, despite being hollowed out in parts to form a treasure box, still buzzed with life, bearing branches and leaves. Engraved with mysterious patterns, it was connected to a vanished super civilization, now being carried away with the "sea."

"Impulsive voices rose, deeming the celestial-grade tree priceless, especially with hidden contents possibly inside, potentially the essence of a mythic civilization's legacy.

Finally, someone made a move, hurling a transcendent spear tethered by a psychic thread into the cold cosmic space, leaving a streak of luminescence. The impact was thunderous, stirring waves sky-high. Unquestionably powerful, the spear plunged into the tree stump, stirring a massive wave, attempting to reel it back. Unfortunately, with a snap, the connection broke, the psychic thread shattered, and the individual recoiled with a grunt, almost being assimilated by the superluminal sea, dragged in opposition into its depths.

The auctioneer from the bar warned, "Those who have mastered super rules, best refrain from acting rashly. It's easy to get dragged in, a risk not worth dying for."

The superluminal sea was drifting away, set to fade. This wasn't its first sighting; three months prior, a collective effort had predicted its path and found the corresponding area.

This was their second encounter.

"At that time, an unparalleled master was pulled in, his life forfeited as the rules within his spirit dissipated, providing us with valuable insights..."

Agreement rippled through the crowd, no life was worth risking for mere temptation.

"Relatively, those without refined rules could venture a retrieval from the sea, albeit with significant risk. Judgement and moderation were key."

Surprise rippled through the crowd as they observed the goods within the cosmic sea, including a partially hollowed-out, treasure-box-like tree still bursting with vitality, branches, and leaves. Inscribed with mystical patterns, this relic of a bygone super civilization was being carried away by the "sea."

Eventually, someone couldn't resist the lure of the celestial-grade tree, believed to be an astonishing treasure, possibly harboring the essence of a mythic civilization. Launching a super spear tethered by a psychic thread, they made a bid to haul the massive stump ashore. A tremendous sound echoed as waves surged skyward; the attempt was strong, piercing the tree with the spear. However, the connection snapped abruptly, the psychic link shattered, leaving the aspirant staggered and rebuffed, nearly dragged into the sea of super light in retaliation.

The auctioneer from the bar cautioned against reckless action, especially for those entwined with super rules, prone to being ensnared and perish wastefully. As the sea of light continued its passage, it would eventually fade, marking not its first sighting. This was their second encounter, forewarned by previous calculations, anticipating its transient passage.

"Last time, a supreme being was sucked in, his soul's rules unraveling unto death, providing a dire lesson for us all," he reflected, the memory serving as a grim reminder of the sea's dangers.

Despite the allure, nobody wished to die in vain, resisting the temptation of the sea's riches. It was mentioned that those not entwined with rules might have a slim chance at salvaging treasures from the sea, albeit not without risk.

The area teemed with tension as individuals, mundane or mechanical, found themselves outmatched by the sea's formidable forces, easily torn asunder by its overpowering energy.

"Patience," someone advised, suggesting a wait for the tumult to subside, echoing a previous encounter's wisdom. This was not the time for retrieval; the surging waves promised greater peril than opportunity.

Wang Xuan listened intently, absorbing more about the vast, roaring sea that traversed the void. He had seen something akin on Mount Hanwu outside Su City on New Star, a distant sea's echo, but here it was vivid, distressingly clear.

"This is the decaying truth of mythology, vividly before us, carried by the super light sea, fading, dissipating, until utterly spent," he mused, pondering the cruel reality that super substances were being siphoned silently across the cosmos, draining mythic rules, seeking balance but finding none. Where did it all go? Was there a repository, a "downstream" where the super energies settled?

A majestic dragon speculated on finding this elusive "downstream," hoping against hope for a reservoir of accumulated power. But consensus was bleak; the "downstream" was a myth, the sea's destiny unknown, potentially dissipating into mundane energies or vanishing from the universe entirely.

The young man in a lab coat expressed frustration at the fleeting manifestation of the light sea, lamenting the lack of time for a thorough analysis.

Preparations commenced, most present in soul or avatar form, wary of the space-time bar's notorious risks and the super light sea's deadly allure. Here, even supreme beings tread cautiously, aware of the potential for abrupt, violent ends in this convergence of cosmic marvels and perils.

As the cosmic sea gradually calmed after half a day, Wang Xuan witnessed familiar substances nearing realitycrimson mists, silver glimmersstirring excitement within him. The final echoes of the Transcendent world laid bare the existence of various primeval stones, a revelation that propelled him to delve into the sea for treasures that might bolster his breakthroughs in the real world and ease his path in the ethereal domain.

"The anticipation of discovering substances close to reality here, breaking through to the realm of carefree existence, dispels my fear of Zheng Yuan Tian," he mused with growing excitement. Achieving such a breakthrough in this era could position him alongside figures like Fang Yuzhu, standing shoulder to shoulder in the material world.

"The super light sea is pivotal for my ambition to reign supreme," Wang Xuan contemplated, envisioning a future where he could fend off avatars from Zheng Yuan Tian without fear, possibly turning the hunter into the hunted.

Amidst these thoughts, various entities approached him, their demeanor amicable regardless of their fierce appearances. Even the green-skinned Shen Xie clan's quasi-supreme elder, with his bared fangs attempting a friendly smile, appeared rather menacing as he proposed mutual support within the super light sea.

Then, the elven clan leader, with her radiant silver hair and pointed ears, exuding a natural elegance and purity, introduced herself as a descendant of the moon elves. She engaged warmly with Fang Yuzhu, their earlier auction of the root akin to a true medicine drawing Wang Xuan's attention.

One after another, individuals greeted them, their manners courteous. Fang Yuzhu, too, reached out proactively, her approachability and warm laughter fostering frequent connections with various factions.

In this gathering, Wang Xuan stood amidst a confluence of entities, each with its own stories and quests, united by the impending dive into the super light seaa venture that held promise and peril in equal measure, a journey that could define their existences in the twilight of the super world.

"Immortal," greeted the silver-haired youth as he returned, his handsome face adorned with a smile that suggested a willingness for alliance and joint ventures into the sea to salvage divine treasures. He gestured to his two companions, Ah Da and Ah Er, suggesting they take the young man aside to discuss post-dive cooperation, while he wished to speak privately with the immortal lady on more pressing matters.

To those not paying attention to the nuances, his demeanor might seem benign, even friendly. However, Wang Xuan sensed an underlying arrogance from the powerful youth. Ah Da and Ah Er were clearly not his brothers but subordinates or servants, placed in a lower status.

And now, within the youth's words, Wang Xuan was casually lumped with them, subtly demeaned within the guise of polite smiles, as if Wang Xuan was an inconvenient third wheel, preventing him from getting closer to the fairy lady.

Fang Yuzhu, maintaining her calm demeanor, clarified that Wang Xuan was a dear friend and integral to any collaborative effort. "Brother, what are your thoughts on cooperation?" Wang Xuan asked, grinning brilliantly and moving forward to pat the youth's shoulder. He paused just inches away, opting for a virtual pat instead, acknowledging the youth's formidable strength, reminiscent of Zheng Jue Shi's level.

The youth's smile widened in surprise, finding Wang Xuan's casual address as an equal a counter-maneuver. Now, he couldn't just send Ah Da and Ah Er to talk down to Wang Xuan without diminishing his own status.

After a brief chat, he led the two away, leaving Wang Xuan and Fang Yuzhu to ponder their strategy amid the cosmic spectacle unfolding around them.

"The person might hail from one of the top-tier Forgotten Lands," Fang Yuzhu commented, watching his retreating figure.

"His attire is quite modern; could it really originate from one of the ancient Forgotten Lands?" Wang Xuan was taken aback. According to Xu Fu, there were many Forgotten Lands, but the eight greatest ones were the most renowned.

"Who told you that only retro beings from mythical realms reside in the Forgotten Lands?" Fang Yuzhu glanced at him, a rare gesture that was dazzlingly charming and captivating.

"Right, Ive been too narrow in my definition of ancient cultivators. Like Old Zhang, who dresses more fashionably than anyone. Or like you, Fang Yuzhu, youthful and beautiful, looking even younger than me."

Hearing him call her "Sister Fang," Fang Yuzhu gave him a look but didn't correct him. "He's dangerous. If anything changes, I'll enter the Sea of the Beyond with you."

"No need. If someone truly dares to stab us in the back down there, I believe I can handle it," Wang Xuan shook his head, not wanting her to take any risks.

From a distance, the scientist observed them, showing a hint of curiosity. "Such a unique spirit is suitable for leaving a lineage behind, perhaps even to continue the saga of mythology."

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