The Emperor and the Knightess

Chapter 132: Story 14. Concubines’ Knightess - 132

Story 14. Concubines’ Knightess

Chapter 132

Poliana Winter was dismissed from her position as the head of the royal guards due to recent events. The fact that the royal guards were involved in a group fight among themselves and being sent to the prison could not go unpunished.

Sir Wook, Sir Jainno, and some of the other royal guards also resigned voluntarily. Many believed that these men, as well as Poliana, lost the emperor’s trust and favor.

Around the same time, the law was finally passed to allow women to hold a title, and Poliana Winter officially gained the title of marquess.

Marquess Winter.

No one congratulated her on her new nobility. When she walked around the castle, the other noblemen tried their best to avoid her. She might have been a marquess now, but there was no telling when she might lose her title. People believed that she would eventually lose everything, her title, wealth, and the emperor’s favor, just as fast as she gained them.

Because she was no longer a guard, she did not wear her blue uniform anymore. When she walked around in her regular tunic and pants, the people gasped at her in shock and disgust.

“How dare she wear something like that to the castle?”

“She’s going to lose her title soon, I’m sure of it.”

“This is why a woman should not be allowed to have anything, especially her own title.”

“Hmm, I wonder who will become the next head of the royal guards.”

Marquis Seeze was especially happy about the recent event. A foreign woman as the head of the royal guards? Seeing Poliana in such a high position has been bothering him, and now, she was finally gone. He was one of many who insisted on her removal after the fight occurred. When things went according to his plan, he was extremely pleased. He gifted his close friends who sided with him a few bottles of special ice wines that were produced only in his land.

The men drank and laughed together.

“I think his highness must’ve finally realized what is right and what is wrong.”

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The elders could not stop the emperor from awarding the noble title to that woman, but they were certain she would lose it soon. Marquis Seeze smiled coldly. His grandson, Sir Bentier, only ended up being rewarded with lands. He didn’t receive any titles because he was going to become a marquis anyway.

On the other hand, Marquis Seki became a duke and Duke Luzo became a grand duke.


It was clearly unfair that his grandson did not receive a title, but Marquis Seeze decided to be patient. Soon, the emperor will realize that they weren’t enemies. They were on the same side, and Marquis Seeze felt disappointed that the emperor was still blind to this fact.

But soon… Things were going to change. The best way to make friends was through a marriage alliance. Marquis Seeze smiled like a snake that found its prey.


After being dismissed from her post, Poliana was no longer allowed to live inside the castle. Without a delay, she quickly packed her things and moved into an inn inside the capital city.

She was a soldier who was used to moving around, and this meant she didn’t have much to pack. The gatekeepers watched her leave and shook their heads as if they fully expected this to happen.

From her room, Poliana looked through the window and saw the royal castle.

‘I guess I will never be allowed to work there anymore.’

She had no regrets, but she knew she would miss it. Poliana never imagined that this was how her career as the head of the royal guards would end. She only had it for a very short while, but she loved working in the castle. And now… It was now time to say goodbye.


One day, Lucius the First wore a simple outfit and left the castle. Only a few men who were the closest to the emperor were allowed to follow him, which included Sir Ainno. The people wondered if he was going on a hunting trip.

Everyone was aware of how overworked and tired the emperor was. It made sense that he wanted to take a break and hunting was a great way to relax and have fun. Why else would he leave the castle with so little men?

It wasn’t just the number of men Lucius the First took with him. Their outfits were also very simple. Each man wore a simple and plain outfit, and they only carried the basic necessities. It almost looked like they were going on a picnic.

Lucius the First and his men did not return after 24 hours, but the people in Nanaba did not worry. They didn’t get concerned even though they had no idea where he was, and he hasn’t been spotted by anyone so far.

Acreians were familiar with hunting. They knew that hunting did not take place inside the capital city, or even in the nearby woods. Proper hunting occurred in the deepest parts of the forests.

A good hunting trip also lasted many days. They would spend a short period of time if they were hunting small animals like rabbits, squirrels, and birds but it would a different story of they were going for the larger ones. Hunting deers, bears, and wild boars would cost them a few days and that’s just to track them.

The people of Nanaba remained calm after many days have passed. They were very understanding.

Then one day, they received a carrier pigeon from the emperor. It was a message directly from Lucius the First.

“From this day forward, the capital city of Acreia will be Yapa.”

It was a sneaky and devious act, and the news was not received well by the people of Nanaba. How could their emperor do this to them?

The elders and the noblemen contemplated. Some elders even fainted at the audacity of their emperor. Marquis Seeze, realizing he lost this battle with the emperor, grinned bitterly.

Those who opposed the emperor’s decision protested angrily, but Lucius the First refused to budge. He had been overworking all this time to achieve this plan. The emperor decided that the best way to change the capital was not to ask for permission from the elders and the noblemen but to announce it to them after it was done.


Lucius the First said to them, “The capital of this kingdom is where I reside. I will reside in Yapa, and therefore, it will become the new capital of Acreia.”

Moving the capital was obviously a huge event. Normally, the proper process would’ve been to move everyone slowly to the new capital and then declare it the new capital with the emperor being the last to leave the old capital city.

Instead, Lucius the First did it backward. He moved first and declared Yapa the new capital, giving the protesters and opposers no option other than following him. Some high-ranking civil servants still opposed and sent their resignation. Nanaba had been the heart of Acreia for generations, and they claimed that they could not abandon it. But to their shock, Lucius the First accepted their resignations without a word. He said to them, “There are plenty of people here in Yapa who would love to take your positions.”

Most of the noblemen who moved were young. They knew they had no choice if they wanted to keep their positions in the government and have a chance to become promoted. Many of the older noblemen decided to remain in Nanaba because it was their home. Even though Nanaba was no longer the official capital of Acreia, it was still going to be a very important place, especially for the northern region.

Most senior elders had a decision to make for themselves. Many top lands in the mid and southern continent conquered by the emperor were awarded to those who followed and supported his conquest. Unfortunately for these elders, they did not help the emperor at all when he set out to unite the continent, and therefore, they were not favored by the emperor.

In the end, most of the elders decided to remain in Acreia where they felt most comfortable, which was exactly what Lucius the First wanted. The elders were furious, realizing that they had been duped by their emperor.

Lucius the First only took a few people with him when he moved to Yapa. These people were the ones he trusted the most, and one of them was, of course, Poliana.

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