The Emperor and the Knightess

Chapter 233

Chapter 233

One day, a long time ago, Lucius the First said to Poliana that he would not dance with her. He remembered the day when Poliana pushed him against a wall. Just thinking about that time made his heart go wild. It was such an exhilarating day for him. The emperor would never be able to forget that day.

The emperor did not ask Poliana to dance. He danced with a few different ladies other than his wives, but he never danced with Poliana. Poliana, on the other hand, would’ve been happy with just one dance that night, but her colleagues kept asking her to dance with them. The knights all thought that they would never get to dance with Poliana again since this was the first time they have ever seen her looking feminine. Poliana danced so many times that her feet began to sweat. She had excellent stamina, but even she was tired by the end.

As the night deepened, the second feast began. Tory suddenly stood up and gestured to her maid. Her maid quickly brought a box that contained the bottle of ice wine. The maid carefully handed the bottle to Tory, who took it and announced, “Everyone. I have something to reveal.”

All of the guests were already focused on the bottle of ice wine even before Tory said anything. Ice wine was considered a rare commodity. The ice grape only grew on a small land in Acreia, which belonged to Marquis Seeze, and Marquis Seeze rarely sold his bottles. Ice wine was thought to be the most sought after drink in the kingdom. Tory opened the bottle herself.


A clear sound rang throughout the room.

Tory continued, “Today’s successful feast is all thanks to Lady Stra. I promised her before that if she carried out her plan well, I would gift her this bottle.”

People exclaimed in surprise. Lady Stra was supposed to be Lady Tory’s competition, so for her to offer such a precious gift… Many people thought very highly of Lady Tory.

Of course, there were many men who grumbled in annoyance. They thought Lady Tory too forward. How dare a woman, even if she was the wife of the emperor, make a public announcement like this? And how dare she give such a precious item to Lady Stra? A woman! No woman would ever be able to appreciate this priceless wine!

Stra’s eyes sparkled with anticipation. Tory poured a glass of the ice wine for Stra herself. Its signature clear green color filled the glass beautifully. Everyone seemed mesmerized by the wine’s amazing color and sound. Even watching it being poured made some people feel drunk.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lucius the First licked his lips. Because his father, the former emperor, was not in a good relationship with Marquis Seeze, both the former emperor and Lucius the First have never tasted the ice wine before. And now, it seemed that his wife, Lady Stra, was going to get the opportunity to taste the drink even the emperor himself never had before. Lucius the First swallowed loudly.

‘I’m sure Tory will give me a glass too.’

The emperor wanted to try the wine too. It was the most expensive drink in the kingdom. It was actually something that money could not buy. It was the wine that even the emperor never was allowed to taste!

Stra held up the glass with both of her hands carefully. The scent of the wine was sweet and refreshing. Stra exclaimed, “Oh my!”

Just the smell of it seemed enough to make her feel intoxicated. Stra said excitedly, “It smells very different than any other wine I have ever tasted!”

Everyone in the room was envious of Stra; some even wanted to be her at that moment.

Lady Stra slowly picked up the bottle and filled Tory’s glass as well. She said to Lady Tory, “I can’t drink such a treasured wine all by myself. We need to share. Have a taste, Lady Tory.”

Lucius the First swallowed loudly again. He stared, hoping and expecting that he would be offered a glass, but it seemed that his wives forgot about him. They were busy taking care of each other. They didn’t even turn towards him.

In the end, the emperor gave up on tasting the wine tonight. When Sir Bentier became the next Marquis Seeze, he would get to finally drink this priceless wine.

‘Someday! Someday, I will make sure I get to taste it.’

Lady Tory and Lady Stra cheered and smiled at each other. Many others looked at them proudly. It seemed that the two wives of the emperor were indeed good friends. Stra looked excited and curious about the wine while Tory looked at her with a kind smile. Lady Tory’s smile was that of a perfect lady.

A perfect smile of a perfect lady.

All the guests watched expectantly at the emperor’s wives. They were curious about how the ladies would react when they tasted the wine. Many were also glad to see Marquis Seeze’s gift being used with such kindness.

Tory’s eyes suddenly met Marquis Seeze’s. Without meaning to, she looked away. When she did, Tory faced Poliana, who was sitting next to her. Poliana was also looking at Tory expectantly, hoping that she would get to taste the wine. Poliana looked like a puppy waiting for a treat. Poliana was thinking the same thing as Lucius the First. She thought that if she stared at Tory hard enough, she would be offered a taste.

Stra announced eagerly, “Well, then, I am going to try it now!”

“Stra, wait.”

Tory never lost her kind smile. She touched Stra’s hands and made her let go of her glass. Poliana frowned in confusion as she watched Tory’s body tremble.

Tory murmured, “This isn’t right.”


Tory, with her shaking hands, put Stra’s glass, her own glass, and the bottle of ice wine in front of her. She gave Stra a smile before turning towards the emperor. Lady Tory said clearly, “Your highness! I would like to present this ice wine as a piece of evidence against Marquis Seeze!”

Lucius the First’s eyes shined. People began to murmur in confusion while Tory continued to shake visibly. Stra was about to say something to Tory but Duchess Luzo grabbed her and made her sit down. Stra protested, “B, but Tory…!”

“Shush! Lady Stra, you need to remain quiet. This isn’t the time for you to get involved!”

Stra’s maids also came running and pulled her away from Tory. The only one remaining close to Tory was Poliana, who watched quietly and calmly. Poliana hated surprises. Most of the time, when she faced an unexpected situation, she became angry and hysteric, but tonight, Poliana remained calm. She was surprised at herself, and soon, Poliana realized why she could remain this relaxed. It was because it wasn’t her battle.

This was Tory’s battle.

Tory just declared war. She didn’t bring any weapons. She was all alone and she was here to fight with nothing but herself. Poliana was one of many bystanders at this point. Whether she would get involved or not was completely her choice.

Then suddenly, a burst of laughter was heard.

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