The Emperor Reigns Them All

Chapter 338 The only pathway

Chapter 338 The only pathway

After comprehending the second realm of the Way of Emperor, Li Ye now sank into an abnormal mysterious realm. He didn’t even look at Guan Bin who was beheaded by his sword.

Now his consciousness was located in an extreme peak of an unknown world, at the foot of which was vast expanse of mountains and rivers expanding tens of millions of miles. The towns and cities were plentiful like stars in the sky, and farming fields were weaved in between.

There were many working farmers, hurrying businessmen, and pedestrians in the city. But in some cities, there were bloody battles. The soldiers of two armies were fighting to death, very exciting to behold.

Li Ye had never seen such a magnificent scene before. The Last time he comprehended the first realm of the Way of Emperor, such a scene did not exist. However, although the scene was vast and broad, there was no singularity. If he stood high enough and saw far enough, then the landscape of the Tang Empire should be the same.

After a moment, Li Ye’s consciousness was drawn from the scroll and returned to reality. He was still in the ruins, and Guan Bin, who had been turned into blood, was not far away. The surrounding broken walls, vines and trees were the same as before, but all these things that fell into Li Ye’s vision gave him a different feeling.

Everything was full of vitality, as if even the dust was shining. Everything looked beautiful and gracious, just like old wine, confidantes and new friends.

This feeling was so mysterious, which was the goodwill of the whole world. Li Ye could not help but close his eyes and savor it.

However, Li Ye could not experience this feeling for too long, because the whole ruins suddenly shook.

This was a city that could accommodate tens of thousands of people. The houses were only one or two floors and it was planned like the suburbs with courtyards. The entire city was quite large, shaking violently like an earthquake, and the walls were scattered with gravel.

Fortunately, the shaking did not last long. Li Ye spent less than a moment in open space, waiting for the earthquake to stop. By this time, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

In the middle of the ruins, a white beam of light rose. The beam of light was narrow, only a few feet in diameter. After Li Ye rushed past, he saw a bronze object about the size of a palm suspended in the middle.

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Strangely, when Li Ye rushed to the front of the beam of light, it quietly dissipated. Then the copper block fell in front of Li Ye, and he reached out to catch it.

Li Ye looked down, it was a very common copper block. Aside from feeling cold in his hand, Li Ye had no other feeling. The only certainty was that this was just a piece of debris.

However, since this fragment appeared in a rather gorgeous way, it should not be useless. Everything about this secret place was weird. Logic could not be applied to this place. Li Ye decided to put it away instantly.

After putting away the copper blocks, Li Ye did not linger but began to search the city secretly. No one knew whether there were any other immortals in the ruins.

After a long time, Li Ye came to the place where Guan Bin had been killed again, which was the city wall. After surveying, he was sure that there were no other living people in the city. Standing on the ruins of the city wall, Li Ye looked out of the city with a frown.

The purple-blue grid was even closer, which was less than a few dozen miles away from where he was. Now Li Ye could see clearly that the purple-blue power grid was moving slowly, to be precise, it was shrinking, and sooner or later would come to the land under his feet.

Just by looking at the horrifying lightning flashes, Li Ye would not want to be among them. It was just that the power grid was not moving fast. Li Ye roughly estimated that it should be about the same as ordinary running speed. But he was too far away to make accurate calculations.

“Anyway, I have to try to go somewhere else, I can’t be stuck here all the time.” Li Ye made up his mind and tentatively tried to move out of the city again.

What surprised him was that this time he safely passed through the area where the light shield had blocked him before, and left the city.

Standing on a mound outside the city and looking back at the ruined town, Li Ye’s mind gradually became clear.

The light shield outside the city would not disappear for no reason. Between his two trips out of the city, Li Ye only did two practical things, killing Guan Bin and getting the copper block. The copper block was obtained after killing Guan Bin.

“If I’m correct in my estimation, I was only able to get the copper block by killing the other people in the ruins. At the same time, the light shield formation outside the city disappeared and let people leave freely... but What is the use of copper block?”

Thinking of this, Li Ye looked at the purple-blue power grid on the periphery, and then looked at the dense fog zone in the middle of the mysterious center. Afterwards, he felt more strongly that this mysterious area was obviously related to the mystery of Tao of Heaven, and it was really dangerous.

“Since Guan Bin had also reached this secret place, then other people of the Immortal Court, people of the Land Buddhism, and the cultivators of the demon clan should have also gotten here. I have to find them first.” Li Ye remembered his companions and quickly made up his mind.

Here everyone’s strength was suppressed. The gap between their strengths had shrunk. It didn’t matter if you were of the Spiritual Master Realm or the Ground Immortal Realm, your combat power would not have reached the Qi-refining period.

In other words, if all the Great Cultivators on the battlefield entered the mysterious area that day, then it was likely to be a bloody battle if they met together now. The numbers advantage would become the key to success.

At first, Li Ye was not able to defeat his opponent of the Ground Immortal Realm in this dangerous place. But after comprehending the second realm of Way of Emperor, he had no pressure beating a Ground Immortal Realm master. But if the opponent were of the Sky Immortal Realm, he would be helpless. Moreover, he did not know whether the Sky Immortal Realm had reached the cultivation period of Qi-refining.

In such case, finding a companion and acting together would undoubtedly be more secure.

After leaving the spot, Li Ye climbed to a high place, remembering the location of the nearest ruins, and then rushed past at full speed.

The ruins before him sat among rivers and valleys. The town had been built along the river, the size of which was a lot larger than the one Li Ye was before. But still, it was smaller than that of a state-level town, so it was considered a large town.

Li Ye stopped 500 meters outside the city and climbed a big tree to survey things out. He saw nothing because the trees were too lush. When he got closer to about a hundred feet, he finally saw people in the ruins.

It was a pity, however, that they were not the demon clan cultivators, nor Su Emei and Nangong Diyi, but two shiny bald heads. Li Ye had no bad impressions toward bald heads, but apparently he wasn’t fond of the Land Buddhism monks, he squinted for a moment.

The two Land Buddhism monks, who did not know their original names, were sitting together on the ground with their eyes closed and chanting with great piousness. They were really chanting the scriptures, and the matching wooden fish was tapping rhythmically. It seemed that they reconciled themselves to their situation and it was not like they were in danger at all.

Li Ye looked for a moment and thought, “On earth, the art of Buddhism and the Buddhist religion are two beings. The former is knowledge, which has desirable benefits to the people and society. And it has many merits from ancient to modern times. However, once any existence becomes a sect, it will become a corporate machine that controls people, and knowledge would become a tool. ”

“The Buddhists that don’t do good for the sake but gather money is no different from the gangsters. They are also cultural hooligans who can control people’s thoughts, which is even more terrifying. Indeed, now the monks of Land Buddhism have a certain understanding of their doctrine. Apart from that, this ability to reconcile themselves to their situation with presence of mind in the face of disaster is compelling.”

Thinking of this, Li Ye was a little bit emotional.

In fact, it was not only the Taoist sect and Buddhism, if any organization in the world wanted to survive, it was impossible to be “good” and “helping others” as its purpose. For an organization to survive, it needed an economic foundation. “Being good” did not support an organization, and one that asked for nothing in return was the same.

Any existing denomination, no matter what the doctrine, was essentially only a tool for the sect to survive, a tool for collecting wealth and reputation. Reputation was also ultimately about collecting money. All the awe-inspiring and willing to pay for the doctrine, and the so-called legend, the root cause of which was no different from MLM.

In this sense, any organization was “selfish”. The interests of the organization were above all else. Any “non-selfish” doctrines and remarks were just for others to listen to, convince others, and ultimately gain the wealth of others and feedback the organization itself.

The highest level of an organization’s existence, or the highest level of economic foundation, was to grasp power, become the ruler, and obtain the ownership and distribution of resources.

Li Ye was very clear that in China, as a religion, Buddhism had never fully grasped the secular power and become the ruler. But elsewhere, religion had existed. Such as the West.

The crowning of a king depended on religion. It was a sign of religion that overrode secular kingship, became the actual ruler, and obtained the right to distribute resources and wealth.

In Jiuzhou this divine land, the Taoist sect had never been successful.

He had not won against the imperial power.

As for Buddhism, it had not won against the Taoist sect, and naturally it could not beat the imperial power.

Without the “official” power to rule the world, sectarian organizations could only go to the folks.

To the people, violence could no longer be used, so it could only influence and control people’s minds.

Of course, controlling the folk’s thoughts meant controlling the people, and they would in turn gain control of the court. Coupled with the dispute between wealth and people, this was the contradiction and struggle between the imperial court and the Buddhism.

—The imperial power would not allow its own ruling order and supremacy to be challenged. Once they found danger, they would take measures. This was the fundamental reason for “three martial arts to destroy Buddha.”

On earth, Buddhism, which could not compete with the imperial court, chose to take refuge. They changed their doctrine, emphasizing loyalty, filial piety, loyal to the throne and serving the country, and being good to others—this thought was exactly what the ruler needed to stabilize order.

In addition, Buddhism no longer competed with the imperial court for people and fields, and instead chose to meditate, so that they could survive perpetually.


After Li Ye comprehending the second realm of the Way of Emperor, he unconsciously thought more deeply about the world. The way of the Monarch included all things. There were still too many territories he needed to engage in. That was his way, and it was the only way to improve his strength.

Perhaps, only when Li Ye saw through everything in this world, he could become a qualified ruler—the real emperor of the world.

Shaking his head and setting aside these thoughts, Li Ye continued to pay attention to the matter at hand.

He squatted on the tree for a long time, kept thinking about whether to enter the city, but in the end he did not act rashly. Although it seemed that the two monks were just chanting the Scriptures and seeking peace in their hearts, it seemed that there was an opportunity to take advantage of, but he felt that things were not so simple.

Of course, Li Ye didn’t leave. This was the ruins of the city, and there must be more coppers. Now it seemed that the copper block was the only product of the mystery realm and it would certainly be useful. The way it appeared was enough to prove its extraordinary.

Li Ye wanted to see if there were any copper blocks in the city.

Facing the two monks who chanted the scriptures, Li Ye kept calm, but some people couldn’t.

Those two demon clan cultivators.

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