The Empress's Transmigration into a Magnate's Wife

Chapter 63: A Surname

Chapter 63

Rong Dai clicked her tongue, this man actually talked to his mother-in-law like this? If it had been her talking to her mother-in-law like this, she would surely be accused of being unfilial.

"What nonsense are you talking about? When have I ever said Wen Shi Lan is good? If I thought she was good, how could I have schemed against her like that last time?" Lu Zheng's angry voice immediately came through the phone.

"I'm just worried about the Wen family, after all there is still some past affection there..."

"Past affection? If they still knew about past affection, they should have taught Wen Shi Lan about propriety, righteousness and integrity. I'm already married and have a family. They still allowed Wen Shi Lan to pester me, and now she almost killed my wife. And you tell me about past affection?"

Huo Shao Ting sharply retorted, leaving Lu Zheng speechless.

"No matter how much past affection, haven't I helped the Wen family enough over these years? The Huo family has long owed them nothing. Don't bring up this kind of thing again in the future. They should be glad that Rong Dai is fine this time, otherwise I would have buried the entire Wen family with her."

Lu Zheng was terrified when she heard this. She was indeed angry about Rong Dai's incident this time, but she cared more about her son's feelings.

Her son had been desireless and apathetic for so many years. Now that Rong Dai's existence could make him come alive again, she had nothing more to ask for.

"Since this is the case, I won't say much more about this matter. I have already arranged for caregivers to go over. She is injured now and must have been terribly frightened this time. Take this opportunity to cultivate your feelings, adversity reveals true feelings."

Lu Zheng sighed, children really do grow apart from their mother.

"Mm, don't tell grandma about this for now. I'll explain after it's dealt with."

Huo Shao Ting responded, his expression and tone softening.

"Need you tell me that? There must be someone home here. Ask the doctor how much longer she needs to recuperate there? The medical conditions there can't be as good as Shenjing after all. I've already contacted the best orthopedic doctor and booked a ward. It's still best to come back soon."

Lu Zheng's words were full of concern. Rong Dai's incident had scared her half to death too. Who knew something so outrageous could happen?

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"Let's see for now. Gotta go." Huo Shao Ting said lightly and hung up the phone.

Rong Dai was dumbfounded listening to the side. This mother and son... she sighed lightly in her heart. As a woman, she could hear the concern in mother-in-law's voice for Huo Shao Ting. Mother-in-law was good to her for his sake.

It was just that Huo Shao Ting was perhaps numbed by dealing with things coldly in the business world for so many years, and handled things habitually with that mentality. No wonder Huo Mei Shu and the others felt helpless.

But she couldn't say anything now, let alone criticize Huo Shao Ting. If handled poorly, she would be the one suffering.

"Sister-in-law, I heard that wench surnamed Wen came by. She didn't bother you, did she?"

Huo Mei Shu rushed in carrying breakfast, with fine sweat on her forehead.

Rong Dai sighed lightly looking at her: "She annoyed me to no end, so I gave her a good scolding."

After their chat last night, she found that she really liked little sister-in-law's personality, straightforward and relaxing to get along with.

"Well scolded! She's just shameless! To use sister-in-law's words from last night, she's a rat with skin, lacks decorum and dies without regret. She should hang herself on the southeast branch. To be so vicious!"

Huo Mei Shu chattered on, opening breakfast for them both, and taking out a new phone from her bag to hand to her: "Just came out, new series. This brand has the best reputation among domestic phones. I use it too, just different color than sister-in-law's."

"Thanks." Rong Dai smiled lightly and nodded. Although she really wanted to say she'd pay back the money, it seemed a bit... embarrassing to keep saying that since she was broke at the moment.

Seeing her holding the new phone, a deep look flashed in Huo Shao Ting's eyes. Then he sent several messages to Assistant Zhang.

After breakfast, he went back to the hotel to wash up and deal with company matters.

For safety, he had two bodyguards standing guard outside the ward.

"Sister-in-law, do you know? Your retort to that bitch last night went viral online! Now the police have provided a series of evidence. Prison is inevitable for Wen Shi Lan and Zuo Ran. You can rest assured."

As soon as Huo Shao Ting left, Huo Mei Shu livened up and showed her top trending headlines from this morning on her phone.

Thinking of Zuo Ran, Rong Dai recalled tricking words out of her before. Her eyes turned sharp. She hurriedly turned on her new phone and saw Huo Mei Shu had thoughtfully saved everyone in the Huo family's numbers for her.

"What's wrong, sister-in-law?"

"Before, to stall Zuo Ran and trick her words, because my mother died very suspiciously. Officially it was a car accident but things weren't that simple. Zuo Ran admitted in front of me that she intentionally designed to harm my mother, because my mother wanted to break free of her control. This matter can't be left as is."

"What? She's truly malicious! Wait, let me call Lu Hong right away."

Huo Mei Shu's eyes widened. She immediately called Lu Hong and briefly explained.

After hanging up, Huo Mei Shu looked at Rong Dai and said: "Big brother actually had suspicions about this before. When you were trapped in Zuo Ran's house last time, big brother already had people investigate and look into this."

Rong Dai was surprised, touched and conflicted in her heart.

Huo Shao Ting's care for her was meticulous.

She really feared she wouldn't be able to control herself, but she couldn't give up her principles and bottom line.

The mixed emotions made her very uncomfortable.

After staying in the hospital for three more days, Rong Dai's injuries got the doctor's approval to arrange to go back to Shenjing.

Rong Dai knew she still had a tough battle waiting for her back in Shenjing. The impact on her was huge. Even with official evidence, it still wouldn't plug those wagging tongues.

But she was fearless, having already thought through countermeasures in her mind long ago.

She also planned what else to do during her recuperation. In her past life, although she was a general's daughter, her mother was from a prestigious family and had taught her well.

Her leg couldn't move but her hands still could.

She had promised grandmother a handkerchief embroidery before. Over the past few days she had also asked Huo Mei Shu and looked online.

The new world still valued ancient embroidery greatly. And she was confident in her skills. This would be a way for her to make money.

So she chose fabrics and silk threads and had Huo Mei Shu buy them back. She personally designed the patterns and started embroidery work, making her recuperation less dull.

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