The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension)

Chapter 113 - Taking Over & Sending A Message

A/N: I don't know what happened, but from day before yesterday I wasn't able to open webnovel app. I tried uninstalling and installing bit nothing working. I don't know why that was but it happened. I don't have a laptop or I would have tried to log in... but even in chrome on my phone I wasn't able to log in. Shitty app was getting wacky...

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[POV Reo(Edgar)]

"Wait... let me get this clear, now you want me to take over the magical market?" Nemuri spoke and looked at me incredulously.

"Of course... after we crushed the economy of of Magical Britain a lot of companies and shops have closed and we have also acquired several facilities to clear the debt I want to restart them... use your connection to reach out to muggleborns who are thinking of leaving Magical Britain" I said... Nemuri heard em and thought for a few moments before nodding her head.

"Ok... even if I agree to do that, you know it's going to be too tiring thing for me to do on my own..." Nemuri started to say after she picked up the list of businesses we owned.

I raised my hand to stop her "You don't have to worry about that, love. Momo and I will will sit by your side and help you. You just had to use your connection and contact all the graduates of this year" I said... Nemuri looked at me and pouted and nodded her head.

It has been just one day we came back from Hogwarts. Nemuri wanted to follow Dora and join Auror corps but when she saw all the duties she needed to do... she sulked for a few hours before I decided to make it upto her... of course it was some sexual play.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

So, after after another round of foursome... I asked Momo to make the list of business we owned and the ones we have acquired. Of course this time I helped her but even with the two of us it took us a lot of time.

After the decision was made... Nemuri quickly started to set write letters. She immediately demanded our help because there were a lots of letters needed to be send. No matter how purebloods prounch their status... mubbleborns and half-bloods make more than 80 percent of the student body.

So, Momo, me and Rumi started to help Nemuri with the letters. With the four of us it took us about 10 minutes. We wrote only one letter and dulicated it with magic and only after that we wrote down the recipient's names. Nemuri collected the letters and apparated out to Diagon Alley. To deliver so many letters we needed to use public owl service.


[POV Narrator]

Only three days have passed and several replies have started to come. All the muggleborns and half-bloods are interested no exception as they have graduated and already found out that muggleborns are not welcome in the magical world after they graduate... the situation with the half-bloods wasn't that bad but they were also discriminated as they weren't purebloods.

The difference was only small, to the supremacists who owned the government of Magical Britain half-bloods were slightly above the muggleborns because according to them half-bloods were already tainted with dirty blood. So, half-bloods face the same problem as the muggleborns do.

Days kept passing finally, one week was finally over and everyone replied to Nemuri's letter. There was another direction in the letter that if they any other muggleborns or half-bloods who would like to work in Ravenclaw business then others can also contact us through owl post and they did. A lot of shops which muggleborns as labors and workers were now unemployed because the purebloods had to sell their establishment to settle their debts to Ravenclaws.

Seeing that there were now enough job applicants that they would be able to start working. But if this happens then there is going to be a slight problem... not slight a huge problem. The pureblooods won't be happy... they weren't happy before with the shops or factories that employed muggleborns and half-bloods and avoided visiting those shops if they can avoid it but now... if this goes through then more than 85 percent of business establishments would have muggleborns and half-blood employees.

And purebloods would never accept this... until there is going to be a strong alliance between a few strong families. Well... Reo had already a plan... but before anything related to alliance could happen they needed get employees.


[POV Reo(Edgar)]

We hired gringotts to select appropriate wizrads and witches for appropriate positions. The only condition was that the people they employees should be either muggleborns or half-bloods. I washed our hands from that responsibility and now I was planning to make another chaos. After all Gregory Goyle Snr had been released and honestly I wanted to pay him a visit and make an example of him... after all he tried to kill him. Killing someone in this delicate time would be definitely good for my objective.

I wrote a letter to Sirius and Amelia to get some time so that we could arrange an alliance. After all Blacks were an Most Ancient and Most Noble House, Potters were Ancient and Noble House, Bones were also Ancient and Noble House, we Ravenclaws were also Most Ancient and Most Noble House like Blacks though our power and political standing was several levels above them.

Suddenly the floo flared up and Dora walked out but unfortunately she tripped and face landed on the floor.

"Fuck it!" Dora cursed and got up and cursed. "I swear every floo out there is to get me" Dora said and pouted cutely while walking towards me.

"How are you Dora? How was your exam?" I asked Dora. I was already in my adult form as I had a mission of killing someone. Dora walked up to me and kissed passionately.

"Well... I have been fine as see but every stool and floo are out there to get me" Dora said and pouted again. I have to say... she was way better than any other of her year mates with a wand (Obviously except Nemuri) but when it came to balance... well just say that she is good with balance as much as Nemuri was with modesty or decency.

Like... what the hell?? How can a person trip on a flat floor without any turns or anything. Maybe it is something of a side-effect of her metamorphogous powers.

"Well... you just have to practice harder. So, how was your exam?" I tried to soothe Dora's battered ego and asked about her exam.

"It was good, I am not so sure about the theory but then practical examiner was shitty... he lost his bloody wand before he could he even fire two spells. Who the hell employs such an incompetent fool like that?" Dora said while twirling her wand and ranted about her examiner. Of course they are incompetent because Amelia lacks funds and can't have a competent examiner. Dora finally put her wand in her back pocket.

I got up from my chair and pulled Dora in my arms using my power. Dora yelped because of the sudden force... I pulled out her wand out of her back pocket.

"Dora... don't keep you wand in your back pocket if you don't want to lose your arse... well I don't want to lose it... I love that arse" I said and smacked her ass. Dora slightly blushed and looked abashed.

"Use this" I used my power and opened a nearby cupboard and handed Dora a wand holster. Dora's eyebrows shot up immediately seeing the wand holster.

"How the hell did you get your hands on these?? These are only available if you are an auror and you can't buy them no matter how much money you have" Dora said looking completely pale.

"Well... having Amelia is a nice friend and when I asked a wand holster for my lovely wannabe auror she gave me this... along with several others. You don't have to worry, no one would ask you anything... well most purebloods are stupid so they won't even know what kind of holsters these are" I said and started to open my shirt and opened the trunk where I kept my armor.

"Thanks a lot and if I get caught then I am dragging you down with me... wait... why are you stripping? Not that I mind the show..." Dora fired off several questions, again.

"You are most welcome... well I have to pay a visit to someone you know... after all he tried to kill me last time I visited Wizengamot" I said and used my powers to wear my armor.

"Woah...!! That was cool!! Well... as I not an auror now, I can't do anything I guess" Dora shrugged and tripped on the nearby table.

"Damn... furnitures!! They are going to be death of me!!" Dora said and kicked the table food. I just chuckled seeing the display... well, honestly I was quite amused.

"So... where are the other?" Dora spoke finally calming down now that she wasn't angry on the table.

"They are getting ready for their girls night out. Dixy! Show her the way" I replied, Momo decided to have a night out Rumi, and Nemuri immediately agreed so, Dora was also invited. I called Dixy to show Dora the way where the others were.

"Yes, master Edgary, Dixy will show clumsy Tonksie the way" Dixy said and gestured Dora to follow her.

"Hey! I am not clumsey!" Dora exclaimed in shame as a house elf made a joke on her.

"Says the person who trips on flat floor" I said and recieced a burning glare from Dora.

"Take care, Dora be safe" With that said I apparated out and appeared in front of a two storey house. I casted my signature wards before I tore through the wards. These wards were lethal and were set to cause pain. Anyone who crosses these wards with permission would feel a pain similar to Cruciatus Curse but I wasn't effected by them and walked up to the door and ripped the door apart.

Immediately two unforgiviges went sent in my direction which I swatted away with my Aegis Shield.

"Tch... Tch... Tch... that's not how you welcome someone" I walked inside the house wiggling my finger and saw a family of three scooted in a corner. Before anyone could say or do I stunned the kid and wife and crucioed Goyle Snr who screamed out on top of his lungs.

I reaturned to Castle Ravenclaw after an hour from Diagon Alley after I mounted the head of Gregory Goyle Snr in scream filled centre of the alley. I wanted to send a message and I don't think there would any better way...

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