The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension)

Chapter 211 - Hidden Manipulator & Hellfire Club...


A/N: Today, I have been finally free, even though the storm is still going hard all my assignments and tests are finished so I am once again free to write. ​​

Now, let me answer some of your questions… first, many of you raised a doubt about how Rumi was able to kill Juggernaut with just a kick. Let me explain, in the comics he got the powers of Cyttorak but for whatever reason in the movies he was portrayed as a simple mutant… after all, that is why Kitty was able to defeat him by fooling him to hit the wall inside the room where Leech or Jimmy was being kept.

And I have said this multiple time that I am using all the reference from the movie universe. That is the reason why Rumi was able to kill Juggernaut with just a kick… in the comics he was close to immortal.

Now, another question raised by several of my readers was the matter regarding Sublime, the bacteria who was responsible for humans hating mutants and he was the leader of U-Men, trafficking mutant organs as per arrangement with Dr. Sasaki. Now, at first, I had thought that it would have been much better if I didn't involve Sublime in this fanfic, but now I think it would do my story a lot of good since I will be able to blame Sublime for the hate between humans and mutants.

In the comics Sublime has always been manipulating from the shadows and that will be the case in my fanfic too, but in my fanfic, he will be way more subtler than the comics version and he would have never shown his face in public except his group of U-Men. He will still be the leader of U-Men, but this time none of them have been encountered by the X-Men.

Only a small group of mutants will know about Sublime and U-Men, this group was being led by Emma Frost and group is called Hellfire Club. But after the death of Azazel and Angel (the one in X-Men First Class, not the one with metal wings in X-Men Apocalpse) in the hands of Trask Industries, they have gone into hiding and their main objective is to stop U-Men and Sublime, instead of mutant domination.

Now, the MC has no idea about sublime or the U-Men because they were never there in the movie universe and MC knows that this is the movie Universe. He will get all the information from Emma Frost and only after that MC will go after the U-Men and Sublime. Now, the reason Emma Frost hasn't gone to Elysium is because it just has two days and not all of the mutants are trusting like the others.


Now, I have previously mentioned that I would try to avoid the comic exclusive villains but I think involving them would be a good idea. So, if you are interested to see a villain being involved in my fanfic then please comment their name here along with the reason. I will happily involve them since it is just the beginning of the MCU X XCU arc.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


(A/N: Now, let's start the chapter. In this chapter, I will introduce both Sublime and Emma Frost.)

[Trask Headquarters, Unknown Location]

A man sat quietly inside a dark room contemplating where and when everything thing had gone wrong in his plan. He was this close to success… this close to eradicating the only threat to his existence but ultimately, he had failed. He was enraged, furious but he knew that acting upon those emotions would bore no results to him.

He had lived in this world since the beginning of life on this world and he had learned not to act on volatile emotions, which would only lead to rash decisions that could become his undoing. He always likes to play games… and after humans made their kingdoms he found a certain taste for playing games from the shadows. He had been enjoying his life just like that… playing games with people's minds, manipulating them from the shadows.

But everything changed when a completely new species was born among the humans. The first mutant… En Sabah Nur, at first, he decided to just ignore it as he knew that he was the most supreme being and he could easily take control of the mutant if he becomes a threat. The man's suspicion became clear when he found that this new species of human could not be controlled by him. This scared him and he decided to destroy the En Sabah Nur from the shadows.

He tried to kill En Sabah Nur using humans but none of them worked. En Sabah Nur was a very powerful mutant and no matter what he tried he failed. Then a fact clicked into his mind that a human could never kill En Sabah Nur. Soon, other mutants also started to born and the man decided to take drastic steps. He started to poison people's minds against mutants. He felt threatened because he was no longer on the top of the food chain.

It took millennia to finally get rid of En Sabah Nur and his Force Horsemen, the man decided to use his brainwashed pawns to strike when En Sabah Nur would be at his weakest. This would only happen when he was transferring his conscience into a new body to gain his or her powers. En Sabah Nur has used this method to gain powers throughout the millennia.

The man was finally able to deal with En Sabah Nur successfully while remaining in the shadows but the threat to his existence was far from over. Mutants were being born all around the world. Killing the other mutants wasn't hard like it has been to kill En Sabah Nur, the first mutant.

But the man soon realized something he would never be able to kill off all the mutants, after all, it was just a natural evolution and a time will come when mutants will become the majority of the population so he decided to make up another plan… what if the humans themselves drive mutants to extinction… yes, this outcome will be the best and he will be still in the shadows.

So, with the progression of time, he started to spread rumors about the mutants and how they are a danger to human society but he again noticed that this wasn't an ideal method. So, he decided to make something up to affect all the humans worldwide… this would make humans instinctively hate and fear the mutants. These two emotions were enough to outcast the mutants.

Even though he hated mutants with his whole being, he was fascinated by their powers. He couldn't even withstand the thought of not wielding such powers… so he decided to make humans with mutant powers. The easy way to do this was using the mutant DNA or blood transfusion. He decided to make humans with mutant powers because he never thought that mutants were humans… he could never accept something like that. After all, he could take over humans but that wasn't possible with mutants.

So, he started to abduct both humans and mutants to conduct experiments but the experiments didn't bore him any results. So, he moved onto the next experiment… organ harvesting, he decided to implant mutant organs into humans. Using this method, he finally achieved success. This was how the group U-Men were born. But he still needed to continue hunting mutants so that mutants don't increase in numbers… after all, not everyone can successfully become a U-Man.

In the latest episode of the human mutant drama, he didn't even have to do something. He would have never thought that William Stryker would take such a drastic step to eradicate humans… it was good, the man thought. But all of the progress made by humans was destroyed in a swift move by Leviathan.

He was brought out of his thoughts by a knock on his door. "Enter" the man commanded and a man in a lab coat entered the room.

"So, what's the progress?" the man asked in a serious tone.

"Sir, there isn't much progress from the video. No matter what we have tried we were unable to enhance the video quality to identify the assailants" the man in the lab coat answered meekly. The man just waved off the scientist and send him away.

No matter what others said, he was sure that Camp X-Ray was destroyed by Leviathan. He knew how these things worked… but currently, he had another problem to deal with. He had no idea how Leviathan along with those two women were able to use their powers in the mutant suppression zone. That shouldn't have been possible… mutant suppression zone was personally made by him and it was made to specifically target to X-Genes to render them unresponsive.

He had also received reports that those mutant suppression zones were completely active. That could only mean two things… Leviathan and the two women were able to overpower the mutant suppression zone or they weren't mutants to begin with. The man frowned once again… if they weren't mutants then, they could have been super soldiers, like Captain America. But Captain America didn't have any supernatural powers like these people had.

Whatever it was he needed more information… even if gathering information took time it wouldn't matter to him after all, time was one thing he didn't have any problem to spare…

'This is just a minor setback… John Sublime would never accept defeat' the man now recognized as John Sublime said in his mind.

[Unnamed Warehouse, Nevada]

"So, were you able to get any information?" Emma Frost asked another woman who just entered the room.

"No, nothing is known. As soon as the meta-humans enter those named places they just disappear" the woman replied, the woman's name was Callisto.

"What about electricity?" a man with angel-like wings behind his back asked the question. The man was named Warren Worthington III.

"Electricity?? What's that?" Callisto asked in a mocking tone. "Leviathan wasn't joking… anything electrical in this city is completely fried. Even cars are fried" Callisto finished.

"So, we are just stuck here?" a teenager asked with worry clear in her voice. She was the newest member of this small group. Marie D'Ancanto (A/N: Can anyone recognize her?) has just joined the group a month ago.

"No, but we need to get out of here… if Leviathan can truly provide us a safe haven then he might have a chance to kill Sublime" Emma Frost, the leader of the group said. Marie didn't know much about Sublime but she knew that Sublime was her mortal enemy.

"Yes, so should we head to any of those given location?" Warren asked in an excited tone.

"We should… there is no meaning in wasting more time here" Emma said with a frown and Callisto kicked the CPU of their now fried computer. With that decision taken all of them started to pack their stuff…

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