The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension)

Chapter 293 - Space Ventures...

[POV Nemuri]

I finally arrived outside Nasa's astronaut training center. Even though Doom owned the launching site he didn't have his own staff who had any kind of experience with shuttle launch nor did he have his own training center. ​​

Since I wasn't lacking any power, I decided to strike a deal with the President. The President happily agreed to help my project and arranged a team from Nasa who could manage everything in the Control Room, some of them even had prior experiences with successful shuttle launches.

I also got permission to use Nasa's training center. Going into space without proper training would have been completely stupid… even though the training was completely useless for me. Nothing affected me, no matter what they threw at me.

I was feeling completely fine even though I was being pressed down by 3gs. The underwater exercises were completely useless for me… still, the others really needed it!! Though I feel pity for Ororo though…


After finalizing the agreement with Nasa I finally returned home. Counting me we were six in number… the four from Reed's group, Doom, and me. We could still take one more person along with us… and since I was paying for the whole project, they told me that I could bring someone if I want.

I told them that I will inform them later about the development… because I don't know if someone in our group would like to go to space or not and I am not going to ask someone outside our group.

I arrived in the kitchen and found everyone was already there with food on the table… probably all of them were waiting for me. A smile appeared on my face and I leaned down to kiss Reo.

"Were all of you waiting for me?" I asked him softly.

"Of course… we knew that you were coming so we decided to wait some more" it was Momo who answered me and Reo nodded his head in agreement.

I sat down and started to eat along with the others. While eating I decided to speak up. "You know that in a few months I will be going into space, right?" I asked and everyone nodded their heads.

"Well, there is space for one more person… if anyone…" before I could finish speaking someone decided to interrupt me.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Can I come?" Ororo asked me, she was clearly excited.

"Sure" I said and looked around and everyone shrugged. I found it slightly confusing because I knew that Reo was also planning to go into space and both Momo and Fleur had already been in space.

"Don't look at me… I just don't need to go into space. I need to go to another galaxy" Reo said and continued eating. Well, that must be why Reo isn't interested.

"Ororo, then you need to join the training from the next week" I said looking at Ororo who nodded her head with stars in her eyes.

"Ororo, I thought loved nature?" Jean questioned Ororo looking confused.

"Oh… I do love nature but I always wanted to see the Earth from space… I don't want anything other than that. I have seen pictures but I want to see it with my own eyes" Ororo explained her reason. That explains why she wants to go out there so badly.


I finally stopped remembering about that and a funny thought came into my mind. The people in the Stark Industries didn't know why they were building new kinds of weapons though all of them seemed to have some ideas.

The Colonel obviously knew so I peeked inside his head and found that the Government was desperate to get their hands on some new weapons that they could use to fight against Reo. I almost burst out laughing right there but somehow stopped myself.

They must be really stupid if they think that something like that could defeat Reo. Thinking that I finally exited my car and started to walk towards the facility. I entered the building and showed my ID at the front desk. They allowed me entrance and the steel gate in front of me opened with a buzz.

This might seem like a lot of security but Astronauts are considered heroes so best security for them. I entered the lift and arrived on the training floor. The lift opened with a ding… I walked out of the lift and arrived in the gym. This is where Ororo should be according to her schedule.

I found Ororo while she was doing crunches. Her abs were already showing but she was still far away from anything Rumi had… her abs were most impressive… even more than Reo's.

Ororo noticed me and stopped. "So, you finally remembered that I was stuck here?" Ororo asked me in mock outrage.

"Oh… I could never do something like that you know… I was rather busy" I said with a smirk and casted a silencing charm around us.

"Busy reading smut?" Ororo retorted while looking amused.

"Oh… I would let you know that smut is very important" I chastised her.

"Yeah sure, but you still didn't know that orgasms in porn were faked" Ororo pointed out and I growled in irritation. Looks like I am never going to hear the last of it… since that night everyone has continuously ribbed me using this argument.

"Fine, you win" I huffed in irritation.

"Ah… don't be like that. So, how was your day?" Ororo asked me and got up from the mat and started to wipe off her sweat.

"I was at Stark Industries, they are making some new weapons so that they could fight Reo" I said in a dismissive tone but Ororo was immediately interested.

"Is that so? How much progress have they made with that weapon of theirs?" Ororo asked in a serious tone. Any signs of amusement were gone from her tone.

"Oh… Ororo you don't need to be so worried…" I said but Ororo cut me off.

"How can you be so dismissive? Reo could get hurt" Ororo protested and I looked at her weirdly. Well, it is kind of understandable that she is worried about Reo.

"That's cute… but you don't need to worry that much. If I would have thought that the weapon poses a threat to Reo then I would have killed everyone right then and there" I said in a gentle tone.

"I might seem uncaring or dismissive most of the time except for things like money and gold but believe me Reo is most important for me… I will do anything for him… and if that means slaughtering innocents or killing babies… I will do it without batting an eye!!" I said seriously. My voice was filled with unwavering conviction.

Ororo didn't say anything and simply nodded her head after she gulped down in fear. I decided to change the topic to something more pleasurable. "So, do you have any plans after your schedule ends?" I asked Ororo.

"Um… no, I thought about going back to Elysium?" Ororo asked me uncertainly.

"Well, Dora called me and said that she was free tonight. So why don't the two of us go to her apartment and call the other girls for a girls' night out" I asked Ororo who looked thoughtful for a few moments, then she finally nodded her head in agreement.

I pulled out my phone and started to text the girls…

(A/N: For those who think that the girls are going to do anything kinky behind Reo's back, they are wrong. The girls want to enjoy girly things like shopping and stuff and men are never invited on such occasions.

No offense to any girls, if you are reading this)

[POV Reo]

"And that's done" The Ancient One said finally finishing the enchantment of the last piece with unbreakable charms. Momo had given her some engine parts to enchant with unbreakable charms.

Momo only gave her a few because enchanting something with unbreakable charms needed huge amounts of magic. The Ancient One had told us within these months how her magic worked… even though she drew power from other dimensions… we were talking about a lot of power here.

"I still got two pieces left" I said enchanting a piece of metal with unbreakable charm. Momo also handed me several parts to enchant.

"No talking Reo" Momo scolded me from the other side of the room. I grunted and continued working. The Ancient One got up and pulled out a packet of chips from her bag and started to munch them.

After some time Momo came down from the ship and started to check the parts The Ancient One had enchanted. Momo looked at them and nodded in satisfaction and took those parts with her. Momo was almost done with the spaceship… we only needed to assemble the engine parts that we were enchanting.

Even with my absurd levels of raw magical power, it took me about an hour to enchant the last two pieces. "Ah… finally done!!" I exclaimed in utter joy. I was really happy because in a few more hours the ship would be completely ready.

"Good! Hand me the pieces!" Momo exclaimed from the top of the ship.

I used my powers to send the pieces to her… suddenly her phone buzzed which was on the nearby table. I picked up the phone and checked the notification. "Nemuri is asking you to meet at Dora's apartment. They are planning to have a girls' night out" I read out the message.

"Tell her that I will be there in an hour" Momo replied. I unlocked her phone replied to Nemuri's text. I didn't mind that they didn't invite me… it's pretty normal and it has been some time since the girls went out on their own.

It took Momo about 5 minutes to completely finish the ship. With a huge smile on her face, Momo came down from the ship. "Well, let's see if it works or not" Momo said in an excited tone and walked towards her computer.

"Yes, I am also excited to see how this thing works" The Ancient One said and came towards us with a chips packet in her hand.

Momo finally activated the power of the ship and the engine started to glow blue and the ship started to float. The ship looked beautiful…

(Image Here)

"Let's test it out" I said in an excited tone and was about to ask Momo to give me instructions but she stopped me.

"No… I will test with remote control" Momo said in a no-nonsense tone and the roof opened up and the ship slowly flew out of the house and disappeared leaving two blue lines behind it.

"Thrusters working completely fine… optimal speed achieved" Momo murmured on her own. A display appeared in front of us displaying from the ship's cockpit. The ship was already in space.

"How did you make it that fast?" I asked Momo in complete awe.

"I used the same principle we use in Apparition. Think of the ship as a body and since the ship is coated with Vibranium I don't need to worry about the stress… the ship could handle anything" Momo said and paused so that we could digest the information she gave us.

"So, in Apparation we have to think about the destination before we start the journey but here I have changed some mechanisms of the spells… you can actively direct the ship even when it is coursing through space at such high speed" Momo said and puffed out her chest looking really proud.

"But when we would be leaving the atmosphere you won't be able to change its course but when rentering the atmosphere you can maneuver the ship" Momo said biting her lips.

She again looked down towards the screen and started to give some commands. Soon… the stars in the display started to elongate and with a small jerk, the ship appeared in front of Saturn.

"The Magical Warp Drive is completely stable and working at 100% capacity. The Warp Jump was also perfect with no deviation from designated coordinates" Momo mumbled under her breath and did a victory cheer.

"Reo, the ship is working perfectly fine but there are still a lot of things left to be done before you could venture into space" Momo exclaimed in pure excitement in joy.

"Good, now I will be able to tell my students that I made a spaceship" The Ancient One said while munching on potato chips…

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