The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension)

Chapter 297 - Blast Off!!

[POV Ororo]

The rest of the time passed in a blink of an eye and it was almost time for us to board the spaceship. Going to space isn't something simple... a lot of preparations were needed to be done. ​​

Things like wearing the spacesuit... this wasn't something you can wear on your own. Two women helped me putting up the suit... the same thing happened with Susan and Nemuri. The scientists in the control room were already conducting the final checks.

"Aren't you nervous?" Susan asked me while we were being led towards the shuttle. Her hands were shaking... Nemuri was in the front so Susan wasn't able to ask her.

After I heard her question... my suit-covered hand shot towards my chest... where the necklace Reo gave me was resting but because of the suit, I wasn't able to caress it. I didn't know how to answer the girl... so I gathered some thoughts in my mind before I decided to answer her.

"I am..." I said and shook my head "I am really nervous... but I know that everything will be fine... we just have to stay strong" that was the best I could come up with right now... I can't tell her that I am carrying a teleportation device that can teleport me from outer space to Earth.

For a few moments, Susan didn't say anything but finally nodded her head when we were finally in front of the shuttle. The three of us entered the shuttle and found that the rest of the crew was already there.

The support and technical crew were also there. There were still two hours left before the launch. The technical crew made us take our seats and started to fix the seat horizontally. It felt kind of odd but this is how it works so nothing could be done.

We passed the rest of the time while talking with each other. The shuttle will be piloted by Benjamin Jacob Grimm and Jonathan Lowell Spenser... Benjamin was an astronaut and Jonathan was an ex-astronaut... I didn't like Jonathan that much.

Reed Richards was a timid guy but he was a complete geek or nerd. I know that was rude of me to think of him like that but that was the best description of him but he was a nice guy so he is ok.

Susan Storm was a smart and confident woman who knew what she was doing. I liked women like her... but she was the sanest person in the whole crew... and I kind of respected her too.

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She had to keep a leash on her fool of a brother, stop Reed from overworking himself, and finally, keep the peace between the whole group.

Then the last guy in our group... Victor Von Doom. I didn't like him that much... he saw everyone around him as inferiors and I have heard a lot about him from Nemuri too. I might be somewhat biased since Nemuri hates him.

Finally, let's talk about Nemuri... everyone knows about her. Well, not everyone. None of these people have seen Nemuri's true personality... Nemuri hides her true personality in front of all these people... in front of all these people, Nemuri is a rich and high-class woman.

In reality, she might be rich but I don't think someone depraved like her could ever be called a high-class woman. Nemuri's head shot towards me and she shot me a perverted grin. Her instincts are very impressive!!

The countdown finally started and Nemuri decided to speak up now. "Good luck everyone" she didn't say much but her words were somewhat impactful. The countdown finally reached zero and the shuttle started to rise up.

I really wonder that my organs didn't get messed up inside my body because of all this vibration. Is vibration like this really normal??? My eyes shot towards Benjamin and Jonathan... they had prior experiences and since they were completely relaxed I decided not to bother with it any longer.

When the shuttle finally reached the Escape Velocity, the pressure I was feeling was really intense. Fuck!! I didn't feel like this when we were training!! I was feeling like I was being crushed against my seat... the pain was really intense...

I wasn't able to breathe properly any longer... but that wasn't the case, instead, I was having a hard time expanding my chest to intake air. I felt like my head was going to pop up like a watermelon. This wasn't a nice experience at all...!!

I don't know how much time passed... the sky finally turned black from blue... we are almost there. I need to hold strong!! On my right side, Nemuri was sitting... she didn't even look bothered... she looked completely relaxed like she was having evening tea. I am so jealous of her!!

On my left side, it was Susan who was strapped in the chair... I felt really good that Susan wasn't much better than me... she looked kinda worse than me though. Now, I feel bad for thinking like that... the guys also weren't looking that good.

The pressure suddenly vanished and my body finally relaxed but just after that I had to fight the urge to vomit. "Congratulations!! We are finally in space!" Jonathan's voice was heard through the earpiece.

Nobody said anything because all of us were looking out the windows. I was mesmerized when my eyes landed on the sun... it looked really beautiful and all of us were brought back to reality when we felt a sudden jerk. They must have detached the rockets from the shuttle.

"If you stare through the windows on our right side... you will be able to see Mother Earth!" once again Jonathan's voice was heard through the earpiece.

I slowly turned my head towards the window and I was immediately entranced by the sight. This is what I came to see and all that pain I felt on the way here was definitely worth it...

[POV Reo]

Hmm... I am really happy that nothing bad happened. Ororo must be really happy now... now I needed to prepare for my trip too. The ship is completely ready except for some finishing touches and it will be ready by tomorrow.

Now, I needed to decide whom should I take with me. Luna had already called dibs for the right seat and Nat was also somewhat interested. Jean also wanted to go since Ororo was already in space... she didn't want to lose to Ororo.

"Come on Reo... let's go!! We still need to work some more on the ship" Momo said and I got up from the chair.

"Did you install the music system I asked you to?" I asked Momo who simply hummed in agreement.

"But why I am unable to see it?" I asked Momo in a bland tone. Momo didn't even look towards me and pressed a button on the hud and the speakers came out of some panels.

"Woo... this looks more awesome than what I had in mind" I said in a cheerful tone.

"Glad you like it... now stop gawking and come here and give me a hand!" Momo snarked and before she could even blink I was beside her. I helped her with the rest of the stuff and after about two hours the ship was finally complete.

"This is the best thing I have made throughout my life" Momo said with a proud smile on her face.

My hand wrapped around her shoulder and I pulled her closer. "I know... and I am really proud of you" I said while looking at her proudly.

"So, should we show the others this masterpiece now or later?" Momo asked and I thought about it for a few seconds.

"Definitely later... that would be a lot better" I said with a smile on my face. Momo also nodded her head in understanding and the two of us finally left her lab.

I spent the rest of the day with Momo. She had really worked hard for the ship and she definitely deserved some off time. The day ended just like that it was time for dinner... all of us gathered at the table and looked at the two empty seats with a proud smile. Dora was also here today.

I knew what was going to happen to the group but I just hope that both Ororo and Nemuri return completely fine. I wasn't worried about Nemuri that much though... I think she would be fine even after she is exposed to the Cosmic Cloud but I was worried about Ororo.

Even though she was a Meta-Human, she could be affected by the Cosmic Cloud and I really hope that before something like that happens she activates her Portkey and return to Elysium. Nemuri could take her back after the Cloud passes.

I didn't give Nemuri anything because she was able to directly teleport from the shuttle to Elysium. After dinner, all of us chatted with Nemuri and Ororo. The phones even worked in space... the two of them sent a lot of pictures.

"So who are you taking with you?" Nat asked me while cuddling with me. The other girls were also cuddling with me.

"Hmm... let's see... Luna, Jean, and you" I said with a smile on my face, and just like that we drifted into sleep...

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