The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension)

Chapter 300 - *Hidden*

(A/N: Ding!! Achievement Unlocked!! 300 Chapters published successfully!!)

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[POV Reo]

This was nothing I have ever felt... Pure Power was coursing throughout my body. Now that I remember something like this happened when I got my hands on the Death Stick back in the HP World.

So God wants me to take away the Stones from the Marvel Universe?? But I don't think that it would work because there are Infinity Stones in other realities too!! Hmm... Wasn't that the case in the HP World too? I mean that I didn't take the Death Stick from other realities so they should be there...

Hmm... I need to ask God about this as soon as comes here. So, with that I decided to relish in the feeling of so much energy coursing through my body while waiting for the God... I didn't know how much time has passed but I was still stuck within the familiar dark space and the God still didn't show up.

My Power finally stopped rising and I could already say that my current Power has increased by several thousand times. Now... I could easily destroy a planet with a flick of my hand. Destroying small things could be done with just a single thought.

I thought I was OP before but the current me could beat the snot of the past me... That thought is kind of disturbing. I shuddered when I remembered that Infinity Stones are useless against beings like Fulcrum, The Living Tribunal, One Above All, and some Celestials.

"Ah... Sorry for the wait" I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard the familiar voice of the God.

"It's fine... I needed some time to accumulate all the power I got after I absorbed the Stone" I said and brushed off God's apology because I didn't mind him being late.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Hmm... So, how do you feel after gaining that power?" God asked me in a curious tone.

"Very powerful but this also made me think how powerless I was against some of the beings in my current Universe" I said honestly, I knew that I was weaker than beings like Fulcrum, The Living Tribunal, or One Above All but I never thought that the difference would be so vast between us.

I gained so much power after I absorbed the Power Stone but the beings I just mentioned could easily shrug off the power of these Stones and I was sure that I was definitely going to face off some beings like that in the future... I have a nagging feeling about it.

I know that God gave me a mission to kill Thanos but it doesn't stop other powerful beings to become my enemy and if they become my enemy then I would need to fight them...

"Hmm..." God hummed after hearing my answer but he didn't say anything but I needed to confirm my theory though.

"Is that why you allowed me absorb the Stone, so that I could successfully fight off the powerful beings in my Universe?" I asked God. He didn't say anything for a few moments until he burst out laughing... I decided to wait, I was annoyed but I couldn't do anything about it.

"No... I did nothing like that" God said after he finally finished laughing. I was confused when I heard him... Then how the fuck did I absorb the Stone?? "I didn't do anything this time... After all, the Stone always belonged to you" God mused cryptically.

That immediately threw off everything I was thinking about. He said that he didn't need to do anything because the Stone has always belonged to me?? How does that work?? Is that why I was getting the odd feeling as soon as I saw the Stone??

Hmm... I am pretty sure that I never staked any claims on the Stone until now. So, it must be related to the Origin of the Stones... In the movies it is said that Stones were formed due to Big Bang but that wasn't what happened in truth.


Before the Universe was created there was a being named Nemesis who decided to end his life because he was lonely or something like that. When he died his power was divided into seven parts... those seven parts represented the aspects of powers he held.

These seven aspects came to be later known as the Infinity Stones... The Power Stone which I already absorbed, The Mind Stone, The Reality Stone, The Time Stone, The Soul Stone, The Space Stone, and finally The Ego Stone.

So is there some connection between me and Nemesis?? I also don't know how much difference there is between the story found in the comics and the actual reality.

"From what I know the Stones came from a being named Nemesis, right?" I asked God who started to laugh once again. I patiently waited for him to finish.

"And who do you think Nemesis was?" the God asked in an amused tone. I was immediately stunned silent and my brain went into overdrive...

He means that I was Nemesis?? Then I am pretty sure that Nemesis didn't die of boredom... because God had already told me that it was him who killed me during some war but even though I received some enlightenment... more questions have popped into my head. I was completely stumped now...

"What happened and why?" I asked God and everything was completely silent for a few seconds.

"Like I have told you... There was an ancient war. Both of us were almost equals and we fought for the opposite sides. I was finally able to defeat you but all of the power you had needed to go somewhere" God said and paused... I was carefully listening to his explanation and I didn't want to miss anything.

"So, with a huge explosion, you know this as the Big Bang, happened and your Powers were divided into seven parts and hurled through the Universe... But your power would have been too much for a single Universe so a friend of mine helped and fractured your power in between several Universes..." God said in a dramatic tone. Wow... My past self had been really awesome, I guess.

"All of those Universes are now collectively known as the Marvel Multiverse. Each of these Universes have their own Infinity Stones and all of them are a part of you and all of them belong to you" God said and decided to take a small pause.

"So... I have to visit all these Universes separately to collect these Stones?" I asked God who laughed once again.

"No no... You don't need to do that. Each of these Stones spread throughout the Multiverse is connected to one Stone... The Ego Stone which you can find in the Ultraverse. There is only one Ego Stone, you need to absorb the Ego Stone and you will absorb all of your powers back and the Infinity Stones will disappear from this Multiverse" God said and I immediately started to think about several things.

"But remember that you must have one of each type of Infinity Stone before you try to absorb the Ego Stone" the God said in a warning tone... I nodded my head in understanding.

"Why are you helping me so much? You said that we were enemies then why are you helping me?" I asked God, I always wanted to ask about this. Even though i didn't hold any enmity against him... It can't be said the same for him.

"Because we might have been on the opposite sides but we were never enemies... You see I am the Supreme God of this Omniverse but I am also the Creation God whereas you are the Leviathan of Destruction... You were the God of Destruction. Both of us are necessary" God said and I understood what he wanted to say.

He represented Creation and I represented Destruction and both of us were needed because of Balance...!! For Creation there must be Destruction and for Destruction there must be Creation. We were each other's opposites who held the Omniverse at balance.

It was something like that Light could never exist without Darkness and Darkness could never exist without Light. "So, what happened to me after I died is also natural? I mean how I was born?" I asked God curiously. I always wondered what happened to Cosmic Entities after they died.

"No... That was a special case. When Beings like us dies we are reborn in some random Mortal World with no memory but some powers... Throughout the years we slowly gain back our powers and some of the memories that tell us who we were and what our duties were. This is how it should have happened with you too" God said and I nodded in understanding.

It was by a mistake that the Leviathan's soul and a human's souls merged together and I was born. Some freak accident but I wasn't going to be complaining though. "By the way, it looks like we have spent a lot of time here... We will meet again after you absorb the Ego Stone" God said and before I could say anything I was back inside the Temple Vault and found that Luna, Nat, and Jean were still looking towards my hand which I wasn't holding out any longer...

{Chapter Name- NEMESIS}

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