The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension)

Chapter 327 - And Here We Go Again... (III)

[POV Jean]

"So, how have you been Bruce?" I asked Bruce who has been spending some time talking with me trying to get used to his other personality. ​​

I always had to do these kinds of things when I was still in the Xavier Mansion. Both Ororo and I had to talk with the children from time to time so that they can get used to their powers. The new children who came to learn about their powers were the hardest to deal with.

After all, most of them got their powers due to some kind of trauma or they would fear their powers because they had hurt someone using their powers. Unlike his cousin, Jennifer, Bruce was unable to come to terms with the fact that he was no longer a normal human.

Though I can't blame him, I guess. After all, unlike Jennifer, when Bruce transforms, his body is taken over by a completely different being while Bruce is stuffed in some corner of his mind. Jennifer has complete control of her mind when she transforms.

"I have been somewhat fine..." Bruce said in a slightly nervous tone. "I have been getting better since I started these sessions" Bruce said in a sheepish tone and started to chuckle nervously. Hmm... It's not his fault though.

"Did you make contact with the other guy?" I asked him in a gentle tone because I didn't want to scare him. After all, this has always been a sour topic for him, and most of the time when I ask him this question, he would try to change the topic.

"...No I haven't" after a few moments of silence Bruce finally answered but he didn't look comfortable when he was talking about this. "...I am scared..." Bruce said and started to stare out of the window.

"What are you so scared about?" I asked him trying to see if he would speak about it or not. I decided to take a chance when I saw that he was talking today.

"I am scared that he will take over... I don't want to hurt anyone" Bruce said with a sad look on his face. I really felt bad for the man but that is why you shouldn't test newly created drugs on yourself.

"Quite understandable... Do you know... When I gained my powers, I crushed a few cars on a whim. Thankfully no one was hurt and no one found out about my powers but I knew that it was me and I was scared... I was only 9 when it happened" I said telling him about my story. Maybe he would grow a spine after hearing my story.

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"I was so scared for a week that I fell ill but then a thought appeared in my mind... I thought that if I could control this power then incidents like this could be avoided... That way, I won't be hurting anyone accidentally" I said and Bruce nodded his head in understanding.

"...I will try..." Bruce said in a somewhat determined tone but it is good for now... Slow progress is always better than no progress...

[POV Rumi]

"They look pretty angry though... Are you sure that they didn't believe in Jiaying's ideals?" I asked loudly when I saw that the Inhumans were glaring at us after they heard about Jiaying's death.

All of them clearly heard me and their glare turned towards my direction but I wasn't even bothered in the slightest. "Even if we didn't believe in her ideals, she is still one of us and you people killed them" an old man came forward and spoke up from within the group glaring at us.

"That's because she tried to play games with us" Eric said in a neutral tone. The group started to glare in Eric's direction after that. I wonder... if they have some kind of hive mind... their glare kept shifting from one target to another at the same time.

"Now, you have three options... One, both of our groups can remain separate and if something happens among our groups in the future then we will deal with it at that time. Two, we can have a fight because we killed your so-called leader and, three, you can join Elysium" Eric said in a serious tone, and after the whole group started to murmur among them.

After some time the same old man came forward. "We would like to discuss this with our group before giving you an ans..." before the old man could even finish, Eric cut him off.

"No... Make your decision right now... If you are an enemy then I would like to deal with you as soon as possible so that I can continue with more important stuff" Eric said and the whole group of Inhumans in front of us got tensed.

"You mean paperwork" I asked in an amused tone and Eric shot me a death glare, his head snapped towards Emma when he saw her giggling like a little girl after hearing my words.

"*cough* on a second thought, take as much time as you can" Eric coughed once so that he could get back the dignity he just lost now.

After hearing Eric's words both Emma and I burst out laughing once again and we could hear Eric was grinding his teeth in anger...

[POV ???]

Hehehe... Just a little bit more and I can take Odin's place and no one will find out. As soon as the bug left his chambers so that he could continue frolicking with his pathetic family... I resumed my work.

I need to make some preparations on my side before I could take over Asgard. From my past experience... I learned several things. Using my absurd power to subjugate Asgard won't work... After all, Odin would once again sacrifice his army so that he could seal me...

Even though I was strong enough to crush any Asgardian except Hela like a bug, I couldn't kill all of them in a blink of an eye... After all, anyone would need some time to crush bugs under their feet, and thankfully selecting this route was a really good idea.

Now that I have decided to use subterfuge... I have made a mind-blowing discovery, Odin had connected Hela's prison to his life force so if I kill Odin then his insane warmonger daughter will get released from the prison and she will kill me. I can't have that now, can I?? So, Odin will be going into my prison.

I will seal him there as he sealed me and I will also keep feeding him some of my power... That way, Odin won't die and he will also stay healthy. As long as Odin is alive, Hela is in prison. So a healthy Odin will also keep me healthy...

[POV Reo]

I finally arrived above the submerged city of Atlantis... The city looks quite beautiful but I highly doubt that it will stay like that when I am finished dealing with the Atlantians... While I was thinking all that, I noticed several Altantians coming towards me with weapons in their hands.

They finally arrived in front of me and surround me from all directions. I was still surrounded by my Aegis Shield. "Surface dwel..." that was all he could say before the Atlantian was disintegrated.

I really hate when enemies start monologuing ... Only I can monologue and the Atlantian I just disintegrated wasn't even an enemy... He was just a grunt. Before the other could even shoot their weapons, I disintegrated them too...

My eyes turned towards the city of Atlantis and I could already feel their turrets and cannons turning in my direction... I didn't have a problem if I had to slaughter a whole race but I would still give them a chance...

I cast Sonorus on myself so my voice could reach the people of Atlantis. "People of Atlantis... I am Leviathan... I am sure that none of you have heard about me but that won't be a problem... I give you two options... First, hand over Namor and the Elders and I will allow the rest of you to live, and second, keep fighting and I will slaughter every last one of you" I said and cast Quietus on myself.

I am pretty sure that every Atlantian heard my voice though I have no idea if they will listen to me or not... All the cannons and turrets started to fire at the same time... There is my answer I guess... The shells and projectiles impacted against my Aegis Shield but they failed to even put a scratch on it.

While they kept firing in my direction... I started to concentrate on the metals inside the whole city... There was a lot of metal inside the city and I also sensed the Adamantine Trident... Hehe... I will see what kind of power it holds and can I make it work even when I don't carry their royal blood.

Slowly the whole city started to tremble... And slowly I started to pull every ounce of metal from the city but I decided to leave the Trident... I wanted Namor to struggle... Personally, I had no hard feelings against Namor or the Elders, after all, they wanted to wage war against humans but they came after something which was mine and that wasn't something nice...

I know how these people think and they won't give up until they get their hands on what they want or die trying... I find it really stupid. If I didn't attack Atlantis then they would have kept trying to get their hands on the Anti-Metal.

I have seen the same thing in Cultivation Worlds too... Suddenly the MC would need some rare ingredient and everyone would say that getting it would be impossible but the MC will still embark on the journey to get that ingredient. They will find out that the ingredient he wants is someone else's but he won't give up until he gets the ingredient. Once again stupid!!!

I came out of my thoughts and saw the state of the city now... The beautiful city was in complete ruins now and about half of their population was already dead... I morphed the metals and started to transform them into giant lances... Since I was underwater... I refrained from using lightning... But before I could launch the lances I noticed someone coming towards me at a high speed.

I grin appeared on my face when I sensed the thing he was bringing with him...

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