The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension)

Chapter 361 - Avengers Assemble...

[The Moon]

"How is Wanda2?" Charles2 asked in a grim tone.

"I don't know to be honest... the scans show that her whole nervous system was on fire" Kitty2 finished with a sigh.

"Danvers2, do you know what kind of power Leviathan was using?" Captain2 asked with a frown on his face.

"I can't say for sure but I think he was using the powers of the Space Stone... but I can't be sure, all Infinity Stones have their own energy signatures... I didn't sense any of those energies from him, what about your sensors, Stark2?" Carol Danvers2 asked while looking towards the man inside the red and gold metal suit.

"Nothing... he was using some kind of Spacial Manipulation technique... Jarvis said that the power Leviathan used is 99% similar to the powers of the Space Stone but it is contradicting since he said that there was no energy of Space Stone" Stark2 said looking at a huge holographic screen in front of him.

"I think he had somehow managed to copy the powers of the Space Stone on his own... I know what I am saying is nigh-impossible but it could be possible" Strange2 said slowly with a solemn look on his face.

"I also agree with what Strange2 said, Jarvis also said that it is quite possible" Stark2 chimed in from the side.

"Forget all that shit...!! First, tell me what the hell are we going to do now?" Logan2 spoke up in an irritated tone.

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"Yes, but we can't go in blind now... we came here for two Stones while underestimating the enemy and we lost two more even though they are useless now... but Leviathan might have a way to make them work... we can't be sure of anything now" Lady Sif2 said with a serious look her face.

"I completely agree with her Brother, we need to think this through... I didn't sense anything from the Leviathan guy but Hela... she is in a league of her own... our Hela2 would be a joke in front of her" Loki snarked with quite some venom in his voice.

"...I understand what you are trying to say, brother, but we simply can't leave after what just happened... fighting Hela would be difficult but we will come out victorious... like we always have" Thor2 said with a determined look on his face, after hearing Thor2's words, Loki simply cursed and walked away.

"Thor2 is right... we can't allow this Leviathan or whoever this guy is, to walk all over us... we have faced even worse enemies... remember Thanos??" Peter Quill2 said and pulled out his gun in a dramatic manner.

"Thanos didn't have someone like that woman in his army, dumbass" Rocket2 said and started laughing loudly.

"I am Groot!!" Groot2 said with a defiant look on his face.

"Oh... you better not take that tone with me..." Quill2 said with a serious look on his face but both Groot2 and Rocket2 started laughing loudly and Groot kept making fun of Quill2.

"Everything aside... we can't go back, not without the Stones, if we leave the Stones here, then we are condemning our own reality" Banner2 said while working on his computer and a lot of agreements were heard.

"Leviathan has also destroyed the pathway between our worlds... it would take me at least 8 months to complete the array once again..." Strange2 finally dropped the last bomb and everyone was horrified after hearing that... a day in this world meant a month in theirs... nearly two decades would come to pass in their world when they would finally be able to return.

"Um... sir, can I say something?" Peter Parker2 asked politely. He was the youngest in the group so he always respected the oldest members of the group.

"Peter2, how many times do I have to tell you that we are not in a class?" Stark2 said while rolling his eyes, snickers were heard from all around the group.

"Shut up, you guys!! Can't you see that he is nervous?? Don't mind them Peter2, you can speak freely like Stark2 said" Ororo2 said with a gentle expression on her face.

Peter2 nodded his head and looked around. "*ahem*... as you all know that Nimrod came to this reality by using the Space Stone of our reality... so if we can get the Space Stone of this world then we would be able to return to our world much sooner..." Peter2 finished and everyone was giving him blank stares, but after only a few seconds, all of them started to praise the kid... Peter2 blushed after hearing the compliments.

"That's a good idea kid!" Logan2 said while patting Peter2's back. After a few moments, everyone seemed to calm down.

"Leviathan is much worse than we had imagined..." Stark2 said and enlarged his holographic screen. He was finally able to hack into the SHIELD servers so that he could collect all the information about their enemy.

Stark2 pulled up files after files and kept showing everyone... they saw how Leviathan threatened the world and how he killed people without any remorse... some of them already had unshed tears in their eyes... Charles2 has been shaking his head with a disappointed look on his face. The Mutants had a conflicted look on their faces.

They saw how the Mutants of this world have been living peacefully... they also wanted to join this Elysium but this went against their ideals... or the ideals they have been taught, they could never accept condemning the normal humans in such a manner so that they could live peacefully. Humans needed to be protected.

"Guys... someone is coming!!" Banner2 said loudly bringing everyone out of the trance.

"I know who is coming," Danvers2 said with a smirk on her face.

After a few seconds, a feminine figure surrounded by a yellow glow approached the whole group, Danvers2 approached the figure... the figure also slowed down and the two women met in mid-air.

"Hello myself of this dimension... how are you?" Danvers2 asked with a huge grin on her face... the woman in front of her simply shook her head in disbelief.

"Oh shit!!" Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel of this reality stared at the woman who looked exactly like her while gaping like a fish out of water... she didn't even register that this woman mentioned something about another dimension...

[POV Carol Danvers]

This is somewhat unbelievable... but not impossible... crackpot theorists have always been raving about parallel universes... and now I have proof about their existence... my counterpart said that she wanted to meet Fury and help in the war efforts... I don't even know what is going on.

After receiving Nick's signal I decided to clean my schedule... it took me two weeks to deal with my matters... there has been a lot of chaos lately... Ronin has also returned to his master... I wonder what that Mad Titan is planning now. But Nick would have never called me if it wasn't an emergency so I was finally returning to Earth.

I heard from my counterpart that the humans are going to war against someone called Leviathan... she also said that they want to join the war efforts, I wonder how strong this Leviathan is... they came to our dimension so that they can fight this Leviathan?? Even that Mad Titan would find it hard to fight this whole group.

This is going to be Overkill... I am quite sure of it. I finally arrived in front of the SHIELD Headquarters so I stopped. I looked back towards the whole group "All of you guys wait here... let me greet him first" I said and everyone nodded but someone came forward from their group... I think he said his name was something... Strange2.

"You won't mind if I accompany you, would you?" Starnge2 said with a smile on his face. I knew what he wanted... he didn't trust me and he wanted to be present when I meet him... I have no problems with it... knowing Nick, he would already be wary of them even if I don't tell him anything...

[SHIELD Headquarters, New York]

Fury was pouring himself a drink with a high grin on his face... he had finally received some good news... they have found Captain America and not only that... Captain America was alive!! According to the reports, Captain America didn't even age one day since he was frozen.

This was going to be a huge turning point for their war efforts... as soon as Captain America wakes up, he was going to use Captain America as a rallying point... everyone knows about Captain America's deeds during the Second World War and a lot of people would join the army so that they could just fight beside Captain America.

"Hello, Nick..." Fury heard a feminine voice from the direction of the window and Fury was already pointing his gun towards the window.

"Motherfucker!!" Fury muttered and pointed his gun towards the man in space suit beside his friend. Fury finally lowered his gun... since the man was with his friend he decided to lower his gun for now.

"Nick, how have been?" Carol said with a smirk and Fury released a tired sigh and shook his head.

"Quite bad, I guess" Carol said wryly while looking at her friend. "So, what is this emergency you called me for" Carol already had some idea but she still wanted to hear it from her friend's mouth.

"Why don't the two of you take a seat" Fury said with a sigh. Both Carol and Strange2 sat down, Strange2 thought that this was the best chance to speak up.

"My name is Dr Stephen Strange2, nice to meet you, Director Fury. I along with my whole group wants to support your war..." Strange2 trailed off so that Fury could draw his own conclusions.

"...Why? And what kind of enmity do you have with Leviathan?" as soon as Fury heard the man's words, he was already on guard. He wanted all the support he could but before that, he wanted to have all the information he could get.

"He has taken several important artefacts from us... we want them back..." Strange2 said cryptically. Fury wasn't happy with the answer but he knew that this was the best he was going to get at this moment.

"...So, what is this group of yours called?" Fury asked curiously and raised his non-existent eyebrows.

"We are the Avengers..." Strange2 said with a small smile on his face...

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