The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension)

Chapter 365 - *Hidden*


A/N: Now, I know that a lot of you seem to be unsatisfied with the fight but there is a reason that I have to do fight in such a manner...

Reason 1- Nemesis was simply a speck of his original being and he didn't have any of his powers since the Power of Destruction was stored inside his soul which was absorbed by Reo and all the other aspects od his powers were the Infinity Stones, also absorbed by Reo.

Reason 2- I had to remove Reo's powers so that they could fight because Nemesis didn't have any powers and Reo could have simply killed him by waving his hand. Now, you might say that I removed his physical powers too but that is because his physical powers also come from the latent energy he absorbed from the Leviathan's soul.

Now, I understand that you think that the fight was dull but if you have been reading this fanfic from the start then you would know that this is the closest MC ever came to being defeated... so, Luna wasn't wrong.

And the readers who are worried about Reo being influenced by the memories... you don't have to... nothing will change. He will have his Mind Powers so he can stop being influenced by those memories.


[POV Reo]

I found myself sitting inside an office and a blue-skinned man with golden marking and wings sitting behind the table... I immediately recognized the man from my memories... "Ikkagen" I muttered under my breath and a smile appeared on his face.

"What am I doing here?" I asked him curiously and he simply smiled... now that I have all the memories, I think that fight between Ikkagen and Nemesis was a complete waste of time... it was Nemesis's fault. Nemesis was a true God who was born due to the laws of the Omniverse but Ikkagen was different.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He was an ascended God... he was once a mortal just like me and he was able to comprehend the laws of creation... ot took him nearly a million years to ascend but he succeeded... Nemesis didn't like that fact. For him, it was an insult, an ascended God equal to him in powers... that was the reason for their fight.

Yep... I know pretty stupid. Now, that I have all the memories of my past life... or Nemesis's life, I can recognize all of them. I remember when I found Ardat... she was still a mortal at that time... she had just finished slaughtering off a whole race just because she didn't like them and she tried to kill me too and I decided to spare her because I thought she was amusing.

She vowed to follow me and she has been with me until I was killed by Ikkagen. Ardat had only followed me for a billion years, and that is when we found an injured Hydra drifting through the Space... I was interested in the Hydra so I decided to keep it and heal it... that Hydra came to be known as World Devourer Hydriana after a million years.

Even though I have been with Ardat for so long nothing happened between us because of her preferences... The three of us went on a killing and destroying spree for billions of years... that is when the laws of the Omniverse created Gotzone... she wasn't strong like me but she came to fight us... when she was about to die after fighting me, she told me that she was made by the laws just like me to stop us from destroying everything.

So, I spared her and asked Hydriana to heal her, I understood what she meant to say... too much destruction isn't good so I stopped... only Ardat continued to spread evil and it wasn't a problem because she wasn't doing anything directly... that is when Ardat came to be known as the Origin of Evil, Ardat.

Only after I few years, I came to meet Death, Infinity, and Eternity... they were the concepts of the Omniverse. They were introverts... or neets... whatever you want to say. They didn't want to meet anyone... though Death changed through Billions of years though after getting killed... she reformed as a completely changed person, Eternity and Infinity were still the same, introverts.

While Ardat was spreading Evil through the Omniverse, Ardat was trying to erase her Evil through Good... that is how she came to be known as Ultimate Salvation, Gotzone. Slowly other Gods also ascend and some were created by the laws of the Omniverse... so notables were Meera... the previous leader of the Light Faction, Zevon, the battle maniac of the Light Faction, and finally, Dust, the crusader of Light Faction.

Gotzone could have been easily gotten the Leader position of the Light Faction because she was the strongest among them but she didn't like all those management stuff so she denied it... There was no Dark Faction or anything at that time... all of us were scattered throughout the Omniverse, doing our own thing.

The Light Faction gave the three of us a wide berth. They knew that messing with any of us wasn't good because even if they band together, they wouldn't be able to defeat me... after a few billion years I finally decided to form our own merry band... the Dark Faction... I know that the name could have been better but you can't blame me... it was all Nemesis's fault.

The Evil and Destroyers slowly started to gather under me... that is when Ikkagen ascended and I went nuts... well, Nemesis to be exact. Before I went to fight, one last God named Extinction joined our group. After that, I went to fight Ikkagen... we fought for thousands of year's until I or Nemesis was finally killed. Though Ikkagen didn't leave scot free... he was also severely injured... he was still strong but now I was clearly stronger than him.

"Didn't I say that we I will meet you once again after you finally absorb the Ego Stone..." Ikkagen said with a smile. From Nemesis's memories, I knew that he wasn't a bad guy... in fact, he was one of the nicest Gods I knew...

"...Oh... So, I hope you don't have hard feelings for the last time... to be honest, I don't give a flying fuck that you are an ascended God" I said and he simply laughed out loud...

"You are going to bring a lot of changes in the Dark Faction... they are always so dark and gloomy... it looks like that they are oozing death aura... Death has been bugging me about that for quite some time" Ikkagen said while laughing...

I wasn't sure how to react so I simply nodded my head like a sage... "So, what happens now??" I asked him, this was an important question...

"...You can have the Chief God positio..." Ikkagen started to say but I simply cut him off.

"Nah... too much work... I will simply relax with my girls..." I said while waving my hand and he simply smiled after hearing my words "So, I will be going... they must be really worried about me" I said and he nodded his head.

"...Oh... by the way, Ardat and Hydriana might come to meet you, after all, you have seen their past and you were kind of family to them... and please don't allow Ardat to sacrifice all humans..." Ikkagen said with a wry smile on his face and I simply nodded my head... I already knew that the two of them will come to meet me as soon as they can.

"By the way... where are they?" I asked while raising my eyebrow.

"I have sent Ardat on a mission and Hydriana went with her because she was bored... I bet that Ardat is having quite some fun torturing a God... he caused me a lot of problems..." Ikkagen said while shaking his head and I simply nodded my head in understanding... and waves at him.

With a simple thought, I was back on the frozen and burning planet... I had already finished absorbing all Stones in Marvel Multiverse and I could feel that I had reached my previous glory... I have also gained back my divinity... the divinity of destruction... I had used my Mind Powers to remove the influence from Nemesis's memories.

I have also gained Omnipresence... it would have been impossible to control but Nemesis's memories helped me... I am currently present everywhere in the Omniverse... I have already found out Ardat's and Hydriana's location but decided to leave them for now... now there is only one thing left to do.

My whole body started to pulse with a purple glow surrounding my body and the whole planet started to shake...

[With the Girls]

"Luna, it has been several hours since he has gone... is he fine?" Momo asked in a worried tone and that is when the whole planet in front of started to shake...

They sensed the amount of power coming from the planet and all of them were terrified by the amount of power... they knew that it was Reo's power but they had to back away for their own safety... Hela came in front of the girls and a green astral shield formed in front of them...

"So much power... mortals would simply die after looking at him..." Hela said with an awed look on her face.

The whole planet started to crack under the pressure of the raw power... and all of them heard a loud heartbeat... the heartbeat started to increase with each passing second and the planet finally exploded and a loud roar was heard... Hela's shield cracked due to the force... slowly a beast emerged out of the rubble of the destroyed planet... and all the girls already knew that it was Reo...

(Image Here)

"Do you think I can tame it?? He looks so cute..." Luna beamed with a huge innocent smile on her face... and everyone facepalmed after hearing her words...

{Chapter 365- The Leviathan of Destruction...}

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