The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension)

Chapter 367 - Swirling Doubts & For Entertainment (I)...

[SHIELD Headquarters, New York]

Peter Parker2 was looking through the files on a computer with a deep frown on his face... a few hours ago, he was approached by Lady Sif2, she asked him if he could help her with something... he immediately agreed to help her but he found that Loki2 was also involved.

At first, he was quite reluctant to help out Loki2, after all, he had heard and read about Loki2's mischief... but after, hearing their request he finally relented... He agreed that they did have a point and they were really lacking a lot of important information about Leviathan and Elysium.

That is what brought him here... at first, he had thought that SHIELD didn't trust them and that is why they were reluctant to give them the full information but when he started to look through the files... he was unable to stop frowning. Loki2 had told him that he had checked everywhere but he didn't find much information regarding Leviathan in the documents.

This shouldn't be possible... SHIELD was really going into a fight completely blind... This was the pinnacle of stupidity according to Peter2. Yes, he understands that Leviathan must be stopped but that doesn't mean that you to go in guns blazing without a solid plan.

Peter2 had thought that Stark2 would have noticed this problem but apparently, no one else other than the three of them had noticed this problem. This was really problematic... was it simply because of arrogance or was it something completely different??

"So, did you find anything Peter2?" Sif2 asked Peter2 while leaning beside him.

"Yes, Peter2, tell us what did you find... please don't tell me that you didn't anything" Loki2 asked in a mocking tone. Sif2 simply glared at the man... Loki2 raised up his hands in the air, showing that he surrendered. Sif2 snorted and turned towards Peter2.

"...That is the problem... I haven't found anything. It's not because they are hiding it from us... but it is because they simply don't have that information" Peter2 said with a disgusted look on his face.

"Oh... that is why Fury wants us to initiate the attack..." Loki2 said with a thoughtful look on his face. Fury had mentioned a few times that he wants them to initiate the attack... that way they will be able to keep Leviathan busy while they attack Elysium.

"Looks like he wants to sacrifice us..." Sif2 said with clear disdain in her voice.

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"We need to warn the others about this" Peter2 spoke up hurriedly and Sif2 also agreed with him but Loki2 stopped them.

"No... before telling the others... I want to talk with this dimension's Sorcerer Supreme... she might be able to give us some information" Loki2 said and both Peter2 and Sif2 were immediately alarmed.

"Why??" Sif2 growled out angrily.

"Don't why me you dumb woman... it is clear that SHIELD wants to sacrifice us and from those mutants, we know that she is quite friendly..." Loki2 said and Sif2 had to agree with Loki2 on this point.

"But what if she tells Leviathan??" Peter2 asked in a worried tone and Loki2 simply shook his head.

"Don't worry about that... I don't think he will do anything to us... he could have killed all of us on the moon but he didn't..." Loki2 said and Sif2 also nodded her head in agreement... with that they decided to visit the New York Sanctum so that they could meet the Ancient One of this Universe...

[POV Reo]

The four of us appeared near a giant blue star... and Nat kept around looking curiously. "Nat... don't get me wrong but I am going to give your powers a slight boost... this is going to be helpful for you" I said and Nat nodded her head.

I touched Nat's face and purple veins started to appear on her face... Nat gasped for breath but she didn't remove my hand from her cheek... only after a few seconds, it was over and I pulled back my hand. "...I don't feel a lot different..." Nat said after she finished checking for the changes.

"I gave you a small boost using my power... the power will slowly fade away from your body but you will be able to get stronger on your own... in other words... I simply unlocked your potential" I said and Nat nodded her head once again.

"It is better to get stronger on your own... or it won't mean much" Hela said while looking towards Nat... "Humans have a lot of potentials but there is also a huge problem with them... their humanity... when I first arrived in Midgard... I saw humans picking up boulders with bare hands" Hela said with a serious look on her face... she didn't need to continue the story... all of us understood what she meant to say.

"I understand... I get it..." Nat said while nodding her head. I raised my hand to get their attention.

"You can discuss all of that later... your entertainment is already here..." I said and several giant ships appeared in front of us... all of these ships were travelling via Warp Drive but I forcefully pulled them out of the Warp Drive... I could sense the screams and curses come from the inside of the ships.

Without saying another word I dropped those ships on a nearby planet... dropping them in the sun would have ruined our fun... it was a giant planet, somewhat equal to Jupiter in size and it was the 5th planet from the sun... the planet looked like a gas giant from the above but it was due to the storm clouds.

"Have fun girls... I will keep an eye from the above..." I said a small smile on my face and the three of them nodded their heads in understanding. They slowly started to descend towards the planet... Hela was supporting both Rumi and Nat, as they had no idea about how to manoeuvre inside space.

[POV Rumi]

I can't stop myself from shivering in excitement... I was having some problems when I entered the atmosphere... Hela noticed this and pulled me towards her... Nat was being surrounded by a purple aura... that must be protecting her from the heat.

The three of us could finally see the surface... we could see red lightning bolts dropping from the clouds... these lightning bolts were much stronger than what we had back on Earth... this added much more to my excitement... this planet wasn't human friendly at all.

The three of us finally landed on the ground creating a giant crater... "Are you two okay?" Hela asked us.

"Yes... I am fine..." I said while looking around, Nat also confirmed that she was okay so Hela walked out of the crater and started to look around. We also followed her example and looked around for the ships... the ships were really big to be missed.

We could already see a lot of activity around the ships. "Oh... it's Thanos the mad Titan... though I liked to call him an idiot Titan" Hela said while looking towards the ship. "When I was sealed... he was just starting his army... the Black Legion... I have to agree that he has grown up quite a lot" Hela said with a grin on her face.

"...You are simply excited because you are getting to slaughter such a huge army... that is why you are praising him" I deadpanned but Hela didn't seem to react to my words... instead her grin became much wider...

"Ignore the minor details... they should be glad that they are going to be killed for my entertainment" Hela said with a proud look on her face... Fuck!! She is serious!!!

"...I don't think that they are going to be glad..." Nat said dryly while pointing towards the army of black monsters heading towards us... they must have noticed us while we were talking.

"Oh... they will be glad... you don't have to worry about that..." Hela said with a sinister grin on her face and jumped lunched towards the horde of black monsters with two swords in her hands... "Hahaha...!!" Hela's laugh resounded through the whole area even though we were surrounded by loud thunders, she started to massacre the monsters with a huge grin on her face.

"Looks... like we should get busy too" I said while looking towards Nat.

"Yep..." Nat said both of us jumped towards the horse of the monsters... I landed within a huge horde of those black monsters... I was already using my armament Haki because we weren't on Earth and I didn't need to hold back anything...

The black monsters immediately noticed me among their ranks and lunged towards me so that they could rip me apart... but that is no happening... I balled my fist and landed a punch on the black monster who was about to reach me... the black monster was completely obliterated... but the shock wave of my punch kept travelling and obliterated hundreds of those black monsters before disappearing.

This isn't enough...!! I slammed my knee on a nearby monster and everything behind the monster was obliterated up to miles... when the shock wave finally subsided, the monster I had kicked exploded. Only a second ago I was surrounded by their horde but there is nothing left of them now...

That is when a loud roar was heard... it wasn't anything like Reo's but it was still a roar... so I looked up and found a giant flying Leviathan... I was immediately incensed... that thing is an insult Reo, with that thought I jumped up towards the sky and slammed my foot on its head. Its head was obliterated into nothingness while the storm clouds above us were cleared due to the force behind my kick.

I heard a lot of similar roars... I looked around and found similar creatures... hmm... I guess Hela was right... this is fun...

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