The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension)

Chapter 401 - Yuroichi's Adventure...

[POV Reo]

I am really impressed with Luna's Shikai… her Shikai will make you powerless if you are showing any kind of hostility against Luna… once again that's a hack!!!

Though there is a limitation to her Shikai… it is the range. Anyone hostile within 20 meters of her roadies will lose their power though it won't affect anyone who is outside the range and they could use long-range attacks.

(A/N: MC didn't know about Luna's powers, he simply heard Luna explain her powers to Flavia after returning to Knox).

I wasn't bothered by the fact that Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shihoin saw Luna. As long as they keep their noses in their own businesses, I won't be doing anything to them. Though I doubt that Kisuke Urahara wouldn't try anything.

Hah… this is lovely. I thought as I simply laid on the grass field under the shade of trees. This feels rather relaxing. The Spiritual Energy in the Soul Society is so rich that even my Soul feels relaxed… that is the only reason I was relaxing inside some random forest in Soul Society.

Currently, the Seireitei is facing some minor problems… some of their books have gone missing. Someone even dared to steal books from the Captain-Commander, and Captain of the 2nd-Division. Not only that… the said person even stole books from the personal collection of the Captain of 5th Division and the library of Kido Corps.

With a wisp of smoke, Hela appeared beside me and sat down. "...This is a nice place… I feel a calming aura surrounding my soul" Hela said and laid down her head on my chest.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Yes… the Spiritual Energy of this place is very rich" I said and started to stroke her hair.

The two of us stayed like that for hours without bothering to get up. After all, we didn't have anything to do now… this World seemed to be a lot more complicated than what Death had told Hela. I looked down towards Hela's face and simply shook my head with a smile.

Heh… It's not like Hela is going to have any kind of problem and Hela is pretty simple-minded… give her things to kill and torture and she will be more than content.

All of a sudden a frown appeared on my face when Luna left Knox on her own…

[POV Yoruichi]

I hate that bastard… this is animal cruelty. How the hell I was supposed to find that strange blond woman wearing a rainbow-colored dress and wolf-topped hat… Screw that!! Both of them were pretty weird… and that bastard denied me belly rubs and milk.

Now that I think about it, I have seen that bald woman a couple of times but why did I ignore her?? With the Hollows disappearance incident, I should have informed Kisuke about her, right? My stomach growled… I will scratch that bastard!

All of a sudden I was picked up from the ground… How???!! How the hell did someone approach me without getting noticed?? I finally looked towards the person who dared to pick me up and my Cat eyes grew wide as it was the same weird blond woman… She was still wearing the wolf topped hat.

"Aren't you a cute girl??" the weird blond woman said while rubbing my belly and scratching the behind of my ears. Yes… keep doing that woman, I forgive you for picking me up and surprising me… I won't even scratch you.

My stomach rumbled again… "Aww… are you hungry cutie??" the woman asked me and I simply kept staring at her with a confused look on my face. I feel a weird type of connection with this woman… Why??

The woman pulled me into her arms and carried me to a nearby shop so she could buy me milk… after a few minutes, the woman finally brought me to a park and set down a plastic bowl and poured the milk in the bowl.

"Come girl… have a drink" the woman said while gesturing towards the cup. I started to drink the milk but I was thinking about something else completely.

I feel that I should listen to this woman and protect this woman, why? Why is this happening to me? Is this her Zanpakutou power? No… it isn't me… My cat's instincts and senses are reacting to her. Something like this has never happened.

When I finally finished drinking the milk the woman once again picked me up in her arms… one part of me wanted to get away from the strange woman because of how I was reacting to her… while the other part of me was telling me to stay with her so that I could get more information about her.

Now that I knew about my Cat instincts I was somewhat able to ignore them… "Do you want to stay with me?" the strange woman asked me and I simply meowed like a real Cat should have. The meow didn't mean yes or no… as I didn't want to show any type of intelligence to the woman.

"Oh… is that so… you aren't sure…" the woman said with a sullen look on her face. My mind was once again filled with worry… How can she understand Cat's language?? I decided to risk it… I must collect more information about the woman.

"Meow" I meowed once again but this time I wanted to sound more excited… the woman's eyes lit up in happiness.

"I am so glad that you decided to come with me…" the woman said and teleported along with me. What kind of teleportation is this??? I didn't even feel anything!! Don't tell me that she manipulated the very fabric of Space?? I have never heard of an ability like that…

Coming with her was the best decision… Now, I could collect more information about this woman. I finally started to look around and I was pretty surprised to notice the house… I haven't seen such a building in Karakura Town… are we no longer in Karakura Town?

No! We are still inside Karakura Town because I can sense everyone's Spiritual Pressure. We were standing inside a huge backyard… "Ah… here you are Luna" I heard a voice and I turned around to see who it was. It was the bald woman from the shopping district.

So, this weird woman's name is Luna? Not a Japanese name, Foreigners. "Flavia, see this cutie…" Luna extended me towards the bald woman, Flavia, wanting to show me off. I felt somewhat offended at how the bald woman deadpanned after seeing me.

"I am quite surprised that your new pet is a normal cat… I think you are going to surprise everyone" Flavia deadpanned but she said, everyone… How many are these guys? I flared my senses trying to scan the house.

My mind filled with worry when I sensed someone inside the house with Spiritual Pressure equal to a Captain… who are these people? "Oh… she is hungry so I picked her up. Come on girl… let me introduce you to your sisters" I was brought out of my worry-induced thoughts when Luna spoke up once again.

Sisters? Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that I am going to be scarred for life? Luna started to take me towards the deeper parts of the backward… they had a freaking forest in their freaking backyard!!

My eyes snapped in front of me when I started to hear the sounds of a TV. My eyes grew wide in fear and my instincts screamed at me to run away when my eyes finally landed on my so-called sisters? This must be a joke!! What kind of beasts are these??

I could feel death from the giant snake's eye while the wolf was a completely different story… I would die if I fight that thing. My instincts were screaming at me that no matter what I do, I won't be able to win against that wolf…

"Cutie… meet your scaly sister, Attila. She is a basilisk and this is your furry sister, Fenris. She is the God killer Asgardian Wolf… I hope that the three of you can get along" Luna introduced me to my so-called sisters and I decided to do the most obvious thing I could do at that moment… I passed out in Luna's arms.

[A Couple of Hours Later]

Where am I? Screw that!! I am so comfortable. That was a pretty odd and scary dream… basilisk, God killer wolves?? I mean, really? Yes, I must be getting affected by Kisuke's psychotic tendencies… I will scratch him later.

"Oh… you are up??" I heard Kisuke's voice and I shot a glare towards him. He must pay for disturbing me from my comfortable sleep…!!

"Piss off Kisuke… I don't want to see your ugly face… I am rather comfortable here" I said in my manly tone while glaring daggers at him.

"...Um… but can you tell me who Luna is?" Kisuke asked with a smile on his face and I stilled in shock… Luna… wait! That wasn't a dream???!!

"Wait, how did I get here?!" I yelled in surprise and Kisuke simply deadpanned.

"I thought you were going to tell me that. I found you in this basket with a milk bottle and a note in front of the shop" Kisuke said while pointing towards the basket I was currently in… then, my eyes found the milk bottle on the table.

What?! How?! Several questions were going through my mind. "Show me the note!" I demanded and Kisuke placed the note in front of me.

'Dear Cutie,

You fell asleep after meeting your sisters, you must have been very tired. That is why I gave you the basket… then, I thought that you might get hungry after waking up so I added the milk bottle. Then I thought that your friend Kisuke Urahara would get worried so I decided to leave you in front of his shop.

Take care, Yuroichi. Until next time. Oh… you didn't tell me your name but I already knew, that is why I didn't give you a name. Well, we will meet again in the future so it's ok, I am looking forward to giving you more belly rubs.

Oh… hi, Urahara-San. I know that you would be reading this too and I thought that it would be rude of me to ignore you.

Bye, Luna'

I reread the letter once again to see if I have read it correctly or not and only one thing came out of my lips… "Fuck!!"...

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