The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension)

Chapter 437 - Autumn Elections (III)...

[Block B]

"Now that the students are already working, why don't we discuss about us?" Orie Sendawara said while staring possessively towards Isshiki Satoshi. Isshiki simply smiled but didn't give her a reply.

"Isshiki-Chan, why don't you agree to belong to me?" Orie uttered those words in a melodic and seductive tone. Her fellow judges had to hold themselves back from crying.

Isshiki remained calm and acted professionally. "How mean" Orie said with a pout. "Stop teasing me and become mine already" Orie whined and continued to pout but Isshiki simply smiled. The other judges wanted to curse Isshiki and Orie but somehow refrained themselves.

'Dora is here, I can sense her clumsiness' Nat's voice rang throughout Momo's and Luna's minds. Both Momo and Luna giggled inside their minds. The three of them were almost done with their dishes, that is why they could joke around..

They had noticed that some students were making some eccentric dishes. Like, Takumi Aldini was making something with pizza dough and his transformed brother was working with tomatoes.

The time limit finally ended and it was time to present the dishes. "Now everyone, the first contestant will be serving his dish. I wonder what the judges are going to say?" The mic girl announced as a boy named Takumi Ishiwatari started to approach the Judge's table.

"Great… the flavor is strong and the chicken slices aren't that hard to chew. It is really a great dish" a judge praised the dish.

"It is good" another judge complimented the dish.

"It is my honor to hear such words" the boy said with a somewhat smug look on his face. After hearing such praise, he was sure that he was going to be given high scores.

But his world shattered when he got only 24. His eyes almost popped out of his sockets and his jaw was already resting on the floor.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Only 24?! How can this be? Are you sure that you didn't make a mistake??" the boy asked hysterically.

"Honorable judges, the maximum score each of you can give is 20" the mic girl reminded in a humble tone.

"We are aware of that…" the first judge began to say while looking towards the mic girl but his eyes shifted towards the boy who had dared to question them.

"Boy, we are not looking for good chefs here. Anything less than phenomenal is bound to be crushed under the floor" the Judge's voice and words were cruel and ripped the boy's pride into nothingness.

That was the first victim who fell in front of the cruel scores. Some of the students were already freaking out by now. It was finally Sadatsuka Nao who started to approach the Judge's table while giggling like an evil Witch.

'She is playing the role perfectly' Momo mused inside her mind. The girl finally revealed her pungent and disgusting dish to the judges. The judges almost puked due to the smell.

It was Orie who decided to give the dish the first try. The other judges were horrified when they saw that. "As a judge, it is my duty to try every dish" That was Orie's answer. Orie picked up some ramen while hands were shaking.

Orie yelled in glee and started to glomp on the disgusting dish. The other judges were surprised to see such a reaction so they decided to give it a try too and they were also surprised.

The judges gave her 84 points, surprising the whole venue. "Now, try to beat that annoying secretary" Nao challenged Hisako Arato. There seemed to be something going in between the two of them.

Arato presented her dish and it was Orie who decided to give it the first try. As soon as Orie placed the spoon inside her mouth, she felt like she was deep in the ocean and she was swimming with the fish.

Hisako Arato got 92 points, the highest so far. Sadatsuka Nao dropped to the ground as she howled like a creepy Witch. Yuki Yoshino was the next one who presented her dish.

Her dish was a combination of Curry, rice, and pineapple. Her score was 86 points. Yuki looked disappointed as she clenched her fists tightly. It was finally Momo's turn to present her dish.

Momo approached the Judge's table with a confident look on her face. She placed the bowls on their table. "Please enjoy my Katsu Curry" Momo said as she backed away from the table.

(Image Here)

The judges were completely entranced by the aroma. All the students were waiting with bated breaths. Orie and the other judges picked up their spoons and took the first bite.

All of their worlds exploded, taking them to a completely new world of flavors. The judges couldn't believe that a first-year student was able to prepare something like this. This dish could be easily compared to the dishes of the lower seat holders of the Elite Ten.

The decision wasn't hard for them but when the score was finally given, the whole venue was stunned silent. Most couldn't even believe their eyes and Momo nodded her head with a satisfied look on her face as she headed back to her station.

"Who oh!!! Is this real?!"


"I must be dreaming!!"

Several screams like these rang throughout the hall when the students started to come out shocked and surprised states. They couldn't believe that someone surpassed Nakiri Erina's aide and scored a full 100.

This was the first time anyone had received 100 points in the preliminary rounds. This incident was sure to be recorded in history.

"Hun--Hundred Points!! I can't believe that someone was able to get 100 points!!" the mic girl yelled into her mic with a shocked look on her face.

Hisako Arato was scowling at the score and clenched her fists tightly. After Momo, a girl named Houjou Miyoko approached the Judge's table with her Chinese dish.

Her Chinese curry dish impressed the judges enough to earn her a score of 88 points. She was currently third on the list of top scores. Isami Aldini was the next one who approached the Judge's table to present his dish.

His Calzone-wrapped Curry was a surprise to everyone. The judges tasted the dish and they were immediately assaulted by the flavors of tomatoes. His final score was 87 points and it was clear that Isami Aldini wasn't impressed with himself.

Followed by Isami Aldini, his brother, Takumi Aldini approached the Judge's table to present his dish.

(Image Here)

His Pasta Curry dish impressed the judges enough to present him with a score of 93 points.

"Next contestant is…" That was all the mic girl could say until she noticed that Nakiri Alice was already in front of the Judge's table. The mic girl was very displeased.

"Here, I worked hard on this one, please give it a try" Alice said with a grin as she presented her Curry dish though it didn't long anything similar to a Curry.

(Image Here)

Someone from the crowd of students blurted out. "Where is the curry part in that?"

After that, Alice went into extreme details about her Curry dish. When her explanation was over, most of the students understood that it was more of a chemistry experiment than a Curry dish but the Judges were more than impressed with her dish.

When the score was presented Alice swore inside her mind and clicked her tongue. Momo had defeated her. As soon as Momo was given 100 points, she knew that she was going to lose but she still held hope.

'I need to practice harder…' Alice thought as she gave another look at her score and started to return to her station. The judges have given her a score of 96 points.

It was finally Luna's turn as she started to skip towards the Judge's table while skipping. The mic girl was happy that she got to announce the name this time and approached the innocent girl.

"What score are you expecting?" the mic girl asked and Luna gave her a brilliant smile.

"Obviously a 100" That shocked the whole venue and everyone started to scream and moan about her arrogance.

"Aren't you being too arrogant?" the mic girl asked while giving Luna a questioning look.

"My words are absolute" Luna said with an innocent smile as she placed her dish in front of the Judges.

"I have prepared Pudding Curry for all of you… please give it a try" Luna said in a cheerful tone. The judges wanted to scoff at her statement but the aroma entranced them. Orie picked up the cup and took a small bite.

(Image Here)

Then the next second, she gulped down the whole serving. The other judges were also the same. "Can we have a second serving?" Orie almost begged… the whole venue was already silent due to shock.

"Yeah, sure. Help yourselves" Luna pointed them towards the bucket and the judges started to discuss something among themselves.

Orie coughed to get back her bearings. "Please keep it safe… we would like to have some dessert after we finish with all the dishes" Orie said with as much dignity as she could muster.

"Okie Dokie" Luna said in a sing-song voice and started to skip back towards her station. She didn't even wait for the score.

Once again pandemonium broke throughout the venue of Block B when 100 points were given to another student…

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