The Epic of Leviathan (A Mutant's Ascension)

Chapter 482 - The Tale Of Two Foxes...

[Youkai Territory, Kyoto] 

"You look way too happy… something must have happened recently" Yasaka said in a teasing tone with an obvious look on her face and a proud grin made its way to Nemuri's face. 

"Yes, something did happen. That is why I wasn't able to visit you for sometime" Nemuri said with a grin and Yasaka tilted her head with a kind smile on her face. 

"Then we must celebrate" Yasaka said with an obvious look on her face and Nemuri wasn't surprised in the slightest when she found that Yasaka already knew that she was pregnant. Yasaka was a practitioner of Senjutsu. Second, Nemuri had politely refused the offer of sake. 

"I am really happy for you" Yasaka said with a gentle smile on her face. "Having a child is a great responsibility, but trust me, everything will be worth it when you hold your child in your own arms" Yasaka said with a soft smile on her face. 

"Are you speaking from your own experience?" Nemuri asked in a slightly amused tone and Yasaka immediately nodded her head, but moments later, a sullen look appeared on her face. 

"Yes… I was devastated when all of a sudden Kunou's father upped and left while I was pregnant, but I still wanted to have her… she was the only thing that kept me going" Yasaka said with a slightly broken look on her face and sniffed lightly. 

Nemuri immediately noticed that Yasaka's eyes were starting to pool with tears while the ears and tails plopped down. Now, Nemuri felt like a bitch for bringing up that topic. Nemuri crawled towards Yasaka, and she gently pulled the other woman into her arms. 

"Don't cry… it is okay" Nemuri said in a slightly awkward tone as she had no idea how to console women. "I am sorry for reminding you about something like that" Nemuri added in an apologetic tone and once again Yasaka sniffed, but this time, she was much louder. 

"No… no, it is okay" Yasaka said, her voice slightly cracked, but at the same time, she was trying to sound cheerful. After a few moments of silence, Yasaka finally separated from Nemuri and gave her a grateful look. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You see… I have moved on, most of the time, I don't even think about that vile man, but sometimes I just wonder what my life would have been if he hadn't abandoned me" Yasaka said with a longing look in her eyes, but she still had a smile on her face. 

"I think I understand where you are coming from…" Nemuri said as she placed her hand on Yasaka's shoulder in a comforting manner. 

"So, how are you feeling about everything?" Yasaka questioned, trying to change the topic. A bright smile appeared on Nemuri's face after hearing Yasaka's question. 

"I feel great!! You see, I always wanted to be a mother, but for a time, I have given up all of my hope" at the end, Nemuri's voice became sullen. Nemuri wasn't going to reveal all the nitty-gritty details, but she was going to tell Yasaka about her life. 

"You see, I was an orphan. I grew up in the orphanage and when I was in middle school, I became highly fascinated by the adult themes like pirn and stuff" Nemuri narrated her life story and Yasaka didn't like where it was going, so she placed her hand on Nemuri's hand for support. 

"You see, my world wasn't normal. People had superpowers known as Quirks, it was a modern world, so our world was filled with Heroes and Villains. I have one of these Quirk, so I also wanted to be a Hero" 

"After graduating from UA. That was one of the premiere Hero Schools back in our world… I named myself R-Rated Pro Hero Midnight for obvious reasons. Due to my fascination with the adult themes, I became a depraved pervert" Nemuri narrated with a small grin on her face. Those memories were golden. 

"That made it extremely hard for me to get a date… everyone thought that I was a slut even though I wasn't and I kept my distance from one-night stand type of guys, so getting a partner was also very hard" Nemuri explained and Yasaka was internally relieved when she found that her suspicion was wrong. 

"I had practically given up hope of becoming a mother as I was getting old, but I wasn't going to stop trying. I finally decided to go after one of my students, he won one of the tournaments and the way he dominated the tournament, made me so wet you have no idea" Nemuri gushed out with a maniacal glint in her eyes. 

Yasaka had no idea how she was supposed to react to that. "Just thinking about being in a forbidden relationship with a student was making me go mad in anticipation!" Nemuri exclaimed as her nostrils flared. After a few moments, Nemuri coughed to gather her bearings. 

"Sorry for that…" Nemuri apologized, but she didn't look convincing in the slightest. Yasaka finally understood how much of a depraved pervert her friend… best friend was. 

"It is okay… I suppose" Yasaka said as she wanted Nemuri to continue her story. For whatever reason, Yasaka found the whole thing pretty interesting. She was also getting a lot of information even though she was never going to use that against the Destroyer or her best friend. 

It wasn't due to fear or anything… she has come to see Nemuri as her true friend and she wasn't going to betray her true friend… 

"Haha… where was I?" Nemuri chuckled in a sheepish tone. "Yeah, he won a tournament and I was immediately interested. Luckily, I was able to drag him off for a small date when I met him at the shopping complex, then I was somehow able to get a date" Nemuri said with a bright smile on her face. 

"Our first date was marvellous! But that made me even more nervous. You see, I never had a second date in my life… everyone dumped me after only one date" Nemuri said in a sullen tone and Yasaka felt really weird. 

"Surprisingly, he agreed for a second date and I was over the moon!! You have no idea how happy I was when he finally agreed to the second date. So, I decided that I couldn't let him go and I needed to bag him before anything else" 

"So, as soon as I met him, I dragged him off to a private room and asked him to marry me!" Nemuri said in a proud tone as she puffed out her chest. She looked extremely proud of herself and Yasaka choked on her own spit after hearing Nemuri's words. 

'She is insane!! And that isn't something to be proud of!!' Yasaka screamed inside her mind, but she saw how proud Nemuri was looking right now, so she decided not to burst Nemuri's bubble of happiness. 

"Well… even though he said he couldn't marry me, he decided to continue the relationship and now when I look back… I know for sure that going after a student who was practically half my age was the best decision I had ever made" Nemuri beamed with a bright smile on her face and once again Yasaka felt really weird. 

"That is how my love story started. I had never imagined that just one decision would change my life like this…" Nemuri said with a soft smile on her face as she stared at Yasaka. For a moment, she kept looking at Yasaka intently. 

"Hey!! Would you like to go on a date with my man??" Nemuri asked in a teasing tone as she licked her lips. 

'No!!' Yasaka screamed inside her mind, but for whatever reason, she couldn't mouth out her reply. She was horrified that she started to genuinely consider the offer. She didn't know why, but she felt really jealous of Nemuri and she also wanted a piece for herself. 

'What are you doing Yasaka?! You are a dignified leader and a mother! What would your daughter think??! And the man already has a harem!!' Yasaka chastised herself inside her mind. 

'But I don't think it would be that bad… I think he will come to love Kunou like his own daughter. I also wanted to have a strong man and being in a harem wouldn't be so bad… I think. No! Bad Yasaka! Stop thinking with your privates!!' Once again Yasaka ended up chastising herself. 

While Yasaka was going through an intense internal conflict, Nemuri was grinning like a loon. Yasaka was a hard-working single mother and a nice woman, she had also come to like Kunou too. So, she wouldn't mind if Yasaka ended up being with Reo. In fact, she would be really happy. 

When Nemuri noticed the conflicted look on Yasaka's face, she knew that she wouldn't need to convince the woman anymore. Even if Yasaka denied the offer today, she will end up giving in after a few weeks or months. Nemuri knew that Reo was what all women desired. 

"...Um… so-sorry, but I ha-have to refuse your… proposition" Yasaka finally stuttered out a reply after a minute of silence and she didn't sound convincing at all. 

"If you say so~" Nemuri said in a sing-song voice as she winked at the other nine-tailed fox who started to blush like a schoolgirl… 


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