The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 152: The Thunder-like Anger!

Chapter 152: The Thunder-like Anger!

The Thunder-like Anger! . . .

The Crown Prince's insistence on repeating the same accusations left Jiang Yu-Ming baffled. It seemed as though the Crown Prince was attempting to draw the king's attention to the matter, and Jiang Yu-Ming couldn't help but recognize the gravity of the situation.

Jiang Yu-Ming couldn't fathom what had caused the Crown Prince to treat him with such hostility. After all, they hadn't crossed paths in any significant way before. It was disconcerting to see a future king act so aggressively toward him.

The relentless questioning continued, with the Crown Prince driving home his points with growing intensity. Each question aimed to paint Jiang Yu-Ming's son, Cha Tai-Sui, in a negative light, highlighting his alleged misconduct and disregard for the warriors who were off fighting to protect the kingdom.

Jiang Yu-Ming struggled to find a counterargument as he silently acknowledged that his son might have indeed behaved poorly.

"The soldiers are out there risking their lives for the kingdom, while your son indulges in mischief within the capital. He bullied the families of warriors immediately after their departure. Isn't that a grave insult to those shedding blood to protect us?" The Crown Prince's words carried a harsh edge.

Jiang Yu-Ming felt as though he was being unfairly targeted and that the situation was being blown out of proportion. He believed it was merely a squabble among young boys, something that had happened before.

"The confrontation between these groups of boys arose from one side grieving for their families, who had embarked on a perilous journey. Meanwhile, your son's group acted arrogantly, humiliating people at will," the Crown Prince continued coldly. "No one could tolerate such behavior. Your son initiated the confrontation and was subsequently injured. He reaped what he sowed. Moreover, as far as I know, his injuries aren't life-threatening. On the other hand, Cha-Eun Xiao's bones are shattered, and he teeters on the brink of death. How can you justify reversing right and wrong in this matter?"

Jiang Yu-Ming found himself lowering his head in submission, unable to formulate a response. Just as he was about to speak, the king intervened with concern, seeking clarification. "What did you say? Cha-Eun Xiao's bones are shattered? Is that what you're telling me?"

The Crown Prince responded respectfully, "Yes, Father. While I didn't personally witness it, I received credible reports. It cannot be false. A highly skilled cultivator accompanied Jiang Tai-Sui's group and secretly used the forbidden martial art, the Melting Bone Palm, on Cha-Eun Xiao."

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"The Melting Bone Palm?" The king's complexion paled as fear gripped him. He was well aware of the deadly reputation of the Melting Bone Palm, and the mention of it sent shivers down his spine.

The Crown Prince elaborated, "Following the attack, Cha-Eun Xiao didn't immediately show signs of injury. However, upon returning to the city and nearing his home, he suddenly collapsed from his horse. His body bled profusely, and his bones turned as soft as cotton."

The king gasped in horror, his voice trembling as he inquired, "What's his current condition?"

The Crown Prince sighed heavily, his voice filled with sorrow. "He is in a coma, appearing as little more than a breathing corpse. The Cha Clan has dispatched a messenger pigeon to the north to inform General Cha Nan-Tian, allowing him the opportunity to see his son one last time."

The sight of the king's trembling form shocked the Crown Prince. [This isn't how he should be reacting.] Concerned, he rushed to his father's side, asking, "Father, are you alright?"

The king struggled to regain his composure, a bitter smile crossing his lips. "It appears that the gods have decreed the downfall of my kingdom." Both Jiang Yu-Ming and the Crown Prince were left bewildered by the king's response. [This is not the reaction we expected.]

The king's words left the Crown Prince perplexed and concerned. The usually unshakable and steadfast monarch now appeared weary and frail, unable to hide his fatigue. This stark departure from his father's usual demeanor sent a chill down the Crown Prince's spine.

Throughout his life, the king had been an unyielding presence, a symbol of strength that had weathered countless storms and adversities to safeguard the kingdom. He had never revealed weakness before, which made this moment all the more unsettling for the Crown Prince.

As moments passed in heavy silence, the king eventually reopened his eyes, his voice heavy with resignation. "The Melting Bone Palm… It's a death sentence... He's in a coma, his time is running out... They've dispatched a messenger pigeon to the Great General... He will return to bid his beloved son farewell..."

A bitter, sardonic laugh escaped the king's lips, his hopes seemingly shattered. It was clear that he anticipated General Cha Nan-Tian's immediate return upon receiving the message, prioritizing his son over all else.

[But what about the ongoing war in the north? The only secure bastion along the kingdom's border was about to crumble into chaos.]

When the king turned his gaze toward Jiang Yu-Ming, his expression remained eerily composed. He addressed the official with an air of tranquility. "Jiang Yu-Ming, it is time for you to leave."

Jiang Yu-Ming was visibly shaken, concern for the king's health etched on his face. "Your highness, your... your well-being..."

The king's words, however, carried a chilling finality. He spoke in hushed tones, as if revealing a hidden truth. "You've indulged your son. That's your prerogative. He may be frivolous, useless, arrogant, and unruly. Very well, if that's your choice, so be it. But his conduct in matters of national importance... That was..."

His voice took on a cold, disdainful tone as he continued, "He brought this upon himself. Jiang Yu-Ming, leave my sight now. I no longer wish to see you."

Jiang Yu-Ming, still kneeling, tried to plead with the king. "Your highness, please... please..."

The king's eyes narrowed, and his patience waned. In a sudden outburst of rage, he bellowed, "I ordered you to leave! Are you deaf!?"

The forcefulness of the king's shout sent tremors through Jiang Yu-Ming, leaving even the Crown Prince feeling dizzy. The king's gaze turned to one of undisguised revulsion as he observed Jiang Yu-Ming.

Jiang Yu-Ming struggled to utter a response, but before he could make a coherent plea, the king's thunderous voice commanded, "Someone, come! Remove him from my presence!"

A group of eunuchs swiftly appeared and dragged Jiang Yu-Ming, who had turned into a quivering wreck, out of the hall. He felt disoriented and bewildered. [What just happened? Why has the king treated me like this? We were friends, were we not?]

In the aftermath, Jiang Yu-Ming remained in a state of shock, as if emerging from a troubling nightmare.

Back in the main hall, the Crown Prince tenderly massaged his father's head, his voice reflecting deep concern. "Father, what has come over you? Why did you..."

The king's condition and behavior had deeply unsettled the Crown Prince, and he sought answers from his father, desperately trying to make sense of the sudden transformation.

The Crown Prince, though harboring ambitions for the throne, was deeply troubled by his father's ailing health. The prospect of ascending to the throne weighed heavily on his mind, and he couldn't help but be apprehensive about the kingdom's future.

Perplexed by his father's grave expression, the Crown Prince questioned, "What has transpired, Father? Allow me to peruse the reports." The king gestured toward a collection of documents scattered across the table.

Taking up the reports, the Crown Prince began to peruse them diligently. As he delved into the contents, the gravity of the situation became increasingly apparent. The first report elicited an exclamation of astonishment, and by the time he had finished reading all four, his countenance had turned pallid.

"Never could I have imagined that Jiang Yu-Ming would bring such calamity upon our kingdom," the king lamented bitterly, his voice tinged with resentment. "I should have eradicated his entire clan when the incident occurred. My leniency, my attachment to our friendship, has now paved the way for the kingdom's downfall. A king should not have friends; I see that clearly now."

The Crown Prince, previously brimming with energy, now appeared utterly despondent. Fear had taken root within him, gnawing at his very core.

For the Kingdom of Chen, war loomed on all four fronts, with formidable adversaries closing in. Each enemy force was led by a commander whose martial prowess rivaled that of Prince Hua-Yang, the renowned War God of the kingdom. It was an unprecedented peril, one that posed an existential threat to Chen.

The crisis had erupted unexpectedly and silently, catching them off guard. To make matters worse, Cha-Eun Xiao lay incapacitated at this critical juncture, and his father, Cha Nan-Tian, would undoubtedly abandon the northern front upon learning of his son's dire condition. The outcome in the north appeared grim.

The Crown Prince was overwhelmed by the grim reality unfolding before him. Regret gnawed at his conscience as he pondered his past decisions, particularly his ill-conceived plan to eliminate Cha-Eun Xiao. Little did he know that this seemingly frivolous young lord from town would wield such profound influence on the kingdom's destiny. It was as if the realm of the inexplicable and absurd revolved solely around Cha-Eun Xiao.

Gradually regaining his composure, the king studied his son with a scrutinizing gaze. His voice, now calm and composed, betrayed a hint of curiosity. "My son, it appears you are deeply concerned about this matter."

The Crown Prince hesitated for a moment before responding earnestly, "It is a matter that pertains to the safety and security of the entire kingdom. In these troubled times, such concerns weigh heavily on my mind."

The king nodded, tacitly acknowledging his son's response. Neither felt the need to delve further into the unspoken complexities that underscored their conversation. The pressing issue at hand demanded their undivided attention and swift action.

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