The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 169: Fishing In Troubled Waters

Chapter 169: Fishing In Troubled Waters

Fishing In Troubled Waters . . .

What vexed Liu Chang-Jun more than anything else was the disconcerting realization that the man he had regarded as a useless and defeated individual now displayed superior prowess in assassination—capabilities that eclipsed his own. It was nothing short of a nightmarish scenario for him, a chilling revelation that plunged him into turmoil.

He pondered the grim irony of his situation. Had his mission ultimately condemned him to meet his demise?

Liu Chang-Jun was undoubtedly one of the most skilled assassins within his realm, having honed his talents to a razor's edge. Yet, in the presence of Cha-Eun Xiao, he found himself utterly impotent, unable to harness his formidable skills. His rank as a cultivator of the middle levels of the Grade of Tianyuan far surpassed Cha-Eun Xiao's own level, despite the latter's considerable improvement. However, this advantage provided Liu Chang-Jun with no semblance of confidence.

His adversary's martial arts were relentlessly aggressive. The golden hand, in particular, seemed impervious, effortlessly thwarting Liu Chang-Jun's longsword. The longsword, a weapon he had wielded with unparalleled finesse, was gradually succumbing to the relentless onslaught, while the golden hand remained unscathed.

Had the golden hand struck him directly, Liu Chang-Jun would have been pulverized. Yet, it was the other hand, the one exuding a malevolent chill, that truly unnerved him. He could fend off the golden hand with his sword, but the gelid qi was nigh impossible to evade. He harbored an aversion to any contact with that dreadfully cold hand, and even his sword seemed reluctant to make contact.

The mere touch of the gelid qi threatened to permeate through any material and freeze him to the core. It was a phenomenon that defied explanation, sending shivers down his spine.

As the relentless battle raged on, the room transformed into a frigid ice chamber, the temperature plummeting with each passing moment. Liu Chang-Jun could no longer stave off the pervasive cold; his teeth chattered, and his movements grew sluggish. His attacks lost their characteristic blue hue, signifying a dramatic decline in his strength.

A glimmer of desperation flickered in his eyes as he began to retreat. Survival had become his paramount objective—a goal that now seemed insurmountable.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[As long as I draw breath, I will relentlessly pursue the employer who issued this treacherous contract, no matter where it leads!

Damn this job! It's a nightmare!

I'm a cunning fox, and they promised me a defenseless rabbit, an easy kill. Yet, I leapt headlong into this trap and discovered that the rabbit had morphed into a ferocious tiger, an adversary armed with sharp fangs and claws!

Was this all a setup?]

However, Cha-Eun Xiao's words intercepted his thoughts. The pace of the battle slowed, and Cha-Eun Xiao wore a sly grin. "Oh, are you planning to make a hasty exit? So soon?"

"I've been deceived! Am I slated for death here? I still have a chance to escape. I might lose that chance if I wait," Liu Chang-Jun muttered, his voice laden with discontent.

He continued, his voice tinged with irritation, "Even in your prime, you shouldn't be this formidable... What's going on with you?"

Once again, Cha-Eun Xiao raised his golden hand, and a series of swift strikes ensued. The gelid qi intermingled with golden radiance, filling the air. He spoke with a mischievous tone, "Ah, but the information you received was indeed accurate. Unfortunately, you've arrived at quite an inopportune moment. When you first entered this room, I hadn't yet made my breakthrough. However, by the time you arrived, I had just completed it! Consider yourself fortunate, my friend. Don't you think?"

Liu Chang-Jun's expletive-laden outburst left him on the brink of fainting. He couldn't help but contemplate Cha-Eun Xiao's definition of 'luck.'

[Fortunate? I'm the lucky one here?

Is this supposed to be a stroke of luck?

Hold on... Are you suggesting that had I arrived just a moment earlier, I could have avoided this chaotic confrontation? And had I arrived slightly later, I might have sidestepped your surging energy? But instead, I happened to walk right into the exact moment when you gained power?

And you think I'm the lucky one here?

Lucky my foot, you utter jerk!]

Desperation and the gnawing cold fueled Liu Chang-Jun's determination to keep defending against Cha-Eun Xiao's relentless attacks. He could feel the chill seeping into his veins, making it increasingly difficult to fend off each strike. His words verged on a plea for mercy.

"Do you have to kill me?" Liu Chang-Jun's complexion turned an ashen shade.

Arching an eyebrow, Cha-Eun Xiao retorted, "As an assassin, haven't you already violated your professional code?"

Liu Chang-Jun felt close to tears.

[You're truly an eccentric oddball. You're seriously lecturing me on professional ethics...]

In terms of raw strength, Liu Chang-Jun undoubtedly held the upper hand. However, the peculiar martial arts that Cha-Eun Xiao employed rendered him powerless, akin to facing his arch-nemesis. He could sense his movements slowing down, his very being restrained by the numbing chill.

He realized that escape was a futile endeavor, especially when under the influence of the gelid qi. Even in his prime, Liu Chang-Jun would have struggled to match Cha-Eun Xiao, but the current circumstances were in no way favorable.

Cha-Eun Xiao, sporting a faint smile, remarked, "I've been fighting you unarmed while you wield a sword. It's about time I unveil my weapons."

Liu Chang-Jun was utterly terror-stricken. Cha-Eun Xiao had thoroughly bested him with just his bare hands, and now he was preparing to wield weapons.

[This is surely a death sentence...]

Suddenly, he saw something flashing in Cha-Eun Xiao's hand, rapidly approaching him. His eyes struggled to discern the object.

In a frantic bid to defend himself, he raised his sword, but the mysterious object was a blur before his eyes. His sword missed its mark entirely, and in a split second, he felt a strange needle-like object pierce his chest with lightning speed. It delivered a surge of gelid qi that erupted within his meridians, causing his energy flow to come to an abrupt halt.

"It's all over," Cha-Eun Xiao declared with finality.

Cha-Eun Xiao let out a sigh. He could feel Liu Chang-Jun's disbelieving gaze, but he had no time to explain himself. In the blink of an eye, Cha-Eun Xiao struck Liu Chang-Jun's chest with eighteen swift palm strikes. The force was enough to send Liu Chang-Jun stumbling backward, collapsing onto the floor like a lifeless heap. He tasted a sickening sweetness in his throat, but the blood that threatened to spurt out was forced back down.

His Jing and Mai, the vital energy pathways in his body, were completely locked by Cha-Eun Xiao's mastery.

Uttering a strained protest, Liu Chang-Jun managed to croak, "What are you doing?" An anxious thought flitted through his mind: [Please, don't tell me he'! I'm still... a virgin! Oh no, that's not good... That's so embarrassing!]

"What on earth are you thinking? Stop daydreaming! I'm simply borrowing your clothes," Cha-Eun Xiao chuckled. "I don't want others to discover my true abilities."

Swiftly, he stripped Liu Chang-Jun of his black attire, eliciting a panicked shout from Liu Chang-Jun. "What are you doing?" Anxiety gnawed at him as he thought, [Don't tell me he's gay, please! I'm still... a virgin! Oh no, that's not cool... That's such a shame!]

"What the hell are you thinking? Don't get any funny ideas! I'm just borrowing your clothes, that's all!" Cha-Eun Xiao reassured him with a grin. "I don't want people to uncover my true capabilities."

With a series of deft movements, Cha-Eun Xiao donned Liu Chang-Jun's clothes and masked his face as well. He nodded at the apprehensive Liu Chang-Jun. "You can rest here, my friend. Once I've sorted out the mess outside, we can have a chat about life."

Relieved that his fears of an unwanted encounter were unfounded, Liu Chang-Jun reflected, [Thank goodness... he's not gay. That was close. I almost got terrified out of my wits. I've never encountered someone who'd strip their opponent...]

However, his relief was short-lived, giving way to fresh concerns. [This man is terrifying! I'm afraid I'll be begging for death at his hands this time. What's most unsettling is that Cha-Eun Xiao is always so composed and nonchalant about everything he does. He doesn't seem the least bit anxious. Every move is executed with such elegance. But that's precisely what makes him all the more terrifying to his enemies. He must be the most fearsome adversary anyone could face.]

Liu Chang-Jun couldn't help but feel a pang of envy. [If... if I could be like that too, I'd undoubtedly be a renowned figure in the world of assassins. It's such a pity that Cha-Eun Xiao isn't an assassin... What a waste... But one thing baffles me. None of these traits should be found in a teenager. Could this... oddity truly be a sixteen-year-old young man?]

With that, Cha-Eun Xiao paid no further heed to Liu Chang-Jun's musings. He concealed him beneath the bed and swiftly transformed into a shadowy figure, leaping out of the window. In his hand, he gripped Liu Chang-Jun's narrow longsword.

The longsword glinted with a sinister, blood-colored glow as it rested in Cha-Eun Xiao's grip.

Meanwhile, outside the house, the battle raged on with escalating intensity. Song Jue wielded his longsword with unparalleled ferocity, a lone figure confronting eight assassins, his every move a desperate attempt to reach Cha-Eun Xiao.

No matter how valiantly he pressed forward, relentless bodies stood in his path, resolute in their mission to obstruct him at any cost. The eight assailants formed an impenetrable barrier, determined to bar his way.

These eight individuals were unyielding in their commitment to stopping Song Jue's advance.

Amidst the chaos, the Blood Guards fought tirelessly, and the royal guards sent up urgent signals for reinforcements, their calls for help punctuating the tumultuous night. It was clear that more adversaries were converging on the scene, their sole objective being the demise of Cha-Eun Xiao.

Cloaked in black attire, Cha-Eun Xiao moved with remarkable grace and speed, an aura of unbridled aggression emanating from him. It was as though he had effortlessly assumed the identity of Liu Chang-Jun, his performance remarkably convincing.

As they caught sight of 'Liu Chang-Jun,' the eight men breathed a collective sigh of relief, their guard momentarily lowered. They had intended to engage in conversation, but it was Cha-Eun Xiao who spoke first, his voice laced with urgency. "Finish it quickly!" he declared before launching his attack.

In an instant, his longsword whizzed through the air, and the eight men, believing their leader was about to join them, swiftly turned their attention back to the battle against Song Jue. Emboldened by the prospect of their chief's participation, they fought with renewed vigor, their focus solely on the impending struggle.

However, their optimism was shattered as a brilliant flash of swordlight filled their vision, and before they could react, eight heads tumbled simultaneously to the ground. In their final moments, the eight pairs of eyes displayed a profound confusion, questioning Cha-Eun Xiao's inexplicable betrayal. [Why...would our leader do this to us? Why...]

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