The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 199: I Can’t Be Reconciled

Chapter 199: I Can’t Be Reconciled

I Can't Be Reconciled . . .

Cha-Eun Xiao replied with a hint of sulking in his tone, "Let's drink something from your stash today. Next time, I promise to prepare some fine liquor for you."

"Great! It's a deal!" Song Jue responded cheerfully. He was always eager to share drinks with his nephew. He was open to all kinds of liquor, with one notable exception—medical liquor. He would prefer to partake in any other type of drink rather than one intended for male enhancement.

The two of them retrieved bottles of liquor and filled their bowls. Song Jue raised his bowl and declared, "Bottoms up!" He downed the entire bowl in a single gulp, showcasing his seasoned drinking skills.

Song Jue was a true alcoholic. Meanwhile, Cha-Eun Xiao, who had initially requested the drinks, struggled to finish even one bowl. He had intended to jest with Song Jue but ended up drinking silently. Instead of lightening his mood, the liquor seemed to intensify his sense of frustration.

Observing Cha-Eun Xiao's unusual silence, Song Jue gently placed his bowl on the table. He had already consumed six bowls of liquor, though he was not a heavy drinker by nature. Song Jue had chosen to indulge himself in order to cheer up his nephew. However, it appeared that Cha-Eun Xiao's concerns ran deeper than he had anticipated.

Song Jue voiced his concern, "Xiao Xiao, is something troubling you?"

Cha-Eun Xiao remained silent for a moment before responding, "Yes, there are a few things that I can't quite grasp."

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Song Jue offered reassurance, saying, "Feel free to share your thoughts with me. I've lived several decades longer than you have. I've seen and experienced more in my time."

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but roll his eyes internally, thinking, [Several decades longer than me? I don't even know how to respond to that.] However, in matters of romance, he had often been clueless in his past lives, and Song Jue was not mistaken in his assessment.

"Uncle Song, don't you find human emotions to be rather perplexing?" Cha-Eun Xiao inquired with a heavy heart.

Song Jue nodded, his complexion paling slightly. He tilted his head upward, saying, "Indeed, they are quite perplexing."

Taking a sip of his drink, Cha-Eun Xiao continued, "Allow me to pose a question."

"Of course, go ahead. Your uncle is all ears," Song Jue replied, taking another substantial gulp.

Cha-Eun Xiao began, "Uncle Song, imagine there are two women who have feelings for you simultaneously..."

"That's impossible!" Song Jue responded promptly, shaking his head vigorously. "Don't mention two women—I'm worried there will never even be one. That's how I truly feel after all these years."

Surprised by the reaction, Cha-Eun Xiao clarified, "Weren't you listening to me? I said 'imagine.'"

Song Jue remained resolute, asserting, "There's no room for imagination in such matters!"

Frustrated, Cha-Eun Xiao grasped Song Jue's hand and spoke with greater emphasis, "I. Said. Let's. Imagine."

Song Jue grinned and, with half-closed eyes, looked at Cha-Eun Xiao. "Alright, I understand. Please, continue."

"If, and I stress 'if,' there were two ladies who held affection for you simultaneously. Both are beautiful, elegant, and graceful. One of them was once engaged to you, and the other... you owe her deeply," Cha-Eun Xiao began, choosing his words carefully. "Most importantly, both of them love you with their whole hearts."

He paused and took a sip of his drink before continuing, "You clearly understand that you owe a debt to one of them and should make amends. Yet you hesitate to betray the genuine, wholehearted love of the other," Cha-Eun Xiao fixed his gaze on Song Jue. "What would you do in such a situation?"

Song Jue chuckled and replied, "What would I do? I'd stir the pot."

Cha-Eun Xiao sighed, his spirits sinking further. It seemed that Song Jue's response was more teasing than helpful.

"Why trouble yourself with matters you shouldn't be overly concerned about?" Song Jue queried, genuinely surprised. "Why do you find it difficult to handle? Just marry both of them. Isn't that a good solution? After all, they both love you wholeheartedly."

Leaning closer to Cha-Eun Xiao, Song Jue became more inquisitive. "I mean... Are there truly two women in love with you at the same time? Let me guess. Ye-Yue is undoubtedly one of them. But who could the other be? You weren't exactly known for your virtuous conduct. I genuinely can't fathom who, apart from Ye-Yue, would fall for you. Care to enlighten me?"

Cha-Eun Xiao frowned and offered a bitter smile, realizing that discussing this matter with Song Jue was a grave mistake. Song Jue, it turned out, was equally clueless about matters of the heart. In fact, he was even worse than Cha-Eun Xiao, as no woman had ever fallen for him.

Song Jue remained oblivious and continued his questioning, "Who is this other woman? Where did you meet her? Is she someone from a brothel you frequented? Do you owe her something? Did you... have an affair with her? Is she pregnant? Are you..."

Cha-Eun Xiao sighed deeply and felt a profound sense of helplessness. He rested his head on the table.

Although he wasn't yet drunk, his heart was heavily intoxicated.

"Why can't I get drunk?" he pondered, the alcohol only exacerbating his inner turmoil. "How can I sleep like this?"

Song Jue muttered, "What are you doing, you rascal? You said you wanted to share drinks and talk with me. I was trying to make you smile, offering comfort and suggestions. Yet here you are, getting drunk so quickly... Unbelievable."

He poured himself another drink and finished it.

Cha-Eun Xiao was, in truth, half-drunk. Song Jue's words had done more to worsen his mood than anything else.

As he returned to his room, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but reflect on Meng Huai-Qing's words. Though they were harsh, they were undeniably rational.

In this world, power held a profound significance.

As Meng Huai-Qing had pointed out, Su Ye-Yue was now her disciple, and under Meng Huai-Qing's guidance, she was bound to grow in experience, knowledge, and stature. It was highly likely that she would surpass Cha-Eun Xiao in various aspects, and this was something that would largely depend on Cha-Eun Xiao's own recognition of her achievements.

If he didn't strive diligently to improve himself, it was entirely possible that he would find himself unworthy of a woman like Su Ye-Yue, as Meng Huai-Qing had cautioned. This was a very real possibility.

Regardless of how deep Su Ye-Yue's love was for him now, once she gained more experience in the broader realms, she would come to realize the limitations of this world. Her perspective would inevitably change.

Perhaps her love for Cha-Eun Xiao wouldn't waver, but if he remained as ordinary as he had always been, he might find himself too weak to protect his wife or even himself. Meng Huai-Qing had spoken the truth.

Su Ye-Yue might not fully comprehend it at this moment, but Cha-Eun Xiao, being a seasoned cultivator, had a profound understanding of how the journey of cultivation influenced individuals.

"That's it. Regardless of what happens, I must become stronger as quickly as possible," Cha-Eun Xiao resolved firmly. The humiliation he had experienced earlier was significant, and while it was seen as justified by others, he was determined to prevent such humiliation from ever happening again.

A sharp purple glow emanated from his eyes as he contemplated his newfound purpose. "I've never had a clear life goal in my past life or in this one," he admitted to himself. "I never knew where I should go after seeking revenge in the Qing-Yun Realm. The notion of 'great achievements lie ahead' always seemed empty, just a phrase."

"But now, I understand. I see it," Cha-Eun Xiao spoke with conviction. "My goal is to enter your world and defeat the most formidable figure there. My goal is to be capable of protecting those I care about. No one will be allowed to claim that I'm undeserving. That is my goal."

With this newfound clarity, he lay down on his bed and focused on channeling the East-rising Purple Qi. Cha-Eun Xiao had never felt such a strong sense of purpose in his life. The shame and disgrace he had experienced earlier would serve as enduring motivation in his cultivation journey.

Unbeknownst to him, Cha-Eun Xiao's current emotional state had ignited a transformation in the way the East-rising Purple Qi coursed through his Jing and Mai, altering its flow in ways it had never done before. It surged several times faster than its usual pace.

In moments of discontent and an unreconciled heart, motivation for self-improvement could be born. Cha-Eun Xiao found himself propelled by the desire to overcome his current limitations.

He remembered the words: "A man should be romantic. A man should never accept disgrace. The flame of anger should burn within his heart, propelling him to the day when that anger is vented." These lines echoed in his mind as he threw himself into his cultivation, shutting out everything else, including his own existence.

Within the confines of the Space, there were words that appeared: "East-rising Purple Qi; the first stage of worldly affections." It was as if the universe itself was acknowledging this transformation.

The moon, previously dim in the sky, suddenly radiated a brilliant light. Inexplicably, a dense mass of purple qi manifested in the world, gradually coalescing around the House of Cha. It was a phenomenon both mystical and awe-inspiring.

Meanwhile, in the southern skies, Meng Huai-Qing, accompanied by Su Ye-Yue, was preparing to depart through a spatial rift. However, her serene expression contorted into one of intense shock as her gaze turned toward the direction of Chen-Xing City. For someone who had lived countless years, this was an expression rarely seen.

She sensed the presence of a mysterious and boundless power in that direction, fluctuating in and out of existence. It was an incredibly potent force, one that she believed could even pose a threat to herself.

After a brief moment of contemplation, she decided to investigate the source of this newfound power. As she began to move, she remembered that she was holding Su Ye-Yue with her left hand. She turned to find the girl looking at her with confusion in her red, tear-streaked eyes. Meng Huai-Qing's heart raced as she realized the rarity of Su Ye-Yue's Phoenix Body, and she felt a sense of astonishment at the possibilities it might hold.

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