The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 252: Bad Situation

Chapter 252: Bad Situation

Bad Situation . . .

With his task for Bing Xin-Yue completed, Cha-Eun Xiao departed from her presence, making his way towards Ling-Bao Hall. Yet, despite the distance between them, his thoughts remained entangled in a web of uncertainties.

The bloodline inheritance residing within Bing Xin-Yue was undeniably a potent force, possessing a sharp and unique energy. Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't shake the feeling that he had encountered it before, perhaps in a distant memory. However, he couldn't confirm this notion, and it left his mind in disarray.

In truth, Cha-Eun Xiao considered it highly improbable that he had ever encountered such a high-caliber power in the past. Even though the Xiao Monarch had ranked among the most formidable cultivators in the Qing-Yun Realm, he was well aware of the vast hierarchy of power that extended far beyond. The pinnacle of the Qing-Yun Realm was just a stepping stone to realms beyond, and the possibility of him recognizing such a force seemed implausible.

Perhaps it was merely an illusion, a trick of the mind, he reasoned as he continued on his way to Ling-Bao Hall. The pressing matters at hand demanded his full attention, and pondering the enigma of Bing Xin-Yue's bloodline inheritance would have to wait.

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Upon reaching Ling-Bao Hall, Cha-Eun Xiao found himself surrounded by a multitude of formidable cultivators. They scanned him with probing spiritual minds, each of them holding a cultivation level above the eighth grade of Diyuan. It was a clear indication that a formidable force, numbering no less than three thousand Tianyuan cultivators, had set their sights on the treasures within the hall.

These cultivators were vigilant, closely monitoring all who entered or left Ling-Bao Hall. Their intense focus was driven by a desire to secure their own gains and prevent others from gaining an advantage. They resembled hungry wolves, their eyes glinting with avarice, ready to seize any opportunity that would further their interests in the upcoming auction.

Cha-Eun Xiao halted for a moment, his heart heavy with a sigh of genuine concern. The gravity of the situation weighed on him as he reflected on the circumstances. Among the throngs of covetous cultivators, a significant portion hailed from the Kingdom of Chen. These were powerful individuals, capable of vanquishing thousands or even tens of thousands in combat. Yet, when their homeland faced peril, they remained conspicuously absent, unwilling to lend their strength in its defense.

His sigh was not only for the current situation but for the moral dilemma that confronted him—loyalty to one's personal interests or the responsibility to safeguard one's homeland.

None of those gathered at Ling-Bao Hall had ever felt compelled to act in the service of their homeland. They belonged to a category beyond the ordinary, individuals whose daily lives were untouched by concerns of livelihood. Yet, paradoxically, their avarice exceeded that of the common populace.

Even during times of war, when the kingdom languished in hardship and despair, they remained conspicuously absent, their names unheard of amidst the clamor of battle. However, when rumors of treasures set to appear in Ling-Bao Hall circulated, these otherwise elusive figures descended like ravenous wolves, their senses keenly attuned to the scent of potential riches.

Once the auction concluded, they would vanish as mysteriously as they arrived, like elusive specters fading into the turbulent world of conflict, never to be seen again.

"They pursue their own gains while disregarding their responsibilities," Cha-Eun Xiao muttered, shaking his head in mild disapproval. "Great power should entail great responsibility. It appears they have yet to grasp this concept. If that's the case, I shall extract as much wealth from their purses as I can. If they won't contribute willingly, then I'll use this auction to make them do so."

With unwavering determination, Cha-Eun Xiao set foot inside Ling-Bao Hall, where guards flanking the entrance offered courteous bows. "Monarch," they addressed him, acknowledging his presence.

Cha-Eun Xiao nodded in response and strolled into the bustling hall, his title of 'Monarch' drawing countless curious glances from those present.


[So, this is the true owner of Ling-Bao Hall—a figure of higher status than Wan Zheng-Hao, the renowned and invincible Feng Zhi-Ling.]

As Cha-Eun Xiao navigated the hall, he couldn't help but notice that no one rushed forward to greet him. However, he didn't take offense; the entire Ling-Bao Hall seemed to be in a frenzied state of activity. People dashed about, tending to various tasks, even Liu Chang-Jun's subordinates contributing their efforts, perspiration glistening on their foreheads.

Cha-Eun Xiao observed the bustling activity in Ling-Bao Hall as he meandered through the throng. It was evident that no one had the time to extend greetings, leaving him feeling somewhat out of place in the midst of the frenetic preparations.

Nonetheless, he needed to proceed deeper into the hall. As he ventured onward, he couldn't help but discern the distinct sounds of heavy footsteps echoing through the space. Gasps and the occasional clattering of objects accompanied these footsteps, a clear indicator that Wan Zheng-Hao was nearby.

The weighty thuds and clinks bore an unmistakable signature: Wan Zheng-Hao's imposing presence. Cha-Eun Xiao mused that even individuals of the Grade of Diyuan might struggle to replicate such resounding footfalls. Certainly, the Xiao Monarch himself would find it an arduous task. Wan Zheng-Hao's immense bulk made it impossible to imitate.

Sure enough, Wan Zheng-Hao's colossal frame soon emerged into view. While the passage within Ling-Bao Hall accommodated six people walking abreast, it was a snug fit for Wan Zheng-Hao, whose massive arms often brushed against the walls, producing a grating sound as flesh met stone.

The undulating rolls of flesh on his body were a spectacle in themselves, though not necessarily a pleasant one.

Cha-Eun Xiao, despite having witnessed this sight on multiple occasions, couldn't help but raise an exasperated eyebrow as he beheld the considerable girth of the man, struggling with each step.

"Master Feng, oh Master Feng, you've arrived!" Wan Zheng-Hao called out, his facial flesh jiggling, its size rivaling that of pig ears as it bounced and rippled.

"What seems to be the matter, Wan?" Cha-Eun Xiao inquired.

"Well, it's a dire situation, Master Feng," Wan Zheng-Hao grimaced. "We're swamped with work, and those people, they're on our heels. The two super sects have personally approached me, requesting that I reserve some Supreme Dan Beads for them. The Eight Noble Clans have also made a visit. While they haven't specified their demands, I suspect it's for the same reason."

"The two super sects?" Cha-Eun Xiao's expression darkened. "Which super sects are you referring to?"

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