The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 255: Spiritual Qi Breakthrough Challenge

Chapter 255: Spiritual Qi Breakthrough Challenge

Spiritual Qi Breakthrough Challenge . . .

In the realm of spiritual cultivation, Cha-Eun Xiao found himself in a moment of profound transformation. It was as if the very essence of his being had undergone a dramatic metamorphosis, reshaping the course of his journey through the mystical arts.

Before the breakthrough, Cha-Eun Xiao had been intimately familiar with the surging tide of spiritual qi coursing through him. It had been a tempestuous river, untamed and wild, raging within the confines of his Jing and Mai meridians. But now, everything had changed. That once tumultuous current had transformed into a tranquil brooklet, meandering peacefully through his inner channels.

This transformation, though initially startling, revealed itself to be a natural progression. Cha-Eun Xiao's dantian, the reservoir of his spiritual energy, had expanded dramatically. Its capacity had grown tenfold, leaving the spiritual qi that had previously strained against its limits now feeling inadequate, like a small bowl of water being poured into a vast bucket. The once overwhelming essence was now but a fraction of what it had been, leaving a vast expanse within his dantian eagerly awaiting replenishment.

A similar expansion had occurred within Cha-Eun Xiao's Jing and Mai meridians. They had broadened significantly, evolving from narrow alleyways fit for a single carriage to spacious boulevards capable of accommodating several carriages side by side. It was a transformation of immense significance.

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While the breakthrough itself was a momentous achievement, Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but feel a sense of awkwardness. His dantian, once brimming with spiritual qi, now lay nearly empty. The essence that once filled it to the brim was now a mere ten percent of its newfound capacity. The spiritual qi flowing through his Jing and Mai was as gentle as a brooklet, a far cry from its previous vigor. He found himself struggling to adapt to these new conditions, and most importantly, there was an acute shortage of spiritual qi to replenish what had been lost.

The solution to this predicament was, in theory, straightforward. Cha-Eun Xiao needed to absorb a copious amount of spiritual qi, a monumental task by any measure. Only by refilling his dantian could he hope to address the challenges that lay ahead. The immediate priority was the consolidation of his newfound power.

"Spiritual qi," Cha-Eun Xiao mused, his brow furrowed in deep contemplation.

It was a genuine quandary.

Absorbing a vast quantity of spiritual qi that harmonized seamlessly with his own pure essence within a short timeframe was no simple feat. Using the East-rising Purple Qi, he could replenish his dantian within seven months, a remarkable speed by conventional standards. However, time was a luxury he could ill afford at this juncture.

Fortunately, right after his breakthrough, Cha-Eun Xiao had embarked on the task of treating Bing Xinyue's ailment. The yin cold qi he had absorbed from her was both pure and dense, precisely what he required.

To his astonishment, he soon realized that the East-rising Purple Qi had transformed the cold qi from Bing Xinyue into an exceptionally pure form of energy. As it coursed into his dantian, it swiftly filled the void, breathing life back into his inner reservoir.

Cha-Eun Xiao couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness coursing through him, a sense of accomplishment that came with his recent breakthrough. Yet, he remained cautious, fully aware of the inherent risks that cultivation carried. In the world of cultivators, the slightest misstep could lead to dire consequences. The yin cold qi, now being transmuted by the East-rising Purple Qi, held great promise, but Cha-Eun Xiao knew better than to let his guard down.

He couldn't shake the thought that even the most delectable of pies might conceal a poisonous surprise.

With this sobering realization, Cha-Eun Xiao shifted his focus to scrutinizing the newfound power within the spiritual qi. To his discerning eye, something indeed appeared amiss.

The yin cold qi had undergone a complete transformation under the influence of the East-rising Purple Qi, evolving into a pure form of spiritual energy, a boon for his physical and spiritual well-being. However, within this pristine spiritual qi, he detected an underlying energy, subtle yet potent. Though it existed in small quantities, its presence radiated a profound and formidable aura. Furthermore, it seemed to harmonize seamlessly with the energy of the East-rising Purple Qi.

This discovery startled Cha-Eun Xiao.

As common knowledge dictated, Cha-Eun Xiao, known as the Xiao Monarch, was a renowned cultivator within the Qing-Yun Realm. His wealth of experience and knowledge was second to none. Since he had taken up the practice of the East-rising Purple Qi, he had witnessed its extraordinary capabilities firsthand. It was, without a doubt, one of the most formidable martial arts he had ever encountered. Even in its current nascent state, it held a nearly invincible allure.

The mysterious power concealed within the yin cold qi, while not quite on par with the East-rising Purple Qi, was undeniably formidable in its own right.

It was, after all, an inheritance from Bing Xinyue.

As Cha-Eun Xiao delved deeper into its essence, his astonishment grew, mingling with a profound sense of elation. In this endeavor to aid Bing Xinyue in her battle against illness, he had inadvertently stabilized his own cultivation after the momentous breakthrough. It was a rare instance where helping another proved equally advantageous to himself.

Throughout the entire process, a dual sense of happiness and astonishment accompanied him. Two hours had passed since he began the digestion of this newfound power, and as he concluded, he marveled at the unexpected twists that his cultivation journey had taken.

Cha-Eun Xiao, a cultivator of great ambition, found himself standing at the threshold of his Sky Space once more. The act of reopening it was akin to drawing a long, refreshing breath, a gesture of relief that emanated from the core of his being. "Finally done," he murmured with a sense of satisfaction. "I've made considerable strides in my cultivation. Nevertheless, it remains a formidable task to quantify the extent of my progress, for I now stand firmly within the ranks of the Sky Origin Stage."

The contemplative gaze of Cha-Eun Xiao drifted across the expanse of the Land of Han-Yang. A sigh escaped his lips as he muttered to himself, "Alas, this realm is but a lowly backwater when compared to the illustrious Qing-Yun Realm. If only I resided in Qing-Yun, where the very air teems with a denser, purer essence of spiritual qi. Even my treasured technique, the Boundless Space, with its exceptional cultivation prowess, cannot rival the untainted spiritual qi of Qing-Yun. Regrettably, I remain incapable of enhancing the quality of spiritual qi; it is an immutable truth that the Boundless Space has its limits."

Inwardly, Cha-Eun Xiao harbored a profound understanding of his situation. "Though my progress might be considered swift by rigorous standards," he admitted, "it still falls short of my lofty expectations. The chasm between my present self and the Xiao Monarch I once embodied feels insurmountable."

With a furrowed brow, he contemplated the arduous journey ahead. "How long will it take to reclaim my former glory at this rate?" he wondered aloud. The weight of frustration bore down upon him. "I comprehend that the path is fraught with challenges, yet it vexes me to no end. Especially when I see those individuals, whom I could have dispatched with a single effortless blow in my previous life, now parading their strength before me. I stand powerless against them, and it is a source of profound vexation."

The contemplation of his situation cast a shadow over Cha-Eun Xiao's countenance, and he knew that his discontent would linger in the days to come.

Suddenly, the fleeting happiness that had briefly illuminated his heart dissipated like a wisp of smoke. Heaving a resigned sigh, Cha-Eun Xiao exited the confines of the Space. However, fate had a different plan in store for him at that moment.

With an unexpected and jarring collision, Cha-Eun Xiao's head met a solid obstruction. Pain surged through him, and the world blurred into a dazzling display of stars. For a fleeting instant, he teetered on the brink of unconsciousness, his senses overwhelmed by the impact.

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