The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 266: Putting up a Desperate Fight

Chapter 266: Putting up a Desperate Fight

Putting up a Desperate Fight . . .

Cha Eun Xiao raised his right hand, causing the golden radiance to intensify. Simultaneously, a surge of frigid energy erupted from his left hand, enveloping Nan Tianxing's wounded palm. A peculiar tone crept into Cha Eun Xiao's voice as he remarked, "Hmm? Why is this poison affecting you?"

"Bullshit! Who else would it affect if not me?" Nan Tianxing retorted furiously. "Are you blind?"

"It affects monsters, bastards, and assholes, but not humans!" Cha Eun Xiao laughed as he stepped back, leaving behind an array of ghostly images encircling Nan Tianxing. In an instant, countless Cha Eun Xiaos materialized, launching a barrage of attacks.

The golden radiance and the icy energy worked in perfect harmony.

Before long, the multiple illusory figures disappeared, leaving only a luminous streak in their wake.

[How dare he label me as non-human…!]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Nan Tianxing ceased speaking. On one hand, he sought to heal his injuries, and on the other, he defended against Cha Eun Xiao's relentless assaults. While resentment boiled within him, he knew better than to squander time on arguments. He recognized that he could never outwit the quick-witted Feng Monarch through verbal sparring.

Engaging in a verbal duel with Cha Eun Xiao would only result in further humiliation and derision.

Cha Eun Xiao persisted in his assault. The icy energy emanating from his left hand and the golden radiance from his right hand flowed seamlessly like drifting clouds and running water. His expression remained composed, and his movements deliberate.

Despite his outward calm, Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise. The needle attack he had unleashed was formless and stealthy, executed using the Shapeless Needle technique from the Qing-Yun Realm. In the Land of Han-Yang, Cha Eun Xiao was confident that anyone below the ninth level of the Sky Origin Stage would be incapable of evading it.

The target would be left with only two options: accept the strike or attempt to block it.

This particular needle followed an unconventional trajectory, elusive and almost imperceptible. By the time an opponent realized the impending danger, it would be too late for a proper defense. Snatching an object to block it was nearly impossible without prior anticipation.

Nan Tianxing, recognizing the urgency of the situation, resorted to using his own hand as a shield.

As Cha Eun Xiao had anticipated, the needle strike was precisely on point. However, there was one aspect he hadn't accounted for – Nan Tianxing's wealth of experience and his lightning-fast reactions. The moment the needle pierced his palm, he swiftly activated his martial arts, hardening his hand like steel. The needle didn't penetrate deeply; it merely grazed the outer layer of skin.

This attack confirmed Cha Eun Xiao's suspicion that Nan Tianxing's true strength exceeded his initial assessment. He must be at least at the eighth level of the Sky Origin Stage and likely on the verge of reaching the ninth level, the pinnacle of the Sky Origin Stage.

With a single needle strike, Cha Eun Xiao had not only gauged his opponent's true strength but also humiliated him. While he held the upper hand in this confrontation, he couldn't help but feel a nagging sense of worry. Presently, he couldn't hope to defeat an adversary of this caliber.

Though he continued his relentless assault, maintaining his advantageous position, the truth remained that Nan Tianxing was unaware of Cha Eun Xiao's true capabilities. Fearful of another needle strike, he refrained from reckless actions. However, once he healed and gauged Cha Eun Xiao's weakness, the tables could turn.

Despite the precarious situation, Cha Eun Xiao had no clear plan to secure victory. The previous needle strike had been his most potent technique, yet it had barely scratched the surface of his adversary's hand, failing to draw blood. How could he hope to win this battle?

As Cha Eun Xiao pondered his next move while maintaining his barrage of attacks, the golden radiance from his hand began to dim, while the frigid qi grew more intense. The entire space around them took on an icy chill.

In terms of cultivation, Nan Tianxing clearly outclassed Cha Eun Xiao. However, due to the unconventional nature of Cha Eun Xiao's attacks, Nan Tianxing found himself perplexed. While he managed to defend against the attacks, he struggled to keep pace with Cha Eun Xiao's unpredictable movements.

His wounded and potentially poisoned hand left him hesitant to launch aggressive maneuvers. Fighting with a single hand and a distracted mind, he grew increasingly incapable of maintaining his defense.

After enduring the pain in his palm for a while, Nan Tianxing found it increasingly difficult to bear. The pain began to distract him slightly, causing a slight lapse in his concentration. However, this discomfort signaled that the poison was dissipating. If he couldn't feel the pain, it would mean the poison still lingered.

As a Sky Origin Stage cultivator, a mere physical wound posed little threat to him. He prepared to retaliate, feeling relieved that the poison was vanishing. Yet, just as he readied himself, something unexpected occurred. The ghostly figures surrounding him suddenly faded away.

Then, in quick succession – bang, bang, bang – a series of palm strikes landed simultaneously on his neck, back, chest, dantian, and head. Eighteen palm strikes in total, all delivered with precision to crucial areas of his body.

A surge of frigid, deathly qi accompanied these strikes, leaving Nan Tianxing reeling from the impact. Cha Eun Xiao's figure blurred as he swiftly retreated ten meters, eyeing Nan Tianxing intently.

Nan Tianxing, however, didn't crumble easily. He spat out a dense mass of white qi, and his head and neck began emitting mist. His back, chest, and dantian felt frozen, with some parts of his clothing solidifying. Fragments of frozen cloth fell to the floor in the shape of palm imprints.

Blue radiance enveloped Nan Tianxing's body as he unleashed the full extent of his cultivation prowess.

Impressed despite his predicament, Nan Tianxing offered begrudging praise, "Such an exceptional palm strike! I've traveled the world, but this is the first time I've witnessed such a remarkable technique. The combination of the palm strike and the move was flawless. Even though I am seven cultivation levels above you, I struggled to counter it. It's truly marvelous! If you weren't so under-cultivated, you might have genuinely defeated me this time."

He flashed a vicious smile and continued, "What a pity, you're still too weak. The chasm in our cultivation levels is insurmountable. Despite your incredible martial art, you cannot harm me in any way."

Cha Eun Xiao remained silent, his gaze fixed on the fragments of Nan Tianxing's clothes scattered on the ground. As the pieces fell, Nan Tianxing's cyan skin emitted mist and gradually returned to its natural color.

The frigid qi had no effect on him.

Neither did the power of the golden hand.

Deep within, Cha Eun Xiao sighed. He had thrown everything he had into that strike, and it had landed true, yet it failed to harm Nan Tianxing in the slightest. It hadn't breached his physical defenses. The gap between the first and eighth levels of the Sky Origin Stage was simply too vast.

Firm in his resolve, Cha Eun Xiao knew he had to change tactics. To defeat the formidable opponent before him, he had to rely on his soul power and unleash his ultimate trump card. A desperate battle lay ahead.

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