The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 269: Counterattack!

Chapter 269: Counterattack!

Counterattack! . . .

Nan Tianxing strained every sinew in a desperate attempt to defend against Cha Eun Xiao's relentless onslaught of killing strikes. With each swing of the sword, he found himself retreating, evading, and narrowly avoiding the lethal edge.

Confronted by these previously unknown and deadly techniques, Nan Tianxing had a startling realization—survival took precedence over victory in this perilous encounter.

Then, it happened—an earth-shattering boom, and crimson glows reminiscent of blood soared skyward. This was the Thousand Mountains Down, and its destructive power was at its zenith. Despite Nan Tianxing's superior cultivation and reputation as one of the foremost cultivators in the Land of Han-Yang, he was, at the core, still a Sky Origin Stage practitioner. Against the onslaught of thousands of metaphorical mountains crashing down upon him simultaneously, his efforts were valiant but ultimately futile.

This particular killing strike had once sent shockwaves through the entire Qing-Yun Realm, and Nan Tianxing was now bearing its devastating impact. As he retreated to the wall's edge, the brilliant glow of the sword finally dissipated, leaving behind a dozen wounds on his body. While not deep, they bled profusely.

In total, Cha Eun Xiao's sword strikes had inflicted at least seventy wounds upon Nan Tianxing.

With a final, guttural moan, Cha Eun Xiao unleashed his last strike. It was a forceful thrust, but he was already at the limits of his endurance. Nan Tianxing, fueled by sheer determination, defended with all his might, delivering a remarkable palm strike. The clash sent Cha Eun Xiao reeling, and he was propelled backward. Despite the Monarch's Sword's undeniable brilliance and near-invulnerability, Cha Eun Xiao remained at a significant cultivation disadvantage. While the sword had granted him the upper hand throughout the battle, its power waned in its final moments, and he could no longer withstand the reverse impact from the palm strike.

This all occurred within a fleeting second, yet it left Cha Eun Xiao feeling utterly drained and battered, his body aching and broken. Though his dantian still fervently gathered spiritual qi, preparing for another strike to vanquish Nan Tianxing, Cha Eun Xiao was painfully aware that time was running out. With a resigned sigh, he accepted that he likely lacked the energy required for that final blow.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The Monarch's Sword comprised nine techniques, and Cha Eun Xiao had given his all, tapping into his soul power and saintly spirit power. However, exhaustion had set in after just three techniques, leaving him depleted and on the precipice of defeat.

Cha Eun Xiao found himself unable to maintain his ground any longer. The relentless onslaught from Nan Tianxing was overpowering, and he was sent hurtling through the air, his grip on the situation slipping away. Amidst the chaos of battle, Nan Tianxing showed no signs of relenting. The moment Cha Eun Xiao's sword strikes ceased, Nan Tianxing struck back with ruthless efficiency, eschewing any attempt to mend his own injuries.

Nan Tianxing's movements were a blur of lightning-quick strikes, and with startling suddenness, he materialized directly in front of Cha Eun Xiao, his battered form a testament to the intensity of their combat. Cha Eun Xiao found himself caught off guard as Nan Tianxing's palm strike landed squarely on his chest, the impact jolting him.

In this pivotal moment, Cha Eun Xiao had transitioned from being a coveted treasure to a potent weapon, a double-edged sword that could potentially end Nan Tianxing's life. Nan Tianxing, fortunate to have escaped death by the narrowest of margins, dared not let up in his relentless pursuit. He clung to the hope of capturing Cha Eun Xiao alive, aware that a grievous wound or even instantaneous death could slip through his fingers at any moment.

A resounding cry of anguish reverberated through the tumultuous battlefield as Cha Eun Xiao expelled a torrent of crimson blood, his body propelled backward through the air with alarming speed. Nan Tianxing, seizing the opportunity, descended upon his fallen adversary with unwavering resolve. With a forceful step, he pinned Cha Eun Xiao mercilessly to the ground, his foot serving as an unyielding vise. Amidst a barrage of curses and venomous insults, Nan Tianxing berated Cha Eun Xiao with unrestrained fury, "Wretch! I will end your wretched existence! You insignificant pest! Behold the havoc you have wreaked upon me!"

Cha Eun Xiao lay pinned beneath the oppressive weight of his assailant, his movements restricted to a minimum. Despite his precarious situation, he met Nan Tianxing's malevolent gaze with an icy expression of disdain. In response, he uttered hoarse words, "Then do it. What's holding you back? Was that strike you used on me a mere thirty percent of your true power?"

Though consumed by anger, Nan Tianxing hesitated to deliver the final blow. Pragmatism guided his decision; keeping Cha Eun Xiao alive meant preserving the possibility of securing the invaluable supreme dan beads. In life, Cha Eun Xiao represented a potential goldmine, while in death, he would amount to nothing more than a lifeless husk.

Despite his overwhelming fury and deep-seated hatred for Cha Eun Xiao, Nan Tianxing refrained from sealing Cha Eun Xiao's fate with a lethal strike. Nonetheless, his anger remained unrelenting, and with no outlet to vent his pent-up rage, he abruptly swung his hand. The resulting slap was a harsh reminder of his dominance, accompanied by a malicious smile and the promise of torment. "I won't kill you just yet, but I can make your existence a living hell. I'll show you that there are fates far worse than death—much worse!"

Unperturbed, Cha Eun Xiao met Nan Tianxing's gaze with an unwavering demeanor. He responded with indifference, "I don't require your cautionary tales. I possess knowledge of suffering that far surpasses your imagination."

Nan Tianxing retaliated with another vicious slap across Cha Eun Xiao's face. A sinister sneer graced his lips as he proclaimed, "You're entirely at my mercy now. How dare you maintain your arrogance? Every word you utter will be met with another slap. Let's see who can endure longer!"

In response, Cha Eun Xiao emitted a contemptuous humph before abruptly expelling a substantial quantity of blood, its crimson hue starkly foreboding.

Cha Eun Xiao couldn't hold it. He was stricken away. Nan Tianxing didn't stop. As soon as Cha Xiao's sword strikes stopped, Nan Tianxing struck back right away. He didn't even try to heal himself a little bit.

He was moving so quickly. Suddenly, he showed up in front of Cha Eun Xiao with his body covered in blood. Cha Eun Xiao didn't have the time to react before he got hit by a palm strike on his chest from Nan Tianxing.

At that moment, Cha Eun Xiao ceased to be a valuable asset in the eyes of Nan Tianxing; instead, he transformed into a lethal weapon, capable of ending Nan Tianxing's life. Fortunately, Nan Tianxing had narrowly escaped death moments earlier, and he dared not slacken his pace. Nonetheless, he clung to the hope that he could somehow capture Cha Eun Xiao. Otherwise, Cha Eun Xiao would undoubtedly suffer severe wounds or even meet his end in an instant.

With a shout, Cha Eun Xiao expelled a mouthful of blood and was sent hurtling backward. Before his body made contact with the ground, Nan Tianxing was already upon him, suspended in the air above Cha Eun Xiao. A thunderous crash marked Nan Tianxing's forceful stomp on Cha Eun Xiao's chest, driving him to the ground. Spewing curses, Nan Tianxing raged, "You wretch! I'll kill you! You insignificant scoundrel. You've inflicted such grievous wounds upon me!"

Cha Eun Xiao lay pinned to the ground, his chest bearing the weight of Nan Tianxing's fury, akin to being crushed beneath a mountain. Despite the immense pressure, he still possessed some mobility. With a disdainful gaze, he rasped, "Then do it. What's holding you back? That attack you unleashed upon me—was it a mere thirty percent of your true power?"

Nan Tianxing seethed with anger, yet the prospect of killing Cha Eun Xiao remained unappealing.

While Cha Eun Xiao lived, he represented a potential source of boundless wealth. In death, he would be nothing more than a useless carcass.

Although hatred for Cha Eun Xiao coursed through Nan Tianxing's veins, he hesitated to end his life.

Killing Feng Zhiling might provide momentary satisfaction, but it would sever the lifeline to the coveted supreme dan beads, a choice that was all too clear.

Nonetheless, the intensity of Nan Tianxing's fury left him with an overwhelming urge for retribution. Without warning, he swung his hand, delivering a resounding slap to Cha Eun Xiao's face. Grinning malevolently, he declared, "I won't kill you just yet, but I can make your existence a living hell. You'll learn that there are fates far worse than death, much worse!"

Cha Eun Xiao remained cold and composed, his voice unwavering as he retorted, "There's no need for your warning. I'm well-acquainted with such fates, far more than you could ever comprehend."

Nan Tianxing's palm connected with Cha Eun Xiao's face once more, accompanied by a sinister sneer. "You're completely within my grasp now. How dare you exhibit such arrogance? Every word you utter earns you another slap. Let's see who can endure longer."

Unfazed, Cha Eun Xiao emitted a derisive snort, followed by a sudden eruption of blood from his mouth, crimson as a tempestuous sea.

Nan Tianxing was taken aback, having tempered his strikes to avoid accidentally killing Cha Eun Xiao. He lessened the pressure on his foot, striving not to inflict excessive harm. In this precarious moment, within the Boundless Space, an egg abruptly ascended, evidently sensing Cha Eun Xiao's dire predicament. It quivered intensely in mid-air, causing the surrounding purple energy to boil.

In the blink of an eye, with a deafening roar, torrents of purple energy surged into Cha Eun Xiao's dantian like a raging flood.

Cha Eun Xiao, in his weakened state, felt his dantian transform from emptiness to brimming fullness in an instant, the overwhelming energy threatening to burst forth, a self-explosion imminent if not released.

Just as Nan Tianxing had momentarily loosened his grip, unprepared to defend against any sudden action, Cha Eun Xiao bellowed and sprang to his feet. He launched both his hands at Nan Tianxing's chest.

Nan Tianxing was caught off guard by Cha Eun Xiao's unexpected counterattack, a powerful blow to the chest.

A shriek rang out, accompanied by the sound of bones snapping. Cha Eun Xiao's strike had broken two of Nan Tianxing's ribs. Nan Tianxing was propelled a considerable distance away, though even amidst the pain, he mustered enough strength to retaliate. Infuriated, he unleashed a full-power palm strike, deadly and relentless.

Cha Eun Xiao, realizing the staggering amount of spiritual energy surging within him, braced himself for the impact. Instead of dodging, he boldly stepped forward, embracing Nan Tianxing's attack with his chest.

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