The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 290: The Ace in My Hand

Chapter 290: The Ace in My Hand

The Ace in My Hand . . .

"You three," Cha Eun Xiao began, referring to the legendary figures before him, "have each achieved remarkable feats, one after another... Consider the many years that have passed. You must all be at an incredibly advanced age by now. The truth is both eerie and unsettling."

A grin spread across Cha Eun Xiao's face, his gaze directed at Wan-Er, who had begun to display signs of anger.

"The average person could never hope to reach such an age or attain such a level of dreadfulness. I speculate that the three of you must be super cultivators, perhaps hailing from another realm entirely."

"In fact, if your true power were to be unleashed, it's possible that this entire land could only withstand the presence of one of you."

"So, I suspect that you are far more formidable than you appear to be."

Cha Eun Xiao's voice carried a profound weight as he continued, "This brings me back to what I was saying... Whether it's those kings or the House of the Chaotic Storm, anyone with the intent to topple a dynasty and subject the people to war and death will face divine retribution."

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"That is the divine reverse impact."

"Even an astonishing genius and super cultivator like Master Bai cannot evade such consequences."

"In summary, I can confidently draw a conclusion... This is likely why Master Bai became crippled," Cha Eun Xiao declared, lifting his gaze to meet Master Bai's calm eyes. He spoke with composure, "The cooperation I am proposing is primarily centered around this issue. I wonder if Master Bai is moved by this."

Master Bai remained tranquil, his expression unchanged. He seemed entirely disinterested in Cha Eun Xiao's words.

Wan-Er took a deep breath and impatiently urged, "Continue speaking. Clarify your offer. You haven't mentioned our benefits yet. What reason do we have to be moved by your proposal?"

Cha Eun Xiao responded casually, "I am elucidating my proposal. Whether it's divine punishment or a side effect of cultivation, although I may not be able to completely eliminate them, I do possess certain methods for managing these issues. Perhaps I can assist Master Bai and the two ladies in addressing your problems in advance."

"That is the ace up my sleeve," Cha Eun Xiao candidly stated. "At present, Ling-Bao Hall faces immense peril. The two sects are exerting relentless pressure. If we were to yield to either of them to safeguard ourselves, we would forfeit Ling-Bao Hall. The House of the Chaotic Storm represents our last hope."

"Unfortunately, the kingdom currently facing collapse is the very same kingdom in which the House of the Chaotic Storm and the Ling-Bao Hall are situated. We are inevitably adversaries, and I don't believe we should enter into a conspiracy with each other. However, circumstances have driven us to desperation..." Cha Eun Xiao mused, his smile tinged with resignation. "Even if I didn't initiate this, millennia of experience have taught us that a crippled Master Bai is still more than capable of bringing about the downfall of a kingdom."

"The fifty percent chance I mentioned isn't a reflection of my sincerity or the value of my bargaining chip," Cha Eun Xiao clarified. "It pertains to whether you wish to hasten the conclusion of this humiliating existence or not. If you do, we can strike a deal. If not, I shall depart as though nothing transpired. I could even remain seated here, awaiting my demise. Your decision hinges on a fifty percent chance. A single thought will make the call."

With a chuckle, Cha Eun Xiao added, "Risk is an inherent part of every person's life. My presence here in Sky Room No. 1 may very well be the greatest risk I've ever undertaken."

Wan-Er turned her gaze toward Master Bai, her eyes filled with questions. If she had the choice, she would readily accept Cha Eun Xiao's proposal.

When Master Bai had first experienced the divine reverse impact many years ago, he had endured various disabilities such as blindness, deafness, and anosmia. Countless methods had been attempted in a bid to cure him, yet none had succeeded.

Had someone else presented the possibility of a cure for the divine reverse impact, Wan-Er might have dismissed it outright. However, the fact that Feng Zhiling had made this claim changed everything.

The reason was simple—Feng Zhiling was the monarch of the Ling-Bao Hall and the creator of the supreme dan beads.

Whether it was the Pei-Yuan Dan, Bone Ablutionary Dan, Limit Breaking Dan, or any other high-level dan, they had all proven ineffective for Master Bai. Yet, the supreme dan beads were a different story. While Master Bai had consumed countless medicinal remedies in his quest to alleviate the divine reverse impact, even resorting to the legendary Nine Rolls Golden Dan, none of them had reached the level of a supreme dan bead. Within the hierarchy of dan beads, supreme dan beads represented the pinnacle, often referred to as the divine level.

When it came to addressing the divine reverse impact, only divine-level substances were effective.

Wan-Er understood this rule well, which was why she cast her pleading gaze upon her master, silently urging him to accept.

Yet, she dared not voice her plea aloud. Matters concerning Master Bai were for him to decide.

Master Bai remained unperturbed.

In the next moment, he reopened his eyes, fixing his gaze on Cha Eun Xiao for the third time.

It seemed as though two piercing arrows were aimed directly at his eyes. At that moment, Cha Eun Xiao experienced a sensation akin to being stabbed by a thousand needles, a pain that seemed to sear through his very soul.

Master Bai did not wait for Cha Eun Xiao's response. He lowered his gaze, directing it toward his own legs, which lay there unresponsive, resembling two pieces of rotting wood. Deep within Master Bai, he could sense an immense reservoir of power, a colossal force that had once enabled him to shape the world with a mere outstretched hand.

With his true power restored, he wouldn't need to move a muscle; a single gaze would suffice to vanquish any opponent in the world. With a mere glance, he could compel even the mightiest of individuals to kneel before him.

To those who heard such words, they might find them audacious. However, Master Bai alone comprehended the profound reality that lay behind phrases like "the wind and clouds obeyed his commands" and "the entire world was at his beck and call."

If he could only regain his true power, these phrases would cease to be mere descriptions and become tangible realities.

Moreover, his capabilities would extend far beyond the confines of such descriptions. With a single wave of his sleeve, he could lay claim to all that existed in the world, molding reality according to his desires. He could enact his will without constraint.

As for the concept of a god, it would only elicit a disdainful sneer from Master Bai.

"What is a god?" he would scoff. "I am a god! The ancient saying, 'All lands in the world belong to the king, while all living things are the king's servants'—it may be an old adage, but it is nothing more than a jest, a complete farce. That's all it ever was. Yet now, I can only sit here in quiet contemplation, for the world-altering, awe-inspiring, and boundless power I once possessed has all but slipped through my grasp!"

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