The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 313: Indescribable Purple Cloud

Chapter 313: Indescribable Purple Cloud

Indescribable Purple Cloud . . .

The cold, lifeless qi nestled deep within Bing-Er's body possessed an even more horrifying and unadulterated nature, surpassing the varieties found within Bing Xinyue and Wenren Chuchu. Yet, at their core, they all bore a striking resemblance.

A profound abundance of this chilling, lifeless qi lurked within Bing-Er, a presence that would send shivers down one's spine.

The newfound outburst of lifeless qi exuded a formidable potency. Were it to infiltrate the body of an ordinary individual, death would swiftly claim its victim. Even a Sky Origin Stage cultivator like Wenren Chuchu might struggle to contend with its insidious influence. As for Bing Xinyue, she might temporarily withstand its effects, but the inevitability of her eventual demise loomed.

This was but a fraction of the lifeless qi's might.

A relentless tide of frigid, lifeless qi surged within Bing-Er's body, seemingly boundless in its malevolence.

Given Cha Eun Xiao's current level of cultivation, he could, at best, manage the lifeless qi within Bing Xinyue's body. However, the lifeless qi residing within Bing-Er was on a much grander scale, rendering him powerless. His sole option was to acknowledge the problem and withdraw from it. To persist would lead to his immediate freezing, rendering him incapable of escape.

However, Cha Eun Xiao remained in an unconscious state, wielding the powers bestowed by the Nine Spaces to employ the might of the Purple Qi Descends. Unwittingly, the lifeless qi within Bing-Er's body was activated. Concealed within her, it could only escape in small increments as the purple qi descended. Fortunately, this crisis did not escalate into a larger catastrophe.

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Thus, a silent battle waged within the realm of unconsciousness. The two forces grappled for dominance.

The two afflicted individuals remained oblivious to this ethereal conflict. Amidst the opposing currents of power, the well-organized purple qi maintained its upper hand. The lifeless qi, having been inadvertently expelled, faced its inevitable dissolution.

Bit by bit, the purple qi eroded the lifeless qi's presence from various points within the body. In the unconscious skirmish, the power of the purple qi reigned supreme, like a blazing sun in the dark, obliterating the cold, lifeless forces.

Everywhere it surged, it bore the brilliance of a scorching sun illuminating the abyss, dispelling darkness at every turn.

Under the relentless pressure of its natural adversary, the diminutive streams of cold, lifeless qi could not withstand the assault. Within moments, every trace of the malevolent lifeless qi vanished, converting into an integral component of the radiant power of the "sun."

The Purple Qi Descends continued its fierce journey throughout Bing-Er's Jing and Mai channels, transforming her entire being. The malevolent lifeless qi that had once plagued her was utterly eradicated.

The transformation was truly remarkable. Had Cha Eun Xiao or Bing-Er been conscious throughout this process, it would have spelled doom for them. Cha Eun Xiao would have likely perished while combating the relentless cold, lifeless qi, and Bing-Er would have suffered severe harm.

Yet, as fate would have it, both were engulfed in a deep unconsciousness.

Miraculously, the immense cold, lifeless qi didn't inflict harm upon them. Instead, it underwent a complete conversion, transmuting into potent spiritual energy concealed within Cha Eun Xiao's physique. As for Bing-Er, a significant portion of the lifeless qi that had plagued her was drastically reduced.

The scale of this transformation was truly astonishing.

Had Cha Eun Xiao been awake, he would have required at least half a year of painstaking effort to accomplish the conversion of such a prodigious volume of lifeless qi. However, under these unusual circumstances, a mere two days sufficed. It was an enigmatic occurrence, separated into two distinct periods, yet he successfully accomplished this Herculean task.

Time marched forward, and Bing-Er gradually regained consciousness. She blinked her eyes and beheld Cha Eun Xiao before her.

"This is odd. Why did I fall asleep?" Bing-Er mumbled, her gaze filled with concern. "Cha Eun Xiao, are you alright now?"

Extending her hand to touch Cha Eun Xiao's forehead, she detected that it was now devoid of any abnormality, and a sense of relief washed over her. "Thank goodness. Cha Eun Xiao is well now."

Upon confirming his well-being, she began to survey her surroundings and, to her bewilderment, noticed that her small hands were stained with something black. She let out a startled cry, exclaiming, "Ah, what's happened? This is repulsive!"

A sniff revealed an unpleasant odor emanating from the black substance. Though her memory remained hazy, her innate sense of cleanliness, characteristic of many young girls, refused to tolerate the filth on her person. Hastily, she extricated herself from Cha Eun Xiao's embrace and headed for a cleansing shower.

Cha Eun Xiao felt as though he had just awoken from a peculiar and mystical dream.

Indeed, it was a dream filled with intriguing and unexplainable phenomena.

For the duration of his intense engagement with the cold qi, he had dedicated his entire being to this endeavor. Amid his concentrated efforts, he was taken aback to notice a mass of purple clouds gathering in the sky.

The boundless cold qi that had saturated the entire Space was greedily absorbed by the expansive purple cloud overhead. This cloud exhibited an insatiable appetite for the cold qi, drawing it in ceaselessly, and in substantial quantities. Its intervention was a godsend, reducing Cha Eun Xiao's burden by a remarkable third.

A sudden wave of relief washed over Cha Eun Xiao, accompanied by a newfound sense of vitality. Through his experience in dealing with the surges of cold qi, he had grown adept at managing these situations. This time, the primary challenge had been the sheer volume of cold qi unleashed at once, which had drained his strength. With a third of the cold qi diverted by the purple cloud, Cha Eun Xiao found the process much more manageable. He channeled his full focus into absorption and conversion, driven by the urgency of overcoming this crisis as swiftly as possible. The purple cloud, though seemingly out of reach, hung tantalizingly close in the sky, an irresistible draw for him.

Cha Eun Xiao made several attempts to approach the cloud, sensing that it, too, was striving to draw nearer. Yet, no matter how they endeavored to close the distance, an intangible barrier thwarted their convergence.

Nevertheless, with each effort, Cha Eun Xiao experienced a deepening sense of well-being.

He couldn't ascertain whether this sensation was genuine or a mere illusion.

As the might of the East-rising Purple Qi swelled, its pace accelerated. Simultaneously, Cha Eun Xiao felt himself growing stronger while the purple cloud intensified in brilliance.

One thing was now irrefutably clear to Cha Eun Xiao. As he enhanced his mastery of the East-rising Purple Qi, he inched closer to the elusive purple cloud. Their destinies were destined to intertwine.

East-rising Purple Qi, the Purple Qi Descends...

The mystical and potent energy coursed through his Jing and Mai, and, remarkably, Cha Eun Xiao could discern an audible rushing sound—the sound of spiritual qi surging. It appeared both real and illusory, sending unprecedented chills throughout his being.

Gradually, the cold qi diminished under his relentless efforts.

Finally, a resounding "boom" resonated from within Cha Eun Xiao's own body. Coinciding with this detonation, the purple cloud fragmented explosively, its pieces scattering across the sky and dissolving into obscurity.

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