The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 315: Yin Yang Eyes

Chapter 315: Yin Yang Eyes

Yin Yang Eyes . . .

"It truly is," Cha Eun Xiao pondered, his thoughts swirling within his mind. "The gaze of this colossal figure holds no discernible emotions—only an unyielding sense of solemnity and righteousness."

His contemplation deepened as he continued, "Though it appears to fixate on something in the distance, in reality, it gazes down upon the realm of mortals. It looks upon the world not with arrogance, but rather with... compassion? Perhaps what its eyes convey is a form of mercy?"

Yet, Cha Eun Xiao sensed more beneath the surface. "No, it's not merely mercy. There's also an element of ruthlessness and cruelty, a kind of unyielding decisiveness devoid of hesitation. It carries a palpable air of murderous intent, coexisting alongside an unmistakable righteousness."

Thoughts swirled through his mind, attempting to decipher the deeper meaning. "Does this entity seek to convey that suffering pervades the world and that intervention is required to alleviate it? No, that doesn't quite align with the presence of such evident murderous intent."

His contemplation led to a pivotal realization. "The colossal figure stands astride the earth, grasping the sun and the moon..."

Cha Eun Xiao harbored a sense of understanding, yet struggled to coalesce his thoughts into a clear conclusion. "The giant figure opens its mouth, as though harboring a message it wishes to share but cannot articulate... What does it seek to impart?"

He contemplated the age-old wisdom of a master's guidance and an apprentice's self-discovery. "Cultivation necessitates personal learning, even as masters impart their knowledge. 'The master teaches the trade, but the apprentice's skill is self-made'—applicable to the lower echelons of cultivation. But what of higher levels?"

Furrowing his brow, he discerned that the answer lay within his own journey of understanding. "It appears that I must unravel this mystery myself."

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With a determined frown, he withdrew into meditation, assuming a cross-legged posture, eyes sealed shut. Immersed in his thoughts, he sought answers within the depths of his own consciousness.

Time passed in a nebulous blur, with Cha Eun Xiao remaining blissfully unaware of its passage. It might have been a day, a month, or perhaps even years. Then, unexpectedly, a singular word emerged within his mind.


It stood alone, a solitary word amidst the vast expanse of his thoughts.

"What is... human?" Cha Eun Xiao mused, his contemplation branching into the multifaceted nature of humanity. "There are men and women, good and bad people..."

And so, he continued to reflect, poised at the precipice of deeper understanding.

Cha Eun Xiao delved deeper into his contemplation, finding himself drawn to the profound mysteries of humanity. "In this world, human beings are driven by countless desires and harbor a multitude of thoughts. Despite their differences, they share a common thread—they are all human beings, bound by the capacity for desire and emotion."

He expanded his reflections, delving into the essence of humanity itself. "Irrespective of strength or weakness, goodness or wickedness, at their core, all individuals are fundamentally human. This forms the foundation of all inquiry."

However, Cha Eun Xiao sensed a lingering incompleteness in his understanding. "But is this truly sufficient? How can we distinguish between good and evil? It is not enough to merely be human; one must strive to be a good person."

The path to goodness seemed mired in complexities. "What, then, defines a good person? To be virtuous, yet not foolish. It is preferable to be considered 'bad' than to be deemed a 'fool.' The path is fraught with decisions and debates."

And yet, he found a revelation amid the complexities. "No, there is no need for excessive debate... Good or bad, strong or weak, these judgments may vary. Perhaps the essence lies elsewhere..."

He was gripped by a newfound simplicity. "To be a true human being is, in fact, straightforward... To be a genuine individual!"

This realization struck him like a lightning bolt, illuminating his mind. "To be human is to distinguish between right and wrong, light and darkness. It is to uphold virtue and condemn vice, walking the righteous path. We must aid those in suffering, restrain those who commit evil deeds... And more. Mere restraint is insufficient. We must eradicate them, without mercy."

A sense of responsibility weighed upon him. "For a wrongdoer may not always target me, but if I allow them to persist, they will harm others, and that is my failing. Too many are vulnerable to harm."

Thus, his resolution solidified. "I must eliminate threats to prevent further malevolence."

To be a true man, he realized, was to embody the essence of the colossal figure before him. "To be a human being, I must stand resolutely upon the earth while reaching towards the heavens. I shall touch the sky, rest upon the ground, grasp the sun and moon, embrace the rivers and mountains, and maintain an untainted conscience."

He voiced his newfound understanding with conviction. "To be a man is to stand firmly upon the earth, reaching for the heavens, holding the sun and moon, embracing rivers and mountains. It is to possess a pure conscience. Eliminating evil is a tribute to the angelic. I shall destroy those who warrant it, without mercy. Even if it results in mountains of corpses and rivers of blood, even if the world curses my name, as long as my conscience remains unblemished... I shall be a true human."

"That is... humanity!"

As he concluded his musings, Cha Eun Xiao's eyes fluttered open, revealing a determined gaze. His eyes brimmed with unwavering resolve.

In response, the colossal figure's eyes displayed a subtle transformation.

Cha Eun Xiao's stern, murderous gaze began to soften, and a hint of gentleness and even a smile seemed to grace his eyes.

Then, with a resounding boom, the colossal figure vanished from existence.

As the giant disappeared, the world around Cha Eun Xiao trembled and fragmented into countless star-like fragments.

Simultaneously, he returned to his physical body, but he continued to hear a voice resonating within him, as if it emanated both from the heavens and his own heart.

"…Hahaha... I am not alone!" The voice was clear and filled with joy, and Cha Eun Xiao had a vision of a man gazing at him with a contented smile.

"Cha Eun Xiao, now that you comprehend the essence of being a true human, I shall bestow upon you a martial art to aid you in conquering the world!"

Instantly, Cha Eun Xiao felt a martial art technique imprint itself within his mind. Strangely, he felt an innate familiarity with it, as though he had practiced this martial art for countless millennia.

It was known as the "Yin Yang Eyes."

As the name registered in his mind, Cha Eun Xiao experienced an uncomfortable sensation in his eyes. Tears welled up uncontrollably, and despite his attempts to keep them at bay by shutting his eyes, they continued to flow.

Though the experience was unpleasant, Cha Eun Xiao understood that the transformation he was undergoing was due to the activation of the Yin Yang Eyes. It was not harmful, nor would it damage his eyes.

However, a question lingered in his mind: What purpose did the Yin Yang Eyes serve, and how could he harness their abilities?

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