The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 317: Bing-Er Grew Up

Chapter 317: Bing-Er Grew Up

Bing-Er Grew Up . . .

Curiosity gripped her, and she couldn't resist wiping Cha Eun Xiao's tears with a clean, white napkin, though she realized it was a task destined for futility.

Following Song Jue's guidance, she diligently prepared a basin of warm water for Cha Eun Xiao, ensuring that he could consume it all. This practice prevented Cha Eun Xiao's eyes from becoming excessively dry.

In the initial days, Song Jue fretted over the potential harm to Cha Eun Xiao's eyes due to this peculiar situation. However, once he ascertained that Cha Eun Xiao was genuinely practicing a unique martial art, he adopted the strategy of replenishing Cha Eun Xiao's water supply. While this approach preserved his eyes, the issue of dehydration needed to be addressed.

It would indeed be an absurd twist of fate if he were to perish due to dehydration brought on by incessant crying!

Cha Eun Xiao attempted to object, but his attempts were futile, leaving him with no choice but to drink water amidst his tears. Tears fell into the wash basin, only to be consumed once more before they could manifest as tears again.

In his mind, he had mercilessly cursed this martial art countless times already.

"What kind of nonsense martial art is this? Where should I even find a shred of dignity now..." he bemoaned.

Consequently, for the ensuing days, Lord Cha refrained from leaving his residence for even a moment. This period turned out to be one of the most well-behaved stretches of his second life. He didn't venture out of his chamber, a span of four full days.

Song Jue couldn't help but muse that misfortune sometimes brought about unexpected blessings. He never imagined that a tearful predicament would actually keep his young master confined at home. If he had known earlier, perhaps he would have orchestrated such an event himself. It seemed that the heavens had a knack for playing tricks on people.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

During these days, Cha Eun Xiao found himself with ample free time. For now, Bing-Er was the sole witness to his current state, so Cha Eun Xiao decided to embrace the situation.

"Bing-Er should be accustomed to my appearance by now. I don't think it matters if she sees me more. After all, she's not even nine years old," he reflected.

Thus, while Lord Cha continued to shed tears, he embarked on educational sessions for Bing-Er. He simply pressed on with the lessons.

Over the course of those four days, the total volume of tears he shed could have drowned him. Nevertheless, after his tireless efforts day and night, Bing-Er's intellect was burgeoning rapidly.

Cha Eun Xiao even started to feel as though Bing-Er had experienced the equivalent of four years' worth of growth.

She appeared to be much more knowledgeable and contemplative now.

Four days earlier, when Bing-Er slept, her rest was often fitful without Cha Eun Xiao by her side. She would toss and turn throughout the night, only settling into peaceful slumber once she nestled in Cha Eun Xiao's embrace.

However, three days earlier, after just a single day, Bing-Er began to exhibit signs of embarrassment and restraint. Her cheeks would flush, and her gaze became soft and gentle. It left Cha Eun Xiao grappling with unusual feelings.

Two days earlier, that is, after two days had passed, Bing-Er started behaving like a young lady. Her words were accompanied by blushing cheeks, and she fell silent even when she had thoughts to express. This transformation made her even more captivating, provoking desires that felt somewhat inappropriate.

One day earlier... Cha Eun Xiao could discern that while Bing-Er still yearned to remain in his arms all day long, she had developed the ability to restrain herself. She resisted her desires, firmly refusing to share a bed with him. Cha Eun Xiao had lost her sweet, attentive companionship.

And now...

Tears in Cha Eun Xiao's eyes had finally ceased. However, the cessation was far from inconspicuous. His eyes were now entirely red, resembling those of a girl who had cried profusely and for an extended duration.

"My lord, Bing-Er wishes to... but..." Bing-Er blushed, her small hands nervously fidgeting with her clothing. She hesitated before continuing, "It's just that intimate contact between men and women is considered improper... This..."

Cha Eun Xiao was taken aback.

"What? Intimate contact...? Didn't I just teach her that yesterday? And now she's using it to reject me? I merely wanted to give her a kiss on the cheek as a reward. I didn't have any ulterior motives," Cha Eun Xiao contemplated, feeling perplexed.

His customary reward for Bing-Er had always been, "Bing-Er, if you make progress, Brother Xiao will give you a cheek kiss as a reward."

Bing-Er delighted in the prospect of such a reward. Whenever she achieved even the slightest improvement, her face would light up with anticipation, and she would extend her cheek toward Cha Eun Xiao, silently imploring him for a kiss. With closed eyes, she eagerly awaited her well-earned reward.

But then, something changed. She grew increasingly shy, her once-eager expression replaced by a blushing stillness. Now, she simply sat there, her face tinged with a rosy hue, patiently waiting for Cha Eun Xiao to initiate the kiss.

In an unexpected twist, she began to refuse this "reward." It had become a ploy this mischievous young man, Cha Eun Xiao, used to his advantage.

"Habit makes things natural, doesn't it? But it doesn't work on Bing-Er?" Cha Eun Xiao pondered, looking at Bing-Er inquisitively.

Bing-Er's hair was elegantly tied up, and her eyes exhibited a range of emotions as her blush deepened.

Her beauty could be described as follows:

"Limpid her soul is while her bones are like jades. Pretty her face is like flowers while her eyebrows are like willow leaves. She who should be the most beautiful one in heavens surely must be the first beauty in the mortal world!"

"Nothing..." Bing-Er murmured, lowering her head in shyness. "If you truly want to... Bing-Er, Bing-Er would never refuse... But... But..."

She repeated "but" several times, her blush intensifying with each utterance. She struggled to articulate her thoughts but couldn't find the words.

"I see," Cha Eun Xiao chuckled, enlightened. "My Bing-Er has grown up now. She's a big girl... She blushes now. Hahahaha..."

Bing-Er blushed even more at being laughed at by Cha Eun Xiao. Her face and neck turned crimson, and she moved with a hint of bashfulness in her demeanor.

Smiling warmly, Cha Eun Xiao said, "Since Bing-Er has grown up and is more sensible now, the way I reward you may not be appropriate anymore. Let me think... How should I reward you now?"

Bing-Er smiled bashfully, casting a shy gaze upon Cha Eun Xiao. "If you truly want to give me that... reward... Bing-Er... would be pleased to accept it..."

As she spoke those final words, her voice had become as soft as a mosquito's whisper. She lowered her head further, as if burying it in her ample bosom, avoiding further eye contact.

"No," Cha Eun Xiao responded. "You mentioned it's improper, so we need to make a change..."

Bing-Er sighed with relief, though a hint of disappointment flickered in her eyes. "Regardless... Bing-Er is... your girl. Whenever you want... to touch me, you can... No other man will ever have that privilege, not even to touch a strand of my hair!"

Despite her extreme bashfulness, she sounded remarkably resolute at the end. It was her genuine sentiment, and she had no intention of altering it.

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