The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 336: Not So Easy

Chapter 336: Not So Easy

Not So Easy . . .

"Please, enjoy the tea," Zuo Wuji offered, setting a steaming cup of tea on Cha Eun Xiao's side of the table. He casually took a seat beside him, exuding an air of comfort and ease. It was evident that he felt at ease in Cha Eun Xiao's presence. "I'm guessing your visit holds some significance, doesn't it?"

Studying the confident and relaxed figure before him, Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but feel astonished.

Not too long ago, Zuo Wuji had stolen the Jade Ruyi from his own household to exchange it for money, an act that left him feeling utterly ashamed. In the past, even a few well-placed words would suffice to unnerve him. Now, he exuded an aura of casual self-assuredness, which marked a significant transformation.

A mere half-year had brought about this dramatic metamorphosis. Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but draw parallels between Zuo Wuji and Master Bai of the House of the Chaotic Storms. The similarities were uncanny.

"Zuo Zuo, I can't help but notice the significant change you've undergone," Cha Eun Xiao remarked with a sigh. "They say that one should observe a person over three days to truly understand them. You, my friend, are such a man."

"I haven't changed," Zuo Wuji calmly replied. "I've always been this way. I've had a longstanding interest in such matters. But... there were times when I acted irrationally. That's all."

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Cha Eun Xiao nodded in understanding. "I see. You mean there's more to you than meets the eye. You maintain a facade as one of the 'three lords in town,' but it's merely a cover..."

Despite Zuo Wuji's profound nature, he couldn't help but be taken aback. His demeanor grew serious as he spoke, "Xiao Xiao, how is the stone carving you took from my house? Is it to your liking?"

Cha Eun Xiao couldn't contain his laughter. "You sly bastard! You were aware of everything and merely played the fool."

Zuo Wuji snorted and explained, "That item meant a lot to my grandfather. He went to great lengths to obtain it and even moved it to different locations within the house. Unfortunately, he couldn't find the perfect spot for it and decided to hide it instead. My grandfather would often become lost in thought while gazing at it. Ever since it came into our possession, someone within our household would die every few days."

"It may be a valuable item, but if one doesn't know how to properly utilize it, it can bring misfortune to the family. Rather than keeping it within our household and bearing the burden of misfortune, I'd prefer to send it away and rid myself of the trouble it brings. The stone could bring luck to your house." Zuo Wuji smiled. "I'm glad you appreciate it. Even if you didn't, I would have found a way to gift it to you as a gesture of gratitude. To be honest, that item serves you well. Take it. It's helped you and alleviated my own troubles. It's a win-win situation."

Cha Eun Xiao was taken aback. "One's only 'crime' was carrying a jade. The spirit residing within isn't something everyone would embrace willingly. Zuo Zuo, you're truly a generous man."

Zuo Wuji smiled slyly. "As the old saying goes, there's always some truth to ancient wisdom. In fact, events have proven me right. Since that item left our house, no one else has passed away within our family."

Cha Eun Xiao was struck with realization. "I see."

[It was unbelievably easy to acquire that item. This is the reason why.

I certainly wanted it. It was mine because Zuo Wuji wanted it to be. It came so easily.

How could something be taken so effortlessly from the Prime Minister's household?

It's astonishing! The world is full of fools, and when I believed someone to be a fool, I was the biggest fool of them all.] Cha Eun Xiao found it both amusing and vexing.

Manipulating others felt satisfying, but being manipulated was infuriating. He had assumed he was the one in control, but it turned out he was the puppet. That was profoundly vexing!

Was there anything more frustrating? Absolutely. It was the moment when the truth was laid bare for everyone to see. Discovering that he was the most naive one was utterly maddening!

Cha Eun Xiao felt a mix of amusement and irritation.

Zuo Wuji smiled nonchalantly. "No need to be so disheartened. In the end, you're the one who benefited the most. Now that it's in your possession, it's being used to its full potential. I believe it's played a significant role in your recent progress."

Cha Eun Xiao nodded in agreement.

The Heavenly Crystal Marrow had the ability to generate life qi and uplift all things in the universe. It possessed its own spirit and wouldn't continuously produce life qi without limit. As it generated life qi, it also absorbed spiritual energy from the heavens and earth to maintain a balance in the world.

Anyone familiar with such a valuable item would certainly place the Heavenly Crystal Marrow in an area with dense spiritual energy to maximize its production of life qi, thereby aiding the owner's cultivation.

While Prime Minister Zuo was indeed discerning, he remained ignorant of the true value of the Heavenly Crystal Marrow. He was unaware of its significance to cultivators; even saints coveted it. However, its effects were limited on ordinary individuals.

A small Heavenly Crystal Marrow would not possess the capacity to absorb the requisite amount of spiritual energy. After producing life qi for an extended period, it would eventually be depleted and vanish.

The Heavenly Crystal Marrow acquired by Prime Minister Zuo was quite substantial. It generated copious amounts of life qi, but it also required a significant quantity of spiritual energy for sustenance. The Prime Minister's household certainly didn't possess an abundance of spiritual energy. People's lives, however, contained spiritual energy, which explained the frequent deaths in ancient times.

Nevertheless, it proved beneficial to both parties, benefiting others as well as themselves. It was a mutually satisfying arrangement.

"That item…" Cha Eun Xiao grinned, as he sought the right words to convey the truth.

"You needn't say anything," Zuo Wuji interjected, flashing a smile. "It belongs to you now, and it no longer concerns me. I have received my just reward, and that's sufficient for me."

He gazed warmly at Cha Eun Xiao and continued, "Honestly, I'm relieved that it didn't harm you."

Cha Eun Xiao rolled his eyes.

[You devious scoundrel...

You're certainly adept at scheming, but hidden among those malevolent plots, there's a benevolent one that you reserve for your friends.]

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