The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 345: Until Death!

Chapter 345: Until Death!

Until Death! . . .

Liu Changjun, out of respect and sensitivity, chose not to press forward with his inquiry. To do so would risk humiliating Ning Biluo, a situation that neither Ning Biluo nor Cha Eun Xiao desired.

The shared understanding between Ning Biluo and Cha Eun Xiao was evident in the perplexed look upon Cha Eun Xiao's face. It was clear that Cha Eun Xiao comprehended the unspoken question that Liu Changjun had raised. He, too, had contemplated why Ning Biluo persisted in leading an organization that seemed to shackle him when he could release himself from such constraints. Without the assassination organization, there would be very few entities capable of challenging Ning Biluo's authority, with the House of the Chaotic Storms being a notable exception.

Ning Biluo, the preeminent assassin, was a figure driven by a profound sense of restraint. It was a sense of restraint that an assassin found most perturbing.

To truly lead, one had to be free, a leader in the truest sense. Though Ning Biluo held a leadership role, his position was tainted by the constraints he imposed upon himself. Why, then, did he cling to a role that appeared to detract from his power?

Ning Biluo, having absorbed the implications of Liu Changjun's question, bore a pallor on his countenance. His steely gaze seemed to dim somewhat as he embarked on an explanation.

He recounted a dark chapter of his past with an air of eerie calm. "I was eight years old at the time. Men cloaked in black garments descended upon my village, ruthlessly slaughtering all the able-bodied men. They left only women and children behind."

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The edge of hatred crept into his voice as he continued, "For the ensuing five years, the survivors became slaves to those black-clad men, leading lives more agonizing than death. A fate endured by thirty thousand elderly and children."

The memory of those harrowing years resurfaced, and Ning Biluo revealed the full extent of his torment. "During those five years, I witnessed unspeakable atrocities, enduring countless brutal beatings that brought me to the brink of death. Yet, it was the elderly members of the village who intervened to save me. Regrettably, some of them were left crippled or dead due to my escape..."

He swallowed, the memories stirring emotions of anger and vengeance that lay concealed beneath the surface. "Upon my escape, I embarked on a journey of revenge, spending an entire year hunting down those black-clad monsters. Seven thousand of them fell by my hand."

"Nonetheless, by then, fewer than five thousand of our own people remained. They had been subjected to unspeakable horrors, with four thousand left crippled. The suffering extended to approximately two hundred children who were left scarred by their experiences."

With a heavy sigh, he admitted, "They became my responsibility, one that I can never relinquish. My insatiable pursuit of missions is driven by the need to provide for them."

"It is never enough," Ning Biluo continued. "In the pursuit of their well-being, the younger generation has chosen to follow me."

Liu Changjun and Cha Eun Xiao grasped the unsaid words that lingered in the air.

Observing the group of young individuals, Cha Eun Xiao deduced that they must be the members of Ning Biluo's assassination group, a conclusion that was soon validated when Ning Biluo confirmed it.

The weight of his words hung in the air as Ning Biluo recounted the trials he had faced. "I have led them all the way... but, my assassination group was obliterated by those martial forces." His desolation was palpable.

"However, over time, the five thousand have multiplied to twenty thousand. Some of them have become parents, while others have grown into elderly figures. We reside deep within the mountains, and our survival necessitates resources and money. A substantial amount of money."

A bitter smile graced Ning Biluo's lips as he continued, "Despite my knowledge that I cannot attain such wealth, I must strive for it. These people, they are the unbreakable bonds in my life. Bonds I can never sever."

His tone remained even, but the words conveyed a profound heaviness that weighed on Cha Eun Xiao and Liu Changjun. The burden of responsibility that rested upon Ning Biluo's shoulders was immeasurable.

A crushing sensation, akin to a mountain resting upon their hearts, enveloped them. The No. 1 Assassin in the world carried a hidden world of pain and duty.

Ning Biluo explained his hesitance to relinquish his autonomy. "I dare not forfeit my freedom. I will not work for anyone. I must undertake as many missions as possible and amass a substantial fortune. I cannot accept the assistance of others, for in the eyes of the world, there are four thousand seven hundred cripples among us. They possess the capability to care for themselves and survive independently. But who can provide them with the financial support they need?"

He continued, touching on the costs of medicine, and concluded with a bland smile. "I chose this responsibility, and I shall carry it until my last breath. I will not abandon them. They are my kin, individuals who sacrificed greatly to shield me and other children."

Liu Changjun inhaled deeply, searching for the right words to express his thoughts. "To what end are you going to carry this burden?"

Ning Biluo's gaze lowered, and he spoke with a serene determination. "To the day when they no longer require me. Many of them have reached old age... They are nearing the end."

The sincerity in Ning Biluo's voice was evident, even if the words sounded unyielding. "I will carry it until they die."

Cha Eun Xiao empathized with Ning Biluo on a profound level. Not only until those people passed away, but until the final moments of his own life, Ning Biluo would shoulder this immense burden.

"I will carry it until they die," or perhaps, "until I die."

Ye Xiao sighed and pondered. "Ning, I don't believe you'll ever be short of money. Given your abilities, you can easily accumulate wealth by robbing the wealthy, stealing, deception, or even blackmail. It should not be challenging for you to amass riches. Why does it appear to be so arduous for you?"

Cha Eun Xiao believed it was reasonable that Ning Biluo chose not to respond to his inquiry. However, he was taken aback when Liu Changjun decided to provide an answer.

With wide-open eyes, Liu Changjun spoke with unwavering conviction, "You have made an error, Monarch. I comprehend Master Ning! We share a common understanding because we are both assassins! Assassins make their livelihoods by eliminating individuals who are marked for death. This has been our way for centuries. How can we compromise such a principle for the sake of trivial problems we may encounter? We are not thieves or bandits. It is an action that goes against everything we stand for. Assassins possess pride and principles!"

Cha Eun Xiao was left dumbfounded. He didn't know how to respond or even fathom the expression on his own face. "That's... That's a rather peculiar and arbitrary philosophy!"

As he observed two of the most renowned assassins in the world discussing the matter with profound seriousness, one nodding in agreement while the other extolled the principles, Cha Eun Xiao felt as though his stomach was filled with an inexplicable amalgamation of emotions. He was left speechless.

"What kind of world is this?" he pondered inwardly. "Officials claiming to be the descendants of saints, well-educated, yet they blatantly flout the law, seeking personal gain in their work, engaging in illicit activities and acting without moral integrity... There's a plethora of them. And here, in the martial world, assassins are earnestly deliberating their professional ethics?"

The gravity with which the two assassins approached the subject left Cha Eun Xiao bewildered, making him question his own place in this world. "Am I really so out of touch with the times?".

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