The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 358: Work Together

Chapter 358: Work Together

Work Together . . .

"The great sects find a straightforward remedy for their quandaries during stagnant periods, and it comes in the form of a dan bead,"Long Tianyun began, a pall of desolation shading his countenance. "But for us, the Eight Noble Clans, we are bereft of such resources. Our hands are tied; there is naught we can do."

His visage revealed the weight of generations past, a deep-seated sorrow etched upon his features. "From one era to the next, we've languished in restraint. Our ambitions, no matter how lofty, have been hamstrung by our limited capacity. Many of our esteemed forebears, brimming with untapped potential, have remained trapped within the confines of their own limitations, a lamentable fate that has shadowed our history."

Gazing upon the precious supreme Bone Ablutionary Dan, a glimmer of hope pierced the gloom. "Finally, we possess the supreme Bone Ablutionary Dan! Our offspring can embark upon life's journey with the privilege of bone ablution from birth, positioning them as the world's most formidable individuals. Connecting Mai Dan and Limit Breaking Dan provide additional avenues for our people to transcend their inborn restrictions, evolving into supreme cultivators."

The magnitude of their ambitions was vast, destined to transform the destiny of the eight noble clans. "This is our beacon of hope, a chance for the eight noble clans to ascend. We expended great effort to secure these dan beads, and now the two great sects aim to wrest them from our grasp."

Long Tianyun's voice swelled with indignation. "They seek to obliterate the promise of our future, condemning us to perpetual servitude beneath their heel. They demand that we remain subjugated, forever enduring the sting of humiliation."

"How can we possibly consent to such an affront?"

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A resounding voice filled the room, resonating with unwavering determination. It was Long Tianyun, the middle-aged representative of the Long Clan. "For a mere five billion and an oath, even the sacrifice of limbs, all of it, if it guarantees safe passage with our dan beads, I, Long Tianyun, am willing to part with my hands and feet, even lay down my life if required. For the sake of ten billion, I will borrow and pay it without hesitation! Whatever they demand, I am prepared to endure, to bear the shame."

His eyes burned with an unyielding resolve, but the great sects remained obstinate.

"They comprehend precisely what holds the most value to them," he continued.

"We may have contended fiercely within our clans for our personal interests. Our sons may well perpetuate this rivalry in the future, fueled by ambition, driven by titles and power. Yet in this moment, we confront a shared adversity."

A chorus of unity permeated the room.

"We must overcome this," Long Tianyun declared. "In unity, we shall find our path."

"If not, each of us here shall consign the brilliant future of our clans to oblivion. Just as we glimpse the radiance of a brighter tomorrow, we cannot allow it to fade."

His words fell into a hushed stillness, yet their resonance lingered, echoing the collective determination in the room.

Yet, amidst the turmoil of voices, a prevailing consensus began to crystallize.

"That's right. Brother Long has hit the mark," an attendee exclaimed, fervently seconding Long's declaration. "In this critical juncture, we must not yield to selfishness. Our unwavering objective must be to secure the dan beads and return them to our homes."

"Indeed, Long's words resonate with reason. He has illuminated a path to a brighter future for us. Failing to act selflessly in this precarious situation would be an unpardonable transgression," another concurred.

A wave of unity surged through the room as they collectively pondered a course of action. "Let us join forces to navigate this crisis," someone suggested. "Additional reinforcements are en route, three elders stationed within Chen-Xing City, increasing our chances."

Voices mingled in discussion. "We have our own allies inbound as well," a participant acknowledged. "Nonetheless, our numerical advantage proves futile in resisting. Once we engage in open conflict, we will inadvertently declare war against the great sects, positioning ourselves as their primary targets. This is a circumstance we cannot disregard."

Several concurred, lamenting their predicament. "True, we find ourselves in an impossible dilemma. Our options are limited."

Amid the discourse, a solitary voice offered an alternative. "Is it advance through a concealed route?" The idea hung in the air, waiting for elaboration.

Expectant gazes fixated upon the speaker, urging him to continue. "What I mean is, we can create the illusion that we are diligently safeguarding the dan beads here, while, in fact, a faction of us embarks on the journey homeward with the precious beads."

A wave of skepticism rippled through the audience. "No," a disappointed voice interjected. "This idea has crossed our minds before. Regrettably, it is unworkable. The great sects have extended their spiritual surveillance across the entire city. Anyone venturing outside its confines will fall under their vigilant watch. Regardless of one's identity, if you carry a spatial ring, they will confiscate it."

He continued, further dispelling any hope in the notion. "Even concealing them within your clothing won't permit safe egress."

A collective silence blanketed the room once more.

Long Tianyun, his voice measured, introduced a new perspective. "Perhaps there is practicality in this concept. We might discover a compromise."

Brows furrowed with curiosity, and their eyes focused intently on him, eager to discern the path he envisioned.

In that critical moment, the weight of every possibility hung heavy in the air, each one seen as a lifeline to the beleaguered group. Among them, Long Tianyun had earned a reputation as a strategist, a man with the ability to devise intricate plans when the need arose. They had hoped that if anyone could conjure a solution to their predicament, it would be him.

Now, with his proposal on the table, a spark of hope ignited within them.

"It is essentially the same plan, but it necessitates operating in multiple groups," Long Tianyun elucidated, his thoughts unfolding as he spoke. "The first group will remain in plain sight, deliberately projecting an appearance of not wishing to draw undue attention. Their purpose is to divert the great sects' focus."

However, when he introduced the notion of the second group, it elicited puzzled expressions. "The second group will remain concealed, their presence known to none," he explained.

Perplexed murmurs rippled through the audience. "Unseen? What precisely do you mean?" they inquired, their brows furrowing with uncertainty.

Long Tianyun's eyes gleamed with anticipation, an unshakeable belief that this plan was their best and only recourse. He spoke with unwavering conviction. "The first group, those who shall capture our adversaries' gaze, will not carry any dan beads with them. Their fate is all but sealed; they will inevitably face torment and possibly death."

A hushed solemnity fell upon the room as they grappled with the gravity of his words. "Upon the first group's demise, the two great sects will commence an extensive search within Chen-Xing City, hunting for the remaining individuals and the coveted supreme dan beads."

He then outlined the mission of the second group, a group burdened with the task of concealing their identities and capabilities. "They must exhaust every avenue to ensure their survival. This group, charged with safeguarding the supreme dan beads, might need to establish a life in the city, obscured from prying eyes. Their mission is clear: to protect the dan beads until they can safely return them to our clans. The duration may extend for ten, fifty, perhaps even a hundred years. As long as they can ensure the delivery of the dan beads to our clans, we triumph. Even if our compatriots perish outside, so long as this group prevails and the supreme dan beads remain in their possession, the sacrifice will have been worthwhile.".

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