The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 363: Situ Yu?

Chapter 363: Situ Yu?

Situ Yu? . . .

If they dared to obstruct this impending onslaught, they would become victims of a cataclysmic assault. Those unfortunate enough to be caught within its embrace would witness the utter destruction of their bodies and the evaporation of their very souls.

Prepared though they were to meet their fate, it wasn't an end they sought, particularly not in such a gruesome manner.

Some lives might be sacrificed for a higher purpose, but if they perished now in this confrontation, it would be an utterly meaningless sacrifice.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The man in black executed his striking maneuver with precision. The assembled combatants hastily scattered, disbanding the encircling formation. He showed no inclination to look back; instead, he ascended rapidly into the heavens, his sword radiating a luminous brilliance that veiled his retreat.

The cultivators lay sprawled on the ground, their breaths laborious as they grappled with the shock they had endured.

Long Tianyun's visage assumed a ghastly hue, marked by a mixture of fear and trepidation.

"Could it be that he's truly Situ Yu?" inquired someone in the group.

"Certainly! The Sword Breath In Blood! The dark blue aura with traces of crimson – there's only one individual in the Land of Han-Yang who could perform this technique! The Heartless Sword, Situ Yu of the Green Mountain Sect!"

It wasn't Long Tianyun who responded to this query; instead, an elderly gentleman emerged as the voice of authority. This senior figure was widely known as the most knowledgeable individual among the clans.

He proceeded to enlighten the group, stating, "Situ Yu has a countenance akin to a maiden's. His visage is as delicate as peach blossoms. Some years ago, he endured a bout of madness in his cultivation, which ultimately caused the ruin of his progress. Subsequently, he stumbled upon the cultivation method of the Pink Demon. It was this discovery that transformed his sword breath, tinting it with a shade of pink. This is a distinctive technique attributed to the Pink Demon, a prominent figure from nearly a millennium ago. There is no other with this ability!"

The collective realization swept through the gathering.

This elucidated why the man had been so averse to using his genuine martial arts. To do so would have betrayed his identity.

The old man cast a sidelong glance at Long Tianyun, his eyes reflecting a blend of amusement and uncertainty, as if he relished a hidden secret. He delivered his commentary with a bland tone, "Rumor has it that this Heartless Sword is a close associate of yours, Long Tianyun. I suppose you are the best of friends... I imagine your feelings are rather complicated now, harboring such a close friend, aren't they? I doubt you'll be forthcoming with the truth."

Long Tianyun's countenance darkened, and he lapsed into a brooding silence.

"But why did Situ Yu come here today? It's implausible that he came for the supreme dan beads, no matter how formidable he may be," inquired another individual, his face clouded by perplexity.

Long Tianyun took a deep breath and delivered a somber explanation, "It's a simple motive. He's here to orchestrate the downfall of the Cyan Cloud Sect. He wants us to believe that the Cyan Cloud Sect was interfering with us, attempting to lay claim to our resources. This would incite a rift between the Cyan Cloud Sect and us. He aims to have us at each other's throats, causing mutual harm. That's his scheme."

"Why?" the other man questioned.

Though the Heartless Sword had disclosed Long Tianyun's covert plan to everyone, and they were less than thrilled about it, the plan was now irrevocably undermined. Recognizing Long Tianyun's superior acumen, they had previously been willing to adhere to the same strategy. The revelation of the truth led them to simply let it go. Now, with the two clans in the same predicament, they couldn't afford to wage war against each other. They weren't fools and wisely chose not to broach the topic. In fact, some contemplated, "Long Tianyun's plan was actually quite ingenious. Now that it's been revealed to everyone, no one will pursue it. Given that they've all abandoned the idea, why not go for it? Wouldn't that be a safe course of action?" Many likely entertained such thoughts.

"He's acting in his self-interest. The Green Mountain Sect is also in the crosshairs of the two major sects. They aim to alleviate their predicament. The Cyan Cloud Sect always follows the Starlight Sect like a faithful lapdog... Cyan Cloud Sect will certainly have to relinquish a portion of their supreme dan beads, but they can retain some of them. That's a far better outcome than what awaits us."

"If we engage in hostilities with the Cyan Cloud Sect, the two major sects could leverage it as a pretext to intervene. They wouldn't need to resort to theft; instead, they could frame it as a moral rebuke directed at us. Such is the pleasure of these great sects."

"However, should events unfold in that manner, it won't be a conflict resolved in a mere day or two. Despite the formidable might of the great sects, they can't eradicate us with ease... We boast thousands of cultivators in the capital, after all. Even if we were to consider them expendable, meant to be slaughtered like swine by the great sects, it would consume time... And that's precisely what the Green Mountain Sect desires. They require the time to execute their escape!" Long Tianyun finished his explanation, punctuating it with a cold smile.

Long Tianyun continued his disheartening analysis, saying, "They can make a clean escape from the Chen-Xing City without suffering any financial losses. They'll just vanish into the wilderness, and eventually, they'll return to their sect. Although some of their members may fall and be pursued, even if they lose some dan beads, most of the supreme dan beads will safely find their way back to the sect. Once those dan beads are secure within their sect, they can spin any tale they like. When the great sects confront them, they can simply claim that the dan beads were stolen on their way back. To make amends with the great sects, they might offer other valuable items in compensation. It may require them to forfeit many treasures, but they can safeguard the dan beads. The future ascent of the Green Mountain Sect is poised to be a momentous occasion. Make no mistake."

Long Tianyun couldn't hide the bitterness in his smile as he remarked, "Situ Yu and I have known each other for a long time. Yet when faced with such substantial gains, is it truly so difficult for him to betray me? It's not an uncommon occurrence in this world. Without our long history, how could we have come to understand each other's thoughts? We are indeed close friends to each other... Haha, hahaha..."

His laughter was tainted by an air of isolation and sorrow. The onlookers remained silent. The most pitiable individual among them was Long Tianyun, betrayed by a trusted old friend.

Long Tianyun realized that they had to revise their plan. Observing the guarded expressions on the faces of his comrades, he managed a wry smile and sighed. "It appears you've all placed your faith in him. Do you view me as a sly, devious character?".

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