The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 380: Visitors?

Chapter 380: Visitors?

Visitors? . . .

Xiu-Er's heart brimmed with concern as she inquired, "Will she be all right? She's been drawn into the Fortune Map of Mountains and Rivers."

Wan-Er, her smile brimming with reassurance, replied, "How could she not be? Do you recall how many people have ventured into the Fortune Map of Mountains and Rivers? Has any harm befallen them?"

A sigh of relief escaped Xiu-Er as she remarked, "That's a relief. It would be a travesty for such an exceptional woman to suffer any misfortune."

Wan-Er nodded, her smile unwavering.

Suddenly, a pang of jealousy seized Xiu-Er, and she couldn't contain herself. "Wan-Er, you're truly remarkable. You even took the map with you. The way Master treats you... it makes me envious!"

Wan-Er couldn't help but humph, her own jealousy rearing its head. "Please. If anyone should be jealous, it's me! Master sensed that something was amiss with you, and he was deeply concerned. He entrusted me with the Fortune Map of Mountains and Rivers and implored me to save you. This marks the first time in all these years that I've seen Master in such a state of urgency. He cares about you. Do you grasp that?"

Xiu-Er was taken aback, her expression softening into one of contentment and joy. She inquired with a bashful, childlike demeanor, "Is that true?"

"Absolutely," Wan-Er affirmed. "Now you know who should be the jealous one, don't you?" She rolled her eyes and quipped, "Look at that smitten expression. It's positively absurd!"

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Happiness radiated from Xiu-Er as she commented, "Master is so kind... Cough... Puff..."

Yet, her joy was short-lived, and she began to cough violently, spewing forth blood.

"You... You've initiated one-third of the removal process, haven't you?" Wan-Er's eyes widened in alarm. "Stay still! Don't move an inch, you foolish girl!"

Swiftly, she produced a dan bead and administered it to Xiu-Er. In a hushed murmur, she continued, "Look at you. Even if she can restrain you temporarily, she wouldn't drive you to your death. At the very least, she lacks the capability to kill you. Your task is to bide your time, and the opportunity will come... The day Master has set is four days from now. Why the rush? I'm truly at a loss for words..."

Xiu-Er's face paled, but she managed a frail smile. "I can't afford even the slightest delay. How could we disappoint Master? I, Xiu-Er... I'll never let Master down, not for a moment..."

"Much like the woman we just witnessed. She would give her life for her beloved. My heart echoes with hers."

Xiu-Er, her voice trembling with emotion, continued, "The man has such a woman, our Master does too."

Annoyance and concern welled up in Wan-Er, and she reproached Xiu-Er, "You fool... Don't speak. Do you not grasp your own predicament?"

As Wan-Er lectured her, she extended her spiritual awareness, scanning their surroundings. Suddenly, her eyes sparkled with recognition. "There's a cave on this ice mountain. It appears to be an ideal refuge... Come!"

With a swift and protective gesture, she helped Xiu-Er to her feet and led the way into the cave's depths.

Wan-Er couldn't help but express her admiration as she surveyed the cavern's interconnected chambers and expansive dimensions. "I wonder who created this cave," she mused. "It doesn't seem like a natural formation."

Her satisfaction apparent, Wan-Er instructed Xiu-Er with determination, "Xiu-Er, commence your martial practice immediately. Focus solely on employing the World Righteous Heart to quell one-third of the binding force. I will be your sentinel. Do not be concerned. Your primary task is to address this challenge."

Xiu-Er nodded in agreement and assumed a cross-legged posture. The pressing nature of her situation demanded immediate attention. Delaying any further would expose her to the Nine Extreme Punishments.

Vigilant and watchful, Wan-Er stood guard over Xiu-Er, her senses acutely attuned to their environment.

Unbeknownst to them, the cave they now occupied had been fashioned by none other than Feng Zhiling, the Feng Monarch. Just a few months prior, when Feng Zhiling was considerably weaker than he presently was, he had vanquished the Dao Origin Stage cultivator, Gu Jinlong, within these very chambers. Though his victory had been somewhat fortuitous, it remained a remarkable feat.

By the time Wan-Er and Xiu-Er sought refuge within the cave, it was already late in the morning, marking the third day following the conclusion of the auction. The sun hung high in the sky, bathing the world in brilliant light.


Within the confines of Ling-Bao Hall, Ning Biluo, Cha Eun Xiao, and their companions had enjoyed several hours of respite. Liu Changjun, in particular, had made impressive strides in his recovery, thanks to a potent Pei-Yuan dan bead and his own martial arts proficiency. A few more hours of recuperation would suffice to restore him to a state of well-being. The supreme Pei-Yuan dan was indeed the most suitable remedy for his condition. Nonetheless, not everyone would readily expend such a valuable resource. Some might deem it an extravagant waste.

In the midst of this respite, a messenger arrived with vital news. "Delegates from the five prominent clans are requesting an audience."

Eun Xiao furrowed his brow in surprise. "Five clans? This is unexpected."

The messenger provided further details. "Yes, the Long Clan, Dongfang Clan, Ximen Clan, Beigong Clan, and Song Clan, all operating under the leadership of Long Clan's Long Tianyun. They've come to meet with Boss Wan and Feng Monarch."

The bearer of the message was an agile and well-proportioned assassin, his delivery precise and clear.

Recalling Ning Biluo's wisdom, Cha Eun Xiao pondered, 'If a man becomes a renowned assassin, there will be no task he cannot excel in.'

As expected, this assassin had excelled not only in his usual line of work but also as a guard, demonstrating his versatility. It almost seemed a waste to employ someone of his caliber in such a capacity.

"What could be their purpose?" Eun Xiao exchanged a puzzled glance with Liu Changjun, who was similarly uncertain.

The responsibility for addressing the matter of the five clans had fallen to Ning Biluo the previous night. Despite his apparent absence, there was no doubt that he was in the vicinity of Ling-Bao Hall. However, locating him was an impossible task unless he chose to reveal himself or Eun Xiao summoned him. No one else possessed the ability to bring him forth.

Eun Xiao uttered his name with a grave tone, "Ning."

In a fluid motion, a shadowy figure emerged, and Ning Biluo appeared by his side, akin to a phantom. He met Eun Xiao's gaze, awaiting his inquiry.

Ning Biluo provided an explanation, "Last night, they became uneasy. They realized that they could place their trust in neither other sects nor forces. My assumption is that they have come here in pursuit of an alliance and assistance."

Eun Xiao's brow furrowed in contemplation. "An alliance? Aid? Is that a possibility?"

Eun Xiao was not typically one to devise intricate schemes. If Zuo Wuji were present, he would have immediately discerned the implications of Ning Biluo's actions the previous night. Although Zuo Wuji lacked familiarity with the inner workings of the martial world and the intricate web of alliances and conflicts among sects and forces, he possessed a keen understanding of human nature. Where there were people, there was martial arts, emotions, enmity, ethical quandaries, alliances, and rivalries. This principle extended to the political arena, where profit dictated every decision. Eun Xiao possessed this knowledge as well, but his pride often overshadowed his analytical abilities. Now, however, he recognized the necessity of delving deeper into the situation. Time was of the essence..

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