The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 403: Swagger Off!

Chapter 403: Swagger Off!

Swagger Off! . . .

If Cha Eun Xiao made any hasty move at this point, the brooding tempest of lethal intent surrounding him would manifest its devastating fury. Cha Eun Xiao had an acute awareness that facing this ominous aura of slaughter was tantamount to courting obliteration. Master Bai's overt physical strength was not the immediate concern; it was the sinister and dreadful killing aura that was poised to rend him asunder.

Though the denizens of Sky Origin Stage were an intimidating assembly, Cha Eun Xiao's perceptive gaze allowed him to scrutinize the men with discerning attention. Their unwavering and indomitable postures resembled impregnable fortresses, every sinew and muscle radiating formidable power.

Eight Sky Origin Stage masters had now materialized before him, solidifying his realization that these indomitable combatants constituted one of Master Bai's covert trump cards—a force capable of unleashing cataclysmic devastation across the Land of Han-Yang.

This staggering display of power ignited Cha Eun Xiao's curiosity, prompting him to question the extent of Master Bai's influence and concealed assets. What other covert forces lay in the shadows? He well understood that Master Bai was a seasoned practitioner of calculated secrecy, adept at concealing the full breadth of his capabilities.

Cha Eun Xiao mused on the formidable weight of these eight martial elites, each a potential harbinger of destruction, unassailable within the Land of Han-Yang. How deep did the river of influence flow behind Master Bai's enigmatic facade?

"Master!" One of the formidable eight warriors clenched his fists, his eyes smoldering with fury. "Please give the command. We shall reduce this audacious wretch to mincemeat."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Master Bai, nursing his battered visage, exhibited none of the vindictive ire one might anticipate after enduring such a relentless onslaught. He wore his wounds with regal indifference. Despite the grievous swellings and disfigurements, his sheer elegance eclipsed the visible signs of violence.

Gazing intently at Cha Eun Xiao from beneath hooded eyes, a rare sparkle of amusement twinkled in Master Bai's disheveled visage. He burst into unrestrained laughter, the kind that seemed on the verge of tears. His jubilation was incongruous with the circumstances, given that he had been subjected to an incident that warranted unbridled anger.

Laughing heartily, he shook his throbbing head, as though on the precipice of convulsions.

"Ha...hahaha..." The unrestrained mirth bubbled forth, and he chuckled amid his mounting hysteria. He bore his gruesome injuries as a point of pride, embracing them with grace.

Master Bai locked his penetrating gaze onto Cha Eun Xiao, his eyes an incisive gleam. After a prolonged silence, he spoke. "Feng Monarch, your audacity is truly remarkable."

With a wry smile, he added, "Escort him out."

Master Bai turned away from Cha Eun Xiao, his countenance now a mélange of perplexing emotions. He cast a final, enigmatic smile towards his defiant assailant and concluded with an intriguing proclamation, "Feng Monarch, we shall meet again."

It was as if the violent interlude that had unfolded had never transpired, a testament to Master Bai's enigmatic grace. The shocking blow to his perfect image had been shrugged off, reduced to a mere footnote in the mysterious chronicles of the Feng Monarch's audacity.

The eight accomplished cultivators were bewildered by their master's unexpected declaration. [Did Master Bai truly just order the safe departure of the man who had just subjected him to such humiliation?]

Cha Eun Xiao was equally taken aback. [He's letting me go? He doesn't wish to retaliate?]

Under different circumstances, Cha Eun Xiao might have expected a violent reprisal or perhaps a direct confrontation. However, this unexpected leniency left him perplexed.

[Does Master Bai derive pleasure from being assaulted?]

Master Bai delivered his pronouncement with an air of indifference, his tone untroubled. "Feng Monarch, kindly ensure you do not perish at another's hands amidst the ensuing chaos."

A chuckle escaped Cha Eun Xiao's lips. "No need to fret, Master Bai. These ineffectual scoundrels won't be the ones to take me down. They couldn't even—"

Master Bai's serene smile bore a hint of mirth as he interjected, "While I may assign others to acts of retribution driven by malice or strategy, some actions are personal. This..." He gestured nonchalantly to his bruised and swollen countenance. "This is personal. I must tend to it myself. If your life were to be extinguished before I fully recover my strength, I would find it most disappointing. My current choice would have been in vain."

An easy laugh escaped Cha Eun Xiao's lips. "You have nothing to worry about. I won't meet my demise until I've fulfilled my commitments to you."

With that, he rose to his feet and strode away, exuding a casual nonchalance and an air of invincibility.

Despite the implicit threat of the world's most powerful individual, Cha Eun Xiao remained unflustered and untroubled. His unwavering confidence suggested that he was utterly unswayed by the ominous shadow cast by Master Bai.

As Cha Eun Xiao disappeared into the depths of the bamboo forest, Master Bai observed his departure with an inscrutable expression. A knowing smile graced his countenance as he contemplated the audacity of the Feng Monarch.

The swelling in Master Bai's face served as a stark reminder of the encounter, yet he bore it with tranquil acceptance. "It has been quite some time since I was last struck."

His words sent shivers down the spines of the eight stalwart guards, who were keenly aware of their master's nature.

[The Feng Monarch acted on his emotions, and he will reap the consequences at the hands of Master Bai.]

"Master, there is a group of assassins situated thirteen miles from the mountain," the leader of the eight guards reported. "They are a formidable group, not to be taken lightly. Feng Zhiling has just departed and will likely cross paths with them. Given his weakened state, I fear he may struggle to fend off these assailants."

The unspoken suggestion hung heavily in the air. [Do you intend to let the Feng Monarch meet his end?] The unspoken question resonated within their minds. [Do you wish to safeguard him, considering your reliance on him for the production of these dan beads?]

Master Bai's smile remained serene as he replied, "I do not concern myself with his life. However, Andy, you shall investigate the situation but refrain from direct intervention. If the Feng Monarch proves capable of defending himself, you need not reveal your presence. However, if his life is extinguished, retrieve anything he has taken and return it to me. We cannot permit our resources to fall into others' hands so easily."

"Very well."

With swift and silent grace, the massive guard departed, soaring through the sky like a vigilant hawk.

Master Bai shifted his focus to the landscape below, allowing his thoughts to wander. His hair cascaded like a silken waterfall, framing his contemplative countenance. Gazing at his palm, he softly murmured, "That impetuous girl has displayed remarkable restraint... Wan and Xiu should have returned by now. Oh, how they will wince at the sight of me in this disheveled state..."

His words were infused with a sense of relief. [Feng Zhiling, should you evade death today, I shall unveil a spectacle during the impending chaos of the capital. I am eager to observe your resourcefulness as you navigate this tumultuous and perilous landscape.]

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