The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 411: Let Me Try

Chapter 411: Let Me Try

Let Me Try . . .

In the ensuing moment, a gushing torrent of blood, spanning several meters in length, erupted from the severed neck, directly toward Ji Mengzhan's face.

Ji Mengzhan's countenance drained of color, yet his reflexes served him well. He catapulted himself into the air, and the torrent of blood merely grazed beneath his airborne form. It left behind a crimson trail on the floor but did not taint him.

The headless body plummeted to the ground, causing a tremor to ripple through the surroundings.

Simultaneously, the hearts of all present seemed to skip a beat.

Silence descended.

Once more, it had been a one-strike affair.

In truth, it wasn't precisely one strike. Cha Eun Xiao had masterfully orchestrated the seizure of the weapon and the simultaneous clutching of Qin Wu's throat. It was a strike in the most fundamental sense, an act of astounding dexterity.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It was precisely as Brother Zhao had foreseen!

Qin Wu, a formidable cultivator of the fourth level of the Sky Origin Stage, had surged forth with fierce determination. From the instant he initiated his attack, following the nine steps, to the moment of his grim demise, mere seconds had elapsed.

Feng Zhiling had even choreographed the precise manner in which Qin Wu would meet his end and the direction his headless body would assume. The arcing jet of blood bore witness to this meticulously calculated scheme.

It was, in essence, the lifeblood of Qin Wu.

In simpler terms, every detail, including the trajectory of the body's spin and the position it would ultimately come to rest in, had been predetermined. It was bound to unfailingly transpire as intended.

[Feng Zhiling's capacity to devise such an intricate plan amid the chaos of battle, meticulously calculating each facet, underscored his terrifying brilliance in the art of combat. It was a breathtaking revelation, defying all expectations and belief!]

In unison, a thought crystallized within their collective consciousness. When Feng Monarch's hand transformed into a golden appendage and made direct contact with the sword blade, he chose not to evade to one side. Instead, it was a vivid testament to his genuine might.

This contact was the linchpin that brought Qin Wu, a fourth-level Sky Origin Stage cultivator, to an abrupt halt in the midst of his furious charge.

Subsequently, it was the instant in which Feng Monarch, with an air of nonchalance, extended his right hand and dispatched Qin Wu with seamless efficiency.

The transition occurred without hesitation, akin to the smooth flow of water coursing down a river.

In this revelation, it became evident that the blow struck against the sword blade had not impeded Feng Zhiling in the slightest. Rather, it had been the keystone of his triumphant strategy.

Ji Mengzhan's visage contorted into one of extreme malevolence, and he swung around to fix a piercing stare on the two elderly men. His countenance darkened significantly as he ground his teeth, demanding, "Is this the so-called Level 2 of the Sky Origin Stage that you were so certain about?"

The two aged men found themselves blushing, their voices rendered mute in the face of this biting rebuke. Prior to this moment, their capacity to gauge an opponent's capabilities had been virtually flawless. While their assessments might have occasionally wavered, they had never erred so profoundly.

The undeniable truth stood as an indictment of their ludicrous miscalculation.

[Yet... Cha Eun Xiao is undeniably of a lower cultivation level than us. How is it possible that he remains inscrutable to our discernment?]

[Even if one of us might have erred in judgment, the likelihood that both of us would falter is exceedingly remote!]

After a brief interlude, the elderly man known as Chao cautiously ventured, "I am advanced in years, and perhaps my vision has begun to falter. Feng Zhiling... could conceivably be a cultivator of the fifth level of the Sky Origin Stage, or perhaps even higher. I cannot state with absolute certainty..."

Ji Mengzhan erupted in a furious tirade, "Are you suggesting that I must dispatch more men to their deaths before you can offer a definitive appraisal? Should I continue sacrificing more of our comrades in fruitless attempts until Feng Zhiling meets his demise? Is that what you propose – a series of reckless forays?"

The two elderly men opened their mouths but found themselves bereft of words.

[You are the commander... The decision-maker... The one in authority. You must make the choices, you must bear the responsibility. Now that our comrades have perished, you seek to shift the blame to us... You treat us as mere punching bags...

In the past, when our judgments proved unerring, you remained conspicuously silent... This is utterly exasperating!]

"Feng Monarch may not boast a lofty cultivation level, yet he possesses a myriad of stratagems during combat. His perceptive eyes are truly remarkable, always identifying the optimal course of action to navigate each predicament. Moreover, he has concealed the true extent of his strength thus far. I have yet to ascertain his weaponry... If you choose to dispatch more men against him, it will be tantamount to sending them to their doom."

Brother Zhao regarded Cha Eun Xiao with wariness. His words, delivered in a stoic tone, held an element of ambiguity. "Why not permit me to attempt it?"

Ji Mengzhan's countenance brightened, and he exclaimed, "Brother Zhao provides sage counsel! By all means, Brother Zhao."

With an impassive nod, Brother Zhao began his gradual approach to Cha Eun Xiao. He moved with deliberate slowness, his lanky form shrouded in a flowing black robe. Its hem billowed in the breeze, lending him an ethereal quality, akin to a specter traversing the mortal realm, his footsteps casting an aura of inexorable sorrow and affliction.

Cha Eun Xiao's brow furrowed in contemplation, his attention having been drawn to this enigmatic figure ever since the encirclement had formed.

The team under Ji Mengzhan's command, no matter how formidable, was not without limitations. Cha Eun Xiao didn't hold them in particularly high regard. While he may not have been capable of vanquishing them all simultaneously, he harbored an unshakable conviction that he could escape their clutches unscathed.

Ji Mengzhan, the pair of level 8 elder figures, and even the three elite cultivators tasked with securing the area posed no substantial threat to Cha Eun Xiao.

This assurance of his safety bred a sense of nonchalance. His demeanor remained remarkably composed, mirroring his genuine indifference.

[Should I elect to depart, even individuals boasting the formidable stature of level 9 Sky Origin Stage cultivators would fail to impede my flight.]

Yet, amid this assembly, it was a single enigmatic figure in black attire who managed to unsettle Cha Eun Xiao.

Since their arrival, this figure had maintained a resolute silence. Nonetheless, whenever his gaze fixated upon Cha Eun Xiao, the latter felt as though he were the prey, observed by a venomous and predatory serpent. A shiver coursed down Cha Eun Xiao's spine, an instinctive response to an imminent and profound peril.

Of all the members within the God Slayer Team, if there existed any one individual capable of imperiling Cha Eun Xiao's life, this man undoubtedly stood as the primary candidate.

As this cloaked figure proceeded to step forward, his aura of solitude became even more pronounced. Furthermore, his demeanor exuded an eerie tranquility, accompanied by an unshakeable detachment from worldly concerns.

It was as though this man harbored no attachments, as if he stood prepared to embrace death at any given moment. Beyond this, there emanated from him a frigid qi of the utmost extremity, coiling and circulating around his form.

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