The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 414: Change Sides in a War

Chapter 414: Change Sides in a War

Change Sides in a War . . .

Ji Mengzhan found himself engulfed by a tremendous surge of killing qi, leaving him in a state of shock. Before he could react, the frigid aura of the cold qi enveloped him, plunging him into an icy prison that drained the color from his face.

Suppressing Zhao Pingtian's oppressive killing qi, Ji Mengzhan didn't dare to utter a word. The aura of death emitted by the No. 3 assassin dwarfed Ning Biluo's.

What had triggered such an extreme reaction from him? Moreover, who was the girl with a red beauty mole on her forehead?

Ji Mengzhan had no knowledge of the significance of this girl to Zhao Pingtian. If the mysterious grey fog were to dissipate, Zhao Pingtian might resort to violence to quell the fury burning within him.

On the opposite side, Cha Eun Xiao was also ignorant of the girl's identity. Nevertheless, the depth of their connection was evident from their emotions and interactions. It was an undoubtedly perilous situation, but Cha Eun Xiao resolved to help facilitate communication between them. His actions were motivated by a belief in true love.

He made a decision to intervene once more, pondering, [I failed once.]

"She is crying at this very moment," Cha Eun Xiao stated with composure. "She gazes upon you with tears, consumed by distress. Zhao Pingtian, who is she?"

"Why is she crying? I am fine, I should be the one in tears..." Zhao Pingtian's voice quivered with turmoil. He spoke in a hoarse, distressed tone. "Rou-Er! My Rou-Er! Don't cry! Please don't cry!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Within the grey fog, the girl trembled, attempting to stem the flow of her tears, but to no avail. They streamed more copiously.

Cha Eun Xiao witnessed her struggle and was torn about whether to reveal it to Zhao Pingtian or not. Sharing this information would likely exacerbate his distress. Nonetheless, Zhao Pingtian beseeched him, "Do you genuinely see her? Is it real?" His voice trembled with anticipation, a desperate hope that Cha Eun Xiao would not dash his dreams.

In his agitation, Zhao Pingtian displayed a vulnerability, exposing weaknesses in every aspect. Any opportunistic observer could end him, and Cha Eun Xiao was no exception. However, he was not inclined to harm Zhao Pingtian. His heart was moved by the true love before him.

He nodded in response to Zhao Pingtian's question, a tranquil acknowledgment.

With profound elation, Zhao Pingtian posed another urgent question, "Can she hear me? Is she aware of my words?"

Cha Eun Xiao cast a meaningful gaze upon the girl, who remained transfixed on Zhao Pingtian within the grey fog. He nodded once more. "I cannot explain why, but she... She can hear you. She perceives everything about you."

"She can?" Zhao Pingtian's face reddened with exuberance, and his emotional turmoil escalated. He teetered on the brink of collapsing, but he steadied himself as his voice quavered. "Rou-Er, Rou-Er... You are here, by my side, always... The gods have smiled upon me... Hahaha... Hahahaha..."

Ecstatic laughter accompanied his jubilant antics, and tears welled in his eyes. He was lost in the throes of overwhelming bewilderment. Under these circumstances, Cha Eun Xiao could have taken his life with ease, as could anyone else present.

But Cha Eun Xiao chose not to act. He watched Zhao Pingtian with empathy.

To take a life when that life was imbued with love was beyond Cha Eun Xiao. Such a deed would be unconscionable to Xiao Monarch.

"Rou-Er... Hear me out... I..." Zhao Pingtian whispered as tears continued to stream from his eyes. He murmured words no one could discern.

"Orders to all! Advance! Eliminate Feng Zhiling and save Brother Zhao!" Ji Mengzhan, sensing the dire straits, issued the command.

[Allowing this situation to persist might compel Zhao Pingtian to turn on me instead.]

Although it was unthinkable for the renowned killer king to embrace the supernatural, he had fallen under the spell of his enemy's words.

Ji Mengzhan seethed with frustration, wondering, "Did I pay a fortune for a charlatan?"

Cha Eun Xiao was well aware that issuing such a directive could potentially offend Zhao Pingtian, but at this moment, he couldn't afford to dwell on that. Given the unusual behavior displayed by Zhao Pingtian, the situation was rapidly spiraling out of control.

Approximately eighty men simultaneously burst forth, their voices raised in a collective shout. It was quite the spectacle.

As for Zhao Pingtian, he seemed to be lost in his own thoughts, muttering to himself as if he were completely detached from the world around him.

Eun Xiao's eyes welled up with tears, reflecting a deep and profound affection. It was as though the girl from his dreams sat beside him, attentively listening to every word he spoke.

But Cha Eun Xiao alone understood that the girl within that mysterious grey fog was truly hanging on his every word, engrossed in his discourse.

Eun Xiao couldn't help but wear a bitter smile. He had never anticipated that his seemingly innocuous action would lead to such a bizarre turn of events. However, when he thought about it, it all seemed to make sense. Perhaps he had unintentionally triggered something within Zhao Pingtian, something that excited him too much.

Now, with a throng of men converging on him, Eun Xiao was convinced that they weren't merely interested in attacking him. If given the opportunity, they would undoubtedly turn their aggression towards Zhao Pingtian as well.

There was no room for hesitation. Zhao Pingtian was no longer perceived as one of their own; he was akin to a ticking time bomb that could explode at any moment, endangering their comrades.

Understanding the urgency of the situation, Eun Xiao spoke quickly, his voice tinged with anxiety. It was an exceedingly perilous moment, and Eun Xiao found himself struggling to protect even his own safety, let alone Zhao Pingtian's.

However, Zhao Pingtian didn't remain idle. Eun Xiao needed to rouse him into action.

"They're charging towards us!" Eun Xiao announced urgently. Given the circumstances, it was a necessary move. At the very least, it would prepare Zhao Pingtian to defend himself once more.

"Who dares?!" Zhao Pingtian's countenance underwent a swift transformation, from soft and gentle to fierce and vicious. His eyes blazed with fury, and the aura of impending violence emanated from him as he thundered, "Who dares to lay a hand on my Rou-Er? Who?"

The oncoming men were left flabbergasted and bewildered. They came to a sudden halt, unsure of how to respond.

[What's happening here?]

If they persisted in their charge, they would have to confront a deranged Zhao Pingtian, a far cry from the composed man they were familiar with. The former was akin to a sheep awaiting the slaughter, while the latter was a ruthless king of battle.

Zhao Pingtian's cold, penetrating gaze swept over the group of men. With a swift motion of his wrist, he retrieved the sword from the ground.

– Clang! –

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