The Ethereal Domains

Chapter 422: Yin Yang Fruits

Chapter 422: Yin Yang Fruits

Yin Yang Fruits . . .

"She said... 'There is only one martial sect in town still recruiting disciples. If you truly care for me, why don't you become their disciple? If you do nothing but read and write, you might secure a position at the court someday, but let's be honest—you're just afraid of the hardships of the martial world. I won't marry a coward...'"

Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but let out a sigh when he heard those words. He understood that there was more to this story, but the words still stung. Anyone with a shred of pride would be wounded by such harsh words, especially if they were a true man.

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"I was furious," Zhao Pingtian continued, his voice tinged with bitterness. "I shouted, 'Just wait and see! I'm going to learn martial arts now! I will defeat this man three years from now! But you know what? Even after I defeat him, I won't marry you! You're cruel, and so am I...'"

Zhao Pingtian bitterly smiled and grabbed the jar once more, drinking deeply until it was empty. Cha Eun Xiao thought, [What a drinker! If there were more, he'd keep going. He said he doesn't drink often, but when he does, he empties the bottle!]

"That day, I left her home," Zhao Pingtian continued. "The entire sky felt dark to me. I was heartbroken and furious. I rushed back home and told my parents about my decision to learn martial arts. They sighed but didn't try to stop me. I was such a fool, truly foolish..."

Zhao Pingtian sighed, and the regret on his slender face was palpable, causing Cha Eun Xiao to share in his sorrow.

"I never truly considered it," Zhao Pingtian lamented. "Why did Rou-Er, who had always cared for me so much, suddenly change? Her parents treated me like their own son, and suddenly, they were indifferent to me. My parents had always encouraged my intellectual pursuits, yet when I told them of my intention to become a cultivator, they supported me without hesitation."

"I must be the world's greatest fool!" Zhao Pingtian berated himself, repeatedly striking his own head. "Why didn't I think more deeply about what was happening? Why did I lose control and neglect all the warning signs? I was heartless, and perhaps that's why I missed the peculiar signals."

"The next day, I packed my belongings and went in search of my master. At that time, the Bright Heart Sect was recruiting promising young individuals as their indirect disciples..."

"When I arrived there, my innate potential made it all seem rather effortless, and I was promptly selected. That evening, my father organized a farewell dinner for me... and her father was there too. He brought along some gifts and a sum of silver, explaining that I would need it on my journey. I was consumed by anger and didn't think twice. In fact, I shouted at him without restraint. I flung the silver notes aside and ordered him to leave, saying, 'If I succeed in the martial world, I won't marry your daughter. Why are you here? Get the heck out of here...'"

Zhao Pingtian paused, his face contorted with regret and sorrow. "He left in a stooped manner, stumbling away. Each time I dream about that scene, I see him walking away from me, and I want to cry. I want to punish myself, even cut my own tongue off. How could I? How could I utter those heartless words to him? I was nothing short of a beast, a monster devoid of compassion..."

"The silver notes he brought were only fifty taels. It was odd, but I failed to realize it then... I..."

"After I joined the Bright Heart Sect, I trained tirelessly. Whether it was my innate potential or my sheer determination, I quickly stood out and became the top disciple. Within just a year, I reached the third level of the Human Origin Stage. The following year, I attained the seventh level. I worked ceaselessly, driven by the hatred inside me. I was ready to endure any hardship, as all I yearned for was to grow stronger, to become a powerful man..."

"But things took a different turn in the third year. My incessant cultivation took a toll on my body, and I began experiencing constant dizziness. This slowed me down considerably. One day, while cultivating behind the mountain, I pushed myself to the limit and fainted, falling off a cliff... But that fall turned out to be a stroke of luck. Beneath the cliff, I discovered Yin Yang Fruits... and they were ripe."

Yin Yang Fruits.

Cha Eun Xiao couldn't help but be amazed. It was a genuinely astonishing story. Zhao Pingtian had fallen from a cliff, not to his death, but to discover a rare treasure...

Yin Yang Fruits were no ordinary fruits. They only thrived in the most frigid locations. The Yang Fruit was red, and if a cultivator consumed it, they would gain sixty years' worth of cultivation in a single night. An amateur could ascend to the realm of a superior cultivator in one leap. It was a truly precious find, a near-impossible encounter for most.

Yet, Zhao Pingtian had experienced this stroke of luck, discovering the fruit during his fall from the cliff...

It was nothing short of a miracle.

The Yin Fruit grew beside the Yang Fruit. They had distinctly different properties. The Yang Fruit was for the living and greatly enhanced one's cultivation. The Yin Fruit, on the other hand, was rumored to be for the spirits. No one could be certain if that was true, but it was widely understood that living individuals should never consume it. Countless had lost their lives throughout history by ignoring this warning.

Zhao Pingtian had been fortunate.

He wasn't well-informed or experienced at the time. He had no way to distinguish which fruit was safe to eat and which was not. For an ordinary person, it was impossible to determine that one of these fruits was a boon while the other was poison.

"I had an unfortunate accident, tumbling off the cliff. I assumed that fall would be the end of me, but I miraculously survived, sustaining only minor injuries. My leg was the most affected, rendering it unusable. Trapped in that desolate place with no means of escape, I remained there for days, suffering from hunger and dizziness. Then, something unexpected happened. An enticing aroma wafted through the air, and I eagerly searched for the source. It led me to a single red fruit, and without hesitation, I plucked it and consumed it directly."

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