The Extra's Indifference

Chapter 47 Too Romantic Position For Siblings

Me and Alicia got out of the temple and for some reason the butterfly perched on my shoulder again even after i didn't touch the book.

Well, i didn't care about the butterfly as it was coming back every time i crushed it to dust.

Alicia took my arm again as if it is a normal thing to do and we leisurely walked to the academy.

When we neared the academy, Alicia let go of my arm, probably she didn't want to be seen like this.

I deactivated our illusion magic and arrived at the academy.

"You will come to me every day for a week, i will control your mental state." I said seriously.

"Yes yes." Alicia nodded like a good child.

"You can come to my room if you feel bad or even if you have a nightmare. First days will be problematic for you because of your bad experience, so don't hesitate to come to me. I will try my best to help you." I said and patted her shoulder.

"I will." Alici lowered her head and said quietly.

"I will permit you to come to my room. So you can come even without knocking on the door or without informing me. Don't worry, i trust you." I said and smiled lightly.

"Thanks, i will..." Alicia said something quietly and rushed to her room without showing her face.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

'She must be embarrassed about my 'heartfelt' words.' I thought and went to my room.

When i entered my room i found Lucy, who was looking at me without blinking.

"Hello, my dear Lucy! How are you doing?" I asked and casually sat beside her.

Lucy was pissed for some reason that i didn't remember, hence i acted casually.

Lucy turned to me and smiled.

"I am good brother. How are you? Do you have any injuries? You said that you were coming in the morning but why did you come this late?" Lucy asked questions one after another without stopping.

"I am perfectly fine without any injuries. I am very happy that you are worried about me." I said with a smile.

I needed to calm Lucy down or else she will cause big trouble for me. Thus i pulled Lucy to my lap and hugged her waist from behind.

It wasn't a very appropriate position for siblings and i was trying hard to reduce our physical contacts, which i succeed for a time but Lucy got unstable. Hence i was trying to reduce the physical contact little by little to tame her possessive side. Though it seems i will restart my taming project again after today.

"Are you sure you are okay?" I whispered to her ear with a worried tone.

"I am good, brother." Lucy said quietly.

I snuggled my face to Lucy's neck.

"Are you sure?" I asked and breathed out to her neck.

"I am sure! Please let me go brother!" Lucy squealed with a desperate tone.

'Did i stimulate her too much? Nah.' I thought and shook my head internally.

I grabbed Lucy's chin and turned her towards my face.

Her face was burning, probably from embarrassment or arousal, maybe a mix of both.

"Why are you asking me to release you, you don't love me anymore?" I asked with a slightly sad tone and brought her face to mine close enough to feel her ragged breathing on my skin.

Lucy brought her face closer to mine and she slowly moved to kiss me.

Not like normal siblings, she was directly going for my lips, which was a big no for her.

I turned my head with natural movement to escape the incoming kiss and i kissed her cheek.

"I am joking. I would rather die if my dear sister doesn't love me anymore." I said with a light tone and snuggled her neck again to escape incoming possible kisses.

Lucy got silent for a few minutes and we stayed like this.

After a few minutes of silence, Lucy too snuggled to my neck and closed her eyes.

It was definitely a weird sight to see. If someone enters the room right now, they would see a very romantic or erotic sight, even i couldn't explain this sight.

As of right now Lucy was sitting on my lap while snuggled to my neck and i too snuggled her neck.

Normally in this position, teenagers would attack each other with great lust but Lucy is too shy to do the first move and probably scared that i would reject her, while i am a cursed human that lacks lust.

Anyway, i looked at Lucy who was just relaxing on me without any sign of lust or arousal.

'How did she calm down this quickly? Well, it is best to play safe, so i will give her some lust reducer.' I thought and pulled a glass of water from the kitchen without moving from my position and mixed a little bit of lust reducer. Not much, as i wanted her to feel the lust.

"Drink this, it may help you to calm down." I said and brought the glass to her mouth.

"Thanks, brother." Lucy said with a weak voice and drank the water.

"You are stressed for some reason and you don't have to tell me the reason for this. But you can come to me if you can't bear the stress. I will try my best to help my dear sisters." I said and caressed Lucy's hair.

"Mhmm" Lucy hummed and nodded slowly.

"Will you go back to your room or stay in my room?" I asked.

"I am feeling lazy for now to go back to my room. So i will stay in your room if you are okay with this." Lucy said quietly and wrapped her arms around of my neck.

"I won't mind it, as you know." I said and lifted Lucy in a princess carry position.

Lucy didn't say anything or get embarrassed about it. So i looked at her and noticed that there were dark circles under her eyes.

'Probably she didn't sleep last night when she couldn't find me in my room. I need to learn this girl's innate power and do something about it, as it just causes Lucy to feel worry for me for some reason.' I thought and put Lucy on my bed.

Afterwards, i got into bed and hugged her.

I closed my eyes and slept.

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