The Extra's Indifference

Chapter 73 Angel Statue

I was in an empty room with no windows like a storage room. In the center of this empty room was a 4 winged, beautiful angel statue. And I was standing in front of this statue with Indra at my side.

She was looking like mostly normal with her usual robe as if she hadn't received 100 scally whip strikes or hadn't licked my finger like a horny cat while being naked.

Though she was closer to me, not emotionally as I can't know her feelings she was physically close. For some reason she was standing right at my side, it was hard for me to walk around like this. But I didn't complain out loud about this as I wanted her to be closer to me.

Anyway, I was looking at the angel statue, which was non-stop crying blood. It was definitely not a good news as I could deduce with a single glance.

Thus I sent Indra outside because I didn't want her to become crazy after learning about the situation of Ilelia.

I touched to the tears of blood and rubbed my fingers. It wasn't slippery like blood, it was cold, like ice. This blood wasn't like your usual human, animal, or any mortal blood.

This blood was sacred, I could feel it easily and it was giving me a very familiar feeling.

'Does this blood come from Ilelia?'

I brought my bloodied finger to my mouth and licked it. Its taste was weird but in a good way, it wasn't metallic like normal blood.

"Strawberry and iced coffee? What a strange flavor." I thought out loud and stored some of the blood in the a container that I took out from my storage artifact.

Sacred blood was almost impossible to find as they come from divine beings. So I thought that it would be a waste to leave it like this. I could always find the use of it later.

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I straighten my back and touched to the statue. It was time to find the reason for this chaos in the church.

I quietly murmured a chant for a revelation magic that I learned but couldn't use it because I didn't need it.

The name of this revelation magic was [Call of Divine]. A magic to call a divine being for communication. But this magic needed a medium for to work and this angel statue was the best medium to call for me to call a divine being. An angel of Ilelia.

When my chant was over, the statue of the angel briefly shined and its head turned towards me with a cracking sound.

"What do you want, saint of our master?" A cold, monotonous, almost robotic voice came from the statue.

'So that is the reason Ilelia was lonely. Her angels became like a robot after serving her for thousands of years. Probably their souls couldn't endure the erosion of time.'

"We, the believer of our goddess worried as all angel statues are crying tears of blood. Can you tell me the reason for this or just stop this crying thingy?" I asked with a worried tone.

After my sentence ended, a chilling sensation covered my whole being. I assumed that this angel probably got mad because of my disrespectful words.

And I was right as this angel spoke again with a chilling tone. Fortunately, I was unable to get scared of this bitch.

"Know your place, you mortal saint. You aren't worthy enough to worry about our master and demand information from me."

A huge amount of cold, murderous pressure made me kneel on the ground.

'Are every divine being mad or Ilelia and her servants are exceptions?' I thought and coughed some blood.

It was a totally unpredictable situation as this angel was totally hostile towards me before even she met me, and I didn't have any method to escape this murderous pressure that will kill me in a few minutes.

However, I knew that this angel wants to save Ilelia as she was Ilelia's angel. Al angels were loyal to their masters and this angel wasn't an exception.

Thus I used this for to save my worthless life.

"Stop!! I may be know a method to help to my goddess!!" I shouted with a desperate expression.

And the pressure that crushed me whole lessened considerably but didn't disappear, it was still there, waiting for the angel's command.

"Speak carefully mortal, if you are lying this might be the last thing you will speak ." The angel said with a more humane tone.

"I have huge amount of knowledge and my goddess knows this too. Hence I am sure that I can help if I know the condition of my goddess." I said politely and hoped the blood on my lips with my thumb.

The angel statue looked at me properly and her eyes shined.

She was probably looking at my soul to see the symbols of knowledge that Ilelia said to me.

I wasn't worried that this measly angel would know more about the symbols of knowledge, thus I didn't interrupt her just waited.

"You are speaking the truth, mortal saint. You are more knowledgeable than most, but I can't trust this kind of information without safety measure." The angel said with her usual robotic tone and a contract appeared in front of me.

'Aren't every divine being can swear on something? Why need for the measly contract of the goddess Esnera?' I thought but didn't voice out this.

I briefly read the contract after I was sure that it was mostly fair contract, so I signed it.

The contract turned to dust like every contract and I looked at the angel statue for the information I needed.

"So, tell me the condition of my goddess without skipping anything." I demanded coldly as the contract that I signed was restricting this bitch to kill me.

"Our master is dying because of the surprise attack of Aros." The angel said, sadness was apparent in her robotic voice.

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