The Extra's Odyssey

Chapter 152 Monarch Of...

Nathan and Tristan were walking toward the stadium where the tournament was taking place.

"Ah! Do you have a Blood concealment potion?"

Tristan almost fell due to Nathan's remark.

Blood concealment potion would temporarily disguise your genetics. During this duration, even if your hair, blood, or any other bio-identification test is done on you, the result will be different from your original result.

Also, if your blood or hair is taken during the time the potion was active and tested later, the result would still be different.

Needless to say, the value of the potion was astronomical.

The only way to get one was either to ask high-ranking bloodline vampires or hope to get one from dungeons.

Admittingly, Earth did not have vampires. Their only choice was dungeons.


Tristan sighed. As usual, Mr. Pepe was waving around the name of such a precious potion openly without any worries.

"Give me one tomorrow, then."

"You don't need it now?"

Tristan thought Mr. Pepe wanted the potion, as he might shed blood during the tournament. If Mr. Pepe had a famous identity, then his blood might expose him.

Nathan only answered with a small smile.

He didn't need one now, and he doubted Tristan was carrying such a precious commodity on himself.

Blood concealment potions were highly sought after and dealing with them needed considerable strength or background on the seller's side to protect the goods.

Due to these restrictions, Tristan had not been selling them to earn money. Although it was also reinforced by the reason that it was very difficult to create them and needed a large amount of his blood.

Finally, they separated after reaching the stadium.

When Nathan was almost out of Tristan's sight, he shouted to him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"If I were you, I wouldn't use the restrooms on the first floor! Go to the ones on the second floor. They will be less crowded!"


Tristan frowned, as he did not understand what Nathan was trying to say.

A few minutes later, Tristan felt a great disturbance in his stomach. The garlic was beginning to show its magic.

Remembering Nathan's advice, he promptly rushed to the 2nd floor had managed to save his dignity as a member of society.


--(Present || Nathan and Tristan beside the elixir pool)--

Nathan sat on the edge of the pool with his feet dipped in.


The sounds of steps alerted him about the presence of the one he had requested for.

With his back facing Tristan and his feet splashing in the pond, Nathan spoke.

"You saw me fighting, and you got a day. This much should be enough for you to arrive at a conclusion."

Tristan took a deep breath.

He had thought about it for the entire time since his meeting with Nathan. Thinking about it hard and weighing his choices, he had arrived at a conclusion.

However, he still needed to know something.

"Will you tell me the Klyntarn's location if I join your group?"


Nathan's feet stopped and the ripples in the pool slowly died down.

Heavily silence descended in the passageway as Tristan waited for the answer.

There were too many mysteries surrounding the person in front of him, but Tristan couldn't give up on Klyntarn.

Even if he had to antagonize Nathan, Tristan would do so. His aim was Klyntarn not to be someone's slave.

"I will."

Tristan's brows jumped, and he felt his emotions bursting forth. However, Nathan soon poured cold water on those emotions.

"However, for that, you need to become strong enough to handle Klyntarn. I can't have you dying needlessly after going through the trouble of recruiting you."

Nathan's message was clear.

He had taken over the job of handling the parasite. If Tristan wanted to interfere, he wouldn't stop him, but Nathan would only allow him when he was capable of killing Klyntarn by himself.

"Alright, that's good enough for me."

Tristan knew he couldn't be impatient. He needed time to grow, and the person in front of him had the potential to reach the apex.

Besides, revenge was a medicine best served cold.

He wanted to make sure to crush Klyntarn and take everything from him like how he did with him. He needed to be patient for that.

"Anything else?"

"No, but if you can answer… what is your goal?"

Nathan slightly turned his head and looked at Tristan.

The dim light inside the dark cave fell on the side of his face, making him look sinister. Tristan shivered when he saw his cold red eyes in the dark.

"Monarch… That is my aim."

Without another word, Nathan stood up and walked to him.

Tristan unconsciously backed when he saw Nathan coming toward him.


His aura around him was as cold as it was threatening, like a dagger that could cut even the thickest of metals with a single swipe.

"That should do it, no? Let's meet our other crewmates and announce your arrival! Ah, there aren't restrooms here; you should know that, in case of emergencies."

Suddenly, the atmosphere around Nathan changed to jovial. He casually put his arm over Tristan's shoulder and jokingly teased him.

The sudden change in Nathan's temperament was too swift and too natural.

If he didn't see him earlier, he would've believed that this was his real personality. A happy-go-lucky human who didn't think much of his actions.

But there was no way someone who was aiming for a place among Monarchs could be like that.

Monarchs were the 13 strongest beings in the Universe. The apex of all creatures.

Monarch of Virtues – Seraphiel the Seraph

Monarch of Sanguinarian – Adrasteia the Blood Primogenitor

Monarch of Demise – Oddfinnur the Spirit King

Monarch of Creation – Nemredilth the Dragonborn

Monarch of Conquest – Norak the Battlekeep

Monarch of Forges – Gylledha the Hammerthane

Monarch of Anguish – Lucifer the Sin of Pride

Monarch of Life – Asmodeus the Sin of Lust

Monarch of War – Beelzebub the Sin of Gluttony

Monarch of Ruination – Satan the Sin of Wrath

Monarch of Wealth – Mammon the Sin of Greed

Monarch of Jubilation – Belphegor the Sin of Sloth

Monarch of Ivory – Leviathan the Sin of Envy

Only 13 Monarchs can exist at once. To become a Monarch, there was only one path to take.

Defeating one of the Monarchs and replacing them.

"Seriously?" Tristan could only mumble to himself.

He finally understood why Nathan wasn't afraid of Klyntarn.

His ambition was far higher to be afraid of the likes of Klyntarn.

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