The Extra's Odyssey

Chapter 161 Shameless [1]

Vice-Headmaster looked through the monitor before turning to me.

"How is your arm? Although we provided medical care as far as I know it was a failure."

"I can't use it to fight. However, I wouldn't call it a failure."

I raised my left arm and moved it.

My movements were slow and weak, but they were fluid. It wasn't bad by any means.

John rubbed his chin.

"That's good to hear."

I didn't show it on my face but I wanted to run away this instant.

I did not know what Lilith spoke about me and why John called me, but I was 100% sure he was going to screw me over. This was how Leon was made to clear the gangs in Downtown.

"Do you know why I've called you here?"

I almost frowned but managed to contain it. Making an unpleasant expression will only give him an even more unfavorable impression of me.


I shook my head. At my words, he passed me a sheet of paper.

Taking it from his hands, I swept my eyes over it.


"These are your exam results."

I nodded dazedly. Were the results already out?

Weren't they supposed to come out later?

I was going through the result when I realized that the total was less than what I knew.

Only then did I remember that my result wouldn't have a practicals score added to it. My grades solely complied with the written examination.

A deep frown appeared on my face.

My result was…


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John also nodded his head.

"You have failed in one examination. Usually, the failure in subjects can be negated with the appropriate score in practicals, but that isn't an option for you."

It was already a miracle that I was able to pass in 7 subjects that I'd never studied before, with only a few days' worths of preparation.

[Aether Metallurgy] was the subject I failed in. It dealt with theoretical knowledge of artifact construction.

The basic concept was the higher the compatibility of the artifacts with Aether, the better it was. In the subject, we were taught hundreds of new metals and their compounds that were discovered after the First Disaster and were still being discovered.

I took the subject because I thought it would be necessary to understand weapons for my art but..

Now I feel like a fucking dumbass!

I studied this subject and prepared meticulously. I knew it could fail me and it was important for my future, too.

But I forgot everything while I was going crazy for 10 years!

It wasn't my fault!

Sighing, I looked at John. I was sighing a lot these days.

If he called me here, he must have a reason for it.

"Will I be expelled?"

At my words, John's face slightly brightened. Making me think he had been waiting for this moment.

"Your case is first for Ward, too. In normal circumstances, we would expel the cadets who can't perform their duties.

However, we decided to keep you because of your merit and your special condition."

His way of sweet talking to me was making me apprehensive.

"We have yet to decide what to do with you. This is why I called you today. Cadent rank 2169, Nathan Hunt, give me a reason to keep you in Ward."


'What can I do to stay inside Ward?', was what he was asking.

The gears inside my mind churned.

Do I need to stay in Ward?

Yes, I needed Dungeon of Trial to facilitate my growth.

What can I do to stay in Ward?

Providing something only I have.

Should I reveal the 'stigma' I told to Leon?

No, that would mess up my plans.

Is there an alternative way?

Yes, a very dumb one at that. I would be surprised if that worked. However, this was the time to grasp every straw for a way out.

I decided on my course of action.

"I… don't have anything that would warrant my stay at Ward."

I looked at the ground with great sadness in my eyes.

"Oh? Then should I expel you?"

Then, taking a moment of pause, as if I was making a difficult decision, I looked back up with a defeated smile.

"I knew this day would come when I lost my arm. I know I can't do anything to change it, but before that…"

I stood up, and an empty paper appeared in my hand.

With a straight back, clenched buttocks, and a night-degree bow while thrusting the paper toward John, I spoke with all my might.

"Please give me your autograph!"

"Are you a fan?"

John looked at my interest. He was a famous awakener. It wasn't uncommon for lines to form for a glimpse of his face let alone his autograph.

"Yes, I'm a big fan of Miss. Lilith"

John, who was looking down at me due to his large physique, froze. The temperature of the room quickly fell and I could feel a sense of oppression leaking from his body.

I continued without hesitation.

"I wish to get the autograph of the person who has raised someone as perfect as Miss. Lilith!"

I blabbered like a fan girl.

"Miss. Lilith?"

"Yes, I have been a fan of hers since childhood! The way she fights, her indomitable spirit, her beauty that surpasses even gods, she is perfect in every way! She is my idol!"

When I realized I was speaking about everything without cringing, my respect for myself grew by another notch.

Even I didn't know I was this shameless!

"I was so happy when I realized I could enter Ward! I felt I'd achieved my dream! But when I became friends with I realized that there was happiness I never knew about. I felt I could die without regret!"

"You are different from how Lilith portrayed you."

John wasn't smiling, but I could tell that he was feeling proud of having his daughter held in high regard, and possibly a bit creeped out too by my actions.

However, this wasn't the time to back down!

Strike while the iron is still hot!

I stood straight and scratched my head.

"That… I didn't want her to feel weirded out. I even tried to stay away from her. It was a sin for a mortal to stand with gods! But I possibly couldn't refuse her."

I looked sad when I said the last part.

Before John could speak, I again sprang into the final part.

"Nevertheless, I feel blessed that I could send time under her shade! I was able to able to witness many moments of her life!"

I swiftly operated my devices, and images materialized in the air.

John, who saw the photos, turned rigid, which now that I think about happened twice. Was that possible?

"Who is that cadet?"

I didn't need to ask which guy. Every photo had Lilith and Leon together in them.

The photos weren't anything much. In most of them, they were sitting together, playing, laughing, or doing another mundane task, but didn't matter to an overprotective dad.

For him, it was heresy!

"He is…"

I didn't speak about the end part.

"Leon, is that his name?"

I nodded my head with a painful expression that screamed I also didn't like him near Lilith.

"Good, good, so he was just a friend. A friend…"

'Leon, I pray for you. Don't worry if you survive, I'll pay you back, probably!'

John had a pleasant smile on his face every time he spoke Leon's name.

Suddenly, he looked back at me.

"Do you want to stay in Ward?"


I was trying to shift John's attention from me to Leon.

Then why do I feel like I also got roped into the mess?

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