The Extra's Return

Chapter 116 A Rock-Hard Monster

"Sharon McBride."

I muttered her name.

McBridge. I remembered that surname.

It was the surname of the fat noble who had attended the maturity ceremony party at Baron Warwick's residence.

Count McBridge.

That person was the only old noble who laughed at me very loudly when I accepted defeat against Jullian.

If she has the same surname, does that mean she was his daughter? Looking at her teenage age, the highest possibility is so.

She already has an appearance that is not very attractive to men. That makes her a nuisance to men, but in my point of view, her not-so-beautiful appearance is an insurance policy for her safety.

'If she is indeed Count McBridge's daughter, perhaps I don't need to kill her.'

My mind was traveling at the speed of light as I thought.

Without realizing it, I had been staring at her from the side for a long time.

As if she could detect that I was stealing glances at her appearance, she waved her curly hair, which was back-length, to the side. Her face, which had been staring anxiously at the surroundings, now turned to stare at me.

I also returned my gaze to her.

Although she continued to stare at me, I did not make a shy expression like a main character in a fictional story.

What I found a little strange was that she seemed to be giving me a pitying look. She seemed to know that bad luck was about to befall me.

"Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me..."

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Words like that kept coming out of her mouth and floating up to her head.

Why was she mumbling apologies to me? I think I can slightly figure out why.

However, I just need to focus on thinking about what I need to do.

Should I also apologize to her first since I had decided to hold her hostage?

That was what I had decided to do. Instead of immediately killing her along with the others, I will try to take her hostage to make it easier for me to defeat them.

Although I was not sure it would work on them, this bunch of bastards around me.

Instead of letting them move first, I should move first.

Actually, it wasn't the Assassin, who seemed intent on killing me who would move first.

There were Obud and Hory who looked impatient to land a blow on my body.

The two of them had started shouting to Claude for permission to make me suffer — bullying me.

Since we were already deep inside the Mine Dungeon, Claude easily gave permission. He said that Obud and Hory could bully me until a monster appeared.

Naturally, both of them were already wearing happy smiles because they couldn't wait to bully me. They looked like little kids.

On one side was Sharon looking at me with a pitying gaze, on the other side was the killing gaze of the Assassin, and on the other side were Obud and Hory looking at me while preparing to land one of each of their feet.

Only Claude was still focused on the surroundings.

Just as I wanted to move to avoid the two legs of Obud and Hory that were already flying through the air to kick my body, Claude suddenly raised his left hand, signaling a silent command to everyone including Obud and Hory.


The order was given to everyone.

Everyone became silent. I was included.

Just as I wanted to immediately smother Sharon's mouth after finishing kicking Obud and Hory, the order came and I didn't make a move to do so.

However, I had already managed to dodge Obud and Hory's attack and kicked the two of them.

They automatically fell to the ground.

Because of that, they reacted strongly to Claude's order to be quiet.

But they didn't protest too much before a glared kill was given to both of them by Claude. So the two of them immediately shut up.

As everyone was confused, they turned their eyes forward, including the assassin who was already staring at me with killing intent, or Sharon.

Including the assassin who was already staring at me with killing intent, or Sharon.

I also followed the direction of everyone's gaze. It turned out that there was already one monster visible in front of all of us.

The monster hadn't noticed us yet. He was focused on doing what monsters usually do in Mine dungeon, which was eating chunks of Magic Stone. The monster's large hands could easily pick up the pieces of Magic Stone and then stuff them into his mouth.

Whereas all the slaves inside the Nest of Slavery had to go to great lengths to do so, the monster easily gouges the chunk of Magic Stone.

The tall, wide, and large body was not enough to describe the monster. The most prominent feature was that the monster's body was composed not of the flesh, but of stone.

The undulating pores on the monster's body managed to make everyone identify it.

Chunks of rock fused and gathered to form a monster that had legs and arms, such were the characteristics of the monster.

The monster's body composed of boulders had a color very similar to the color of the dungeon wall surface, slightly brown and mostly gray. Perhaps that was why the monster would be hard to see, disguised automatically.

Unmistakably, it was a monster called a golem.

[Name: Golem

Rank: C

Description: Golems were monsters that mostly inhabited the Mine Dungeon. They were monsters that liked to eat Magic Stone. That's why their habitat was Mine Dungeon. They don't like to live in groups because they are greedy for precious minerals].

"Everyone, prepare to fight!"

Claude gave further instructions.

Automatically everyone followed him.

The sword that was previously sheathed at Claude's waist was now drawn.

So did everyone else. They prepared their weapons. Then they set up their stances.

However, I never heard the order to charge forward.

I squinted slightly as I saw Claude giving a strange look to his team members, excluding Obud, Hory, and Fidel.

Claude nodded after looking at them one by one.

"Sharon, start chanting the spell to bind the monster. While you cast the spell, we'll try to buy some time. As planned, we'll use the monster as bait to create a Dungeon Explosion."

Hearing Claude's order, Sharon raised her magic staff and began to chant.

Although her hands were still shaking, she still tried to focus on chanting.

When Sharon started chanting, the Golem detected our presence.

The golem turned its gaze to us.

Where his head should have been, round red eyes shone, staring at us as if he saw an intruder.

He ignored the Magic Stone in his hand and started walking towards us.

Every step that the golem monster took managed to completely shake the place I was standing on.

However, perhaps because of the size of the body or because the monster was made of stone, it walked very slowly.

As the golem approached, someone shouted angrily.

Obud and Hory, who still had their hands on the ground, started shouting simultaneously at Claude.

"What do you mean by making a Dungeon Explosion?!"

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