The Extra's Survival

Chapter 21 - Exploring A Dungeon

Chapter 21 - Exploring A Dungeon

Taking care of the documents and permit of dungeons, Aaron exited the hunter association. Anything related to the dungeon is administered by them.

Before entering the dungeon someone from the hunter will tag along and check all the reading signatures emitted from the dungeon gates. This is done for the record if someone entered dungeon E rank suddenly started emitting mana of C rank measurements.

The Hunter association cannot be careless in this matter as out of 2 in 100 cases, there is always a chance of abnormality happening, then the hunter association have to intervene.

We arrived at the dungeon that Skies had leased from Hunter Association. Gerick from the association tagged along with us to take the reading.

He signalled us that the readings and fluctuations coming from the dungeon were correct.

Once a dungeon gate is formed, its right is generally taken by the territorial lord. It's his choice to sustain it or clear it whole. Generally, gates opened at the risk-prone location are generally cleared so that no dungeon break occurs while some gates are controlled which are used for providing resources from which nobles get a hefty sum of money.

Gates that are formed in places that don't have any Lord to govern, generally come under Hunter association jurisdiction. Most of the gates are leased by them to mercenaries or other people to clean.

The Hunter association department comes under the ruler and in case of any unfortunate incident, the matter is informed to the king.

I looked at the gate before me.

The dungeon gate looked like a blue-black hole coming out of a sci-fi movie. The dungeon in school has metal doors with mini whirlpools in between, perhaps due to artificial it didn't ignite any excitation in me.

"The thing in front of me is the real deal," I said.

Placing his hand on his back Aaron explain the plans.

"We will not hunt the boss monster. We will take our sweet time to squeeze as much we can".

Everyone chuckled hearing his speech. Our team consist of five people. Esper and Agnus are both 3 stars. Aaron 6 star and Morgana 4 star. With Aaron, we don't have to fear anything in this E rank dungeon.

"Now let's enter Lucas you will act as porter and supporter. Don't take the risk. Now let's depart".

The real thing was quite different from the academy. It was a different experience, when I entered I felt a loss of my senses. My vision went dark and my ears become numb devoid of any sound. The dungeon gate seemed to be a portal that came out of the computer games. The blue light enveloped our body and space around us fluctuates with mana.

As soon I entered my stomach started churning. I tried to hold it in forcefully but it failed. The amount of mana it was emitting was quite suffocating for me.


After pouring out I looked to find other seems to be somewhat fine.

Aaron patted on my shoulder and spoke"Take your time. You needn't feel embarrassed we were all in the same position as you."

Nodding my head, I looked around. The world looks like fantasy. The first thing I noticed was the sky which looked deep blue oceanic along with green wavelength just like Aurora Borealis. The dungeon has vast plains with huge trees. I leaned on a tree for a few minutes while others discussed the plans.

The environment was clean and refreshing. I was overwhelmed by the beauty. I stared at the beautiful sun behind the mountain. If not being in a dungeon it would be a romantic hotspot for the couple. I felt the pain of a loner. But the one entered will know that the beauty is just a veil to the dangers inside.

I suddenly felt energy fluctuations across my surroundings.

"Brace yourself we are going for the hunt".

" Hunt".I was astonished at the sudden change.

"Monsters are nearby. Kid are you afraid".

" Somewhat".

"Just watch first. Don't worry too much just learn".

Nodding my head I looked forward.

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Six trolls were walking towards us.

" I will take the front ones. Agnus behind. Morgana just do what you like".

Saying that Aaron pulled out a large axe and jumped forward.


With one swing he cut the first troll in half and with a kick he sent three trolls flying.

My jaw dropped watching the sudden burst of strength. All trolls that were E rank were sent flying like paper.

Morgana bombarded the remaining trolls with the spells. A troll wanted to sneak on her from behind.

But Agnus with his shield thrashes him into the tree behind. An axe flew towards it ending its life.


"Leave your back to me. Enjoy your heart content".

My mouth twitched seeing their interaction. I looked at Esper who seemed too bored.

Except for me, everyone was behaving as if we are taking a small stroll in the garden. If I fought with the troll I will be crushed before unsheathing my sword.

"Captain why did you cut the troll in half. Its body is completely damaged. We can't sell. It's completely waste"Esper come forward reminding him.

Aaron scratched his head saying I didn't think they would be so weak.

"Pfftt".Morgana laughed seeing her captain shamelessly. " Captain you alone can clear the dungeon with your strength ".

" Let's not waste time two of them are still alive. They are just unconscious".

"Captain can I kill them".

Everyone looked at me with surprise.

" Please I just want to experience killing an E rank monster".

"Okay be careful. I will guard you. You also don't let your guard down".

Unsheathing my baby which has been sleeping, I aimed at the head of the half-dead troll

Swiss. With a swift slash, I separate his head from the body.

[You have gained 17,045 experience]

" Holy shit".I couldn't help but curse out of joy. 17,000 for one E rank. If this is not a jackpot then what it is.

If can earn closer to 200,000. Not only I can upgrade to the golden bloodline I can buy intermediate grade potions and sell them on market for between 3-5 million R. My eyes sparkled with money.

"Lucas are you alright. I understand seeing blood for the first time is quite suffocating" Aaron's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I was in no hurry to clear up the misunderstanding. Nodding my head I went towards the next troll that was unconscious.


[You have gained 15,176 experience].

Nodding my head in satisfaction I went toward others.

Agnus came towards me offering water"Drink. You will get time to used to it".

All members of skies are quite kind. I took the bottle and closed my eyes for a second. Though it was my third time-killing, I was still not used to it. It keeps me reminded as if I am a murderer.


Drinking water we marched forward. Aaron and Morgana are at the front. Me at the middle with Agnus and Esper at back.

As we moved forward the soil started to dry. The tree changed to wither. The plains we were seeing was changing to a dead area.

"We are in the outskirts of troll territory. Trolls ate dimwit they destroy most of the things here".Aaron was quite dissatisfied.



Khurch. Right.

" There are two trolls nearby. One of them is F rank. It's not fully mature. Lucas do you want to try".

"Yes, I want to fight".

" We will watch your back. Don't overdo it".

"Morgana take on the other".

Holding my sword I move forward. The pressure from Frank troll was quite heavy. If not for my fighting prowess being F-, he would have knocked me out by the pressure only.

The troll was using a wooden club as its weapon. Its strength and speed were above me. So keeping my distance I tried to create air currents to annoy him.

A small arc of wind current flew towards. Using the club he destroyed it easily. It neared the distance in just three steps. I was surprised still I prepared beforehand.

I rolled to the side and stood up. I slash my sword towards its shoulder. With another hand, it parried my sword.


I took 10 steps back at the first encounter. My hands were numb. His strength was surely a league above me but it wasn't enough to deter me.

The troll gave me a smug smile. Trolls are being with huge bodies and fewer brains. The troll before me looked down at me.

It was good. I think I should give him a surprise.

Gripping my sword I activated my flash steps. My speed can now match the troll.

The troll seems surprised at my sudden increase in speed but still, it looked down on me like a worm.

I threw a faint slash. He thought of finishing me with this attack. But just as I was to hit his club I changed my sword direction. Taking out my left hand.

"Fireball" The fireball hit his face.

pᴀɴda nᴏvel Shriekkkk. Kurghh.

Unable to compile what happened to scream in agony. The surprise sneaks sure caught him.

Cutting his head seemed difficult as it was swingy his club in panic. Without waiting for him to recover I decided to cut his legs.


With a clean-cut, I cut his limbs. The troll being F ranked before my D ranked sword its flesh offered no resistance.

He fell on his back screaming. The scream was making wavering me in to kill it. I was afraid if I drag longer I will not able to kill him.

Still, the excitement of defeating a stronger opponent for the first time pulled me out of my thoughts.

With a huge swing, I finally sealed my victory over his death.

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