The Extra's Survival

Chapter 56 - Student Council

Chapter 56 - Student Council

Out of 400 students in our batch, only 280 of us were managed to make up to here while the rest passed out due to fatigue.

Everybody had to clear the course before leaving, the words spoken by Roy was just a pretence. The instructors were monitoring each student and would withdraw them when their bodies couldn't able to endure any more.

Students started leaving one after one. As this was the first day of our training and as many of us were out of breath, the classes in the afternoon were cancelled for today. Lucas looked for Roan, to see whether he was able to make it through the course or have given up in the middle.

But contrary to Lucas's expectations, he cleared it but passed out after crossing the finish line. After he regained his consciousness, he left for the room immediately to recover.

pᴀɴda nᴏvel As Lucas have nothing much to do, he went to the cafeteria where he saw many students had fallen asleep the tore due to the fatigue after taking in the lunch.

Even Lucas was barely able to keep himself up from falling out.

So that's how begin our daily torture session. Someday his body ached too much that the devil inside him tempts him to take the potions. He was barely able to overcome the urge to take potions to remove his fatigue.

At the beginning of the academy sessions, Lucas used to take a low-level stamina potion and a healing potion to overcome his soreness and fatigue when he started his training.

But he stopped later on as Aaron advised him not to take potions unnecessarily and recovery potions shouldn't be used especially after the training, as it will lower the training efficiency.

Still, he persisted through the hellish training and gave his all to increase his speed to finish the course.

Although they have explained previously why they started this workout session later after experiencing it, many got it after experiencing the nightmare themselves.

If we were to go through this at the beginning of the session some students would have a mental breakdown, if they are suddenly trained like this without getting time to adapt themselves.

Even Lucas would have a mental breakdown if he was forced to go through this type of routine without building sufficient mental resilience.

Lucas victory over Fredrick was short-lived, as Fredrick overtook him after that day but Lucas wasn't the one to give up easily.

Although Lucas hadn't gone through a breakthrough still he felt his senses and his stamina had been improving gradually.

He can feel himself quite stronger than before the training. The workout session not only tests your body limits but also increases your mental resilience to endure and overcome the pain in the workout session.


In the classroom.

Ami was informing them about the clubs.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Today all of you have to gather at the auditorium for a short address of the student council, after that each of you has to select a club suitable for your growth."

"The President of Student Council will give a short speech about the club and its functioning. Some of the talented ones among you can be admitted to Student Council. If you were able to join them you don't need to join another club. "Miss Ami explained about the clubs.

"Don't just choose any club listening to others describing club benefits. While it may sound pleasing to ears but it may also hinder your growth."

" Joining a good club can give you an extra push to improve yourself."

"That's all after the class gather in the auditorium."

The students started to whisper among themselves as they got excited about joining the clubs.

Joining clubs was a wide event where second and third years try to recruit new members for their clubs.

There are quite several clubs for the students to choose from. This is also a time when we will be able to frequently get in contact with the seniors.

Because each year is separated, we didn't get many chances to meet and interact with the other years.

If we are lucky we can also meet the fourth year who are quite busy completing the missions and one can rarely find them in the academy.

Clubs are an essential part of the curriculum as it allows students to mix among themselves and get to know each other.

There are two courses on the horizon.

Hero's course and Hero's Support Course.

The ones in the hero's course can take part in the club which teaches in hero's support course, for example, alchemy consists of potion-making, blacksmithing, forging, equipment making, chefs who are specialized in cooking higher monster meat which replenishes your mana on the meeting, in inventing new technology, modernization etc.

Out of all clubs, there are five primary clubs which are mainly for fighting and consist of swords clubs, spear clubs, Martial arts club, Mage club and Archery clubs which are suited for ones who want to be proficient in the particular field.

There are even minor clubs consisting of acting, dancing and other useless clubs where face values are required. There is also a noble club consisting of good for nothing arrogant fellows who just show their backing wasting their time.

Students Council which manages the clubs consists of three parts, the Disciplinary Committee, Financial Department and Volunteers of Student Councils.

Each department heads its own President and Vice-President which is headed by the President and Vice President of the whole council.

All of their coordinates to maintain the whole student's body.

You can't join the student council on your own accord. The member of the student's council will analyse the students who are worthy of joining and ask them to join the council.

Joining the student council can boost your reputation as well you can have an authority in your respective year.

Lucas found Roan and moved with him to the auditorium where the president gonna give the speech. He pushed Roan forward as they moved along the crowd at the entrance. Though Roan of now is better, he still behaves as a nerd in the presence of the huge crowd. So Lucas decided to push him through the crowd.

We looked vertically at a white building in front of us and admired its magnificent architecture. It was not modern architecture and it was said to be almost 500 years old adding a rustic charm to it.

"Roan move. We can't stand here for the whole day." Lucas snapped Roan to his senses and made thier away squeezing themselves for space to walk through the crowd, as today all 4000 students of the first year gonna be present in the venue.

As Lucas stepped inside, he flinched seeing how wide and big the auditorium was from inside, filled with students chatting with their friends while some people have met for the first time.

Mixing of all the students looked quite exciting, if not for our hierarchical society.

" Let's find a seat quickly before every seat is taken"This time it was Roan turn to wake up Lucas from his thoughts.

He chuckled listening to Roan speech as this big auditorium was enough for 20000 people.

Eventually, they found a seat at the back rows as the front seats were all taken by the nobles or one can say they are all reserved for the nobles followed by their lackeys behind them and finally at the last commoner like us.

Still, the view was not bad at the top and it was quite relaxing and no one would notice us even if take a small nap.

Getting bored of looking around and just sitting here. Lucas stared at the stage which was still empty except for the single podium on it. He looked at the side of the stage to notice it was plated in gold.

Previously he have heard from history teachers that this place was used for playing operas and concerts and plays for nobles before the invention of televisions. But even after many centuries, this place had been standing proudly as it had been taken care of very well.

Suddenly a small haze focused into form and the students saw Vice Principal Josh appearing out of nowhere standing behind the podium.

Vice Principal Josh had his eyes closed but as he opened his eyes he seemed to be looking straight at us noticing the expression of each student before him.

As the students noticed him, they erupted in cheers at the sudden appearance of the Vice-Principal. Smiling he raised his hands and all the noise stopped as if they never existed.

"I welcome everyone here, the future powerhouse of the next generation. It has been a minimum of three months since we had last met. In this short period, I can see all of you have grown splendidly both in physical and mental aspects.

In my absence, you have suffered quite a bit during the exams where your lives were at risk", He paused for a second before rolling his eyes looking at all of the teachers and continued with his speech.

"So I humbly apologise if you have a grievance on the staffs of Horizon for their negligence and I asked you to please forgive us and I promise you that we will try our best to avoid incidents like this in future."

Students were stunned seeing a powerhouse of kingdom apologizing to them personally. Everyone breathed heavily listening to him and some even thought this was a dream after all who can believe this situation.

Raising his head he spoke"Being an old man, I have already taken quite a bit of your time with my usual chatter. So let's not waste any more time."

"So now please welcome the members of the student's council on thier entry to the stage who represents the entire student's faction and take parts in taking important decisions along with us. So please give them a huge round of applause."

After calling the member of the student council, his figure disappeared turning into mist surprising many.

Many were amused by his last words and started clapping which changed the heavy atmosphere which had been lingering.

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